Beyond the C++ Standard Library: An Introduction to Boost [Electronic resources] نسخه متنی

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Beyond the C++ Standard Library: An Introduction to Boost [Electronic resources] - نسخه متنی

Bjorn Karlsson

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Lambda Summary

Use Lambda when

You would otherwise create a simple function object

You need to tweak argument order or arity for function calls

You want to create standard-conforming function objects on-the-fly

You need flexible and readable predicates

The preceding reasons are just some of the cases where using this library makes perfect sense. Although the most common uses arise together with Standard Library algorithms, that's at least in part due to the fact that such designs still aren't very common in other libraries (the Boost libraries notwithstanding). Although the notion of algorithmic configuration through function objects needs no further proof of its usefulness, there is a long way to go before we reach conclusive insights into what domains clearly can benefit from such designs. Just by thinking about potential uses of this library is a sure way to improve your current designs.

Boost.Lambda is one of my favorite libraries, mainly because it offers so much accessible functionality that isn't otherwise provided by the language. As the STL made its way into the hearts of programmers all over the world, there was still something missing. To work efficiently with the algorithms, something more than function objects was required. Such was the impetus for Boost.Lambda, with its plethora of features that enable a truly concise programming style. There are many areas where lambda expressions are usable, but there is still much to be explored. This is to some degree functional programming in C++, which is a paradigm yet to be explored in full. This introduction to the Lambda library can empower you to continue that exploration. It's only fair to state that the syntax sometimes can be a bit clumsy compared to "real" functional programming languages, and that it does take some time for new users to get accustomed to it. But, likewise, it's fair to say that there is great value for any C++ programmer in this library! I hope it becomes one of your favorite libraries, too.

Many thanks to Jaakko Järvi and Gary Powell, the authors of this library and true pioneers of functional programming in C++!

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