Beyond the C++ Standard Library: An Introduction to Boost [Electronic resources] نسخه متنی

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Beyond the C++ Standard Library: An Introduction to Boost [Electronic resources] - نسخه متنی

Bjorn Karlsson

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Header: "boost/any.hpp"

The class any allows typesafe storage and retrieval of arbitrary types. Unlike indiscriminate types, any preserves the type, and actually does not let you near the stored value without knowing the correct type. Of course, there are means for querying for the type, and testing alternatives for the contained value, but in the end, the caller must know the exact type of the value in an any object, or any denies access. Think of any as a locked safe. Without the proper key, you cannot get in. any requires the following of the types it stores:

It must be possible to copy the type.

Non-throwing destructor
As all destructors should be!

For the strong exception guarantee (types that aren't assignable can still be used with any, but without the strong guarantee).

This is the public interface of any:

namespace boost {
class any {
any(const any&);
template<typename ValueType>
any(const ValueType&);
any& swap(any &);
any& operator=(const any&);
template<typename ValueType>
any& operator=(const ValueType&);
bool empty() const;
const std::type_info& type() const;



The default constructor creates an empty instance of anythat is, an any that doesn't contain a value. Of course, there is no way of retrieving the value of an empty any, because no value exists.

any(const any& other);

Creates a distinct copy of an existing any object. The value that is contained in other is copied and stored in this.

template<typename ValueType> any(const ValueType&);

This templated constructor stores a copy of the argument of type ValueType passed to the constructor. The argument is a const reference, so it is legal to pass a temporary object to be stored in any. Note that the constructor is not explicit, which would make typical uses of any awkward and would not impart additional safety.


The destructor destroys the contained value, but note that because the destruction of a raw pointer does not invoke operator delete or operator delete[] on the pointer, you should always wrap raw pointers in smart pointers such as shared_ptr (see "Library 1: Smart_ptr 1") when using pointers with any.

any& swap(any& other);

Exchanges the values stored by the two any objects.

any& operator=(const any& other);

Discards the stored value, if the instance of any is not empty, and stores a copy of the value in other.

template<typename ValueType>
any& operator=(const ValueType& value);

Discards the stored value, if the instance of any is not empty, and stores a copy of value, which can be of an arbitrary type that fulfills any's requirements.

bool empty() const;

Indicates whether an instance of any currently has a value, regardless of what that value is. Thus, when an any holds a pointer, empty returns false even if the pointer value is null.

const std::type_info& type() const;

Indicates the type of the stored value. If the any is empty, the type is void.

Free Functions

template<typename ValueType>
ValueType any_cast(const any& operand);

any_cast gives you access to the value stored in an any. The argument is the any whose value is to be retrieved. If the type ValueType does not correspond to the type of the stored value, any throws a bad_any_cast exception. Note that the syntax is like that of dynamic_cast.

template<typename ValueType>
const ValueType* any_cast(const any* operand);

This overloaded any_cast takes a pointer to any, and returns a pointer to the stored value. If the type in the any isn't ValueType, a null pointer is returned. Note, again, that the syntax is like that of dynamic_cast.

template<typename ValueType>
ValueType* any_cast(any* operand);

This overloaded any_cast is similar to the preceding version, but whereas the previous version used const-qualified pointers for return type and argument type, this version doesn't.



This exception is thrown when trying to cast an any object to a type other than the type stored in the any. bad_any_cast is derived from std::bad_cast. Note that when calling any_cast with a pointer argument, no exception is thrown (similar to how dynamic_cast with pointer types return the null pointer), whereas dynamic_cast to reference types throws an exception on failure.

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