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Building.Open.Source.Network.Security.Tools.Components.And.Techniques [Electronic resources] - نسخه متنی

Mike D. Schiffman

| نمايش فراداده ، افزودن یک نقد و بررسی
افزودن به کتابخانه شخصی
ارسال به دوستان
جستجو در متن کتاب
تنظیمات قلم


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افزودن یادداشت جدید

Sample Code–Clutch

The following two source files comprise the Clutch codebase. To preserve readability, we richly comment the code—but no book-text appears inside the code. You can download the full source files from this book's companion Web site at


* $Id: clutch.h,v 1.3 2002/05/05 19:30:20 route Exp $
* Building Open Source Network Security Tools
* clutch.h - libdnet example code
* Copyright (c) 2002 Mike D. Schiffman <>
* All rights reserved.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dnet.h>
/* mode types */
#define ARP 0x1
#define ROUTE 0x2
/* control flags */
#define VERBOSE 0x1
#define ENFORCE 0x2
/* simple macros for code clean up */
#define STEPOVER_WS (b) while (!isgraph(*b)) { b++; } #define STEPOVER_NONWS(b) while (isgraph(*b)) { b++; } struct clutch_pack
u_char flags; /* control flags */
arp_t *a; /* arp cache handle */
route_t *r; /* route table handle */
struct clutch_arp_entry *cae;/* linked list of arp cache entries */
struct clutch_route_entry *cre;/* linked list of route table
entries */
struct clutch_arp_entry
struct addr mac; /* ethernet address */
struct addr ip; /* ip address */
struct clutch_arp_entry *next; /* next entry in list */
struct clutch_route_entry
struct addr ip; /* ip address */
struct addr gw; /* gateway */
struct clutch_route_entry *next;/* next entry in list */
int init_clutch(struct clutch_pack *, char *);
int parse_config(struct clutch_pack *, FILE *);
int new_list_entry(struct clutch_pack **, int, struct addr *,
struct addr *);
char *get_time();
void free_cp(struct clutch_pack *);
int check_arp_cache(const struct arp_entry *, void *);
int check_route_table(const struct route_entry *, void *);
void usage(char *);
/* EOF */


* $Id: clutch.c,v 1.3 2002/05/05 19:30:20 route Exp $
* Building Open Source Network Security Tools
* clutch.c - libdnet example code
* Copyright (c) 2002 Mike D. Schiffman <>
* All rights reserved.
#include "./clutch.h"
main(int argc, char **argv)
int c, n, sleep_int;
char *filename;
struct clutch_pack cp;
printf("Clutch 1.0 [ARP cache / route table monitoring tool]\n");
printf("<ctrl-c> to quit\n");
sleep_int = 1;
filename = NULL;
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "c:ehs:v")) != EOF)
switch (c)
case 'c':
filename = optarg;
case 'e':
cp.flags |= ENFORCE;
case 'h':
case 'v':
cp.flags |= VERBOSE;
case 's':
sleep_int = atoi(optarg);
if (filename == NULL)
if (cp.flags & VERBOSE)
printf("Verbose mode is on.\n");
if (cp.flags & ENFORCE)
printf("Strict policy enforcement in effect.\n");
* Initialize the program. Open all file handles and parse the
* configuration file.
n = init_clutch(&cp, filename);
if (n == -1)
return (EXIT_FAILURE);
if (n == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "No rules to process!\n");
return (EXIT_FAILURE);
fprintf(stderr, "State database loaded (%d rule(s)).\n", n);
fprintf(stderr, "Program initialized, watching for
for (; ; sleep(sleep_int))
* Run through the ARP cache and routing table and check them
* against our rules to ensure no malcontents have tampered
* with them.
* One thing to notice about this program is that we don't
* explicitly free memory anywhere. This isn't considered a
* high priority however, since once we malloc memory for our
* state database, we need all of it until the program quits,
* in which case we rely on the operating system to reclaim
* our used resources. Besides, we're done at that point, so
* who cares!
if (arp_loop(cp.a, check_arp_cache, &cp) == -1)
fprintf(stderr, "error checking ARP cache\n");
if (route_loop(cp.r, check_route_table, &cp) == -1)
fprintf(stderr, "error checking route table\n");
init_clutch(struct clutch_pack *cp, char *filename)
int n;
FILE *fp;
/* open the config file passed in the by user at the CLI */
fp = fopen(filename, "r+");
if (fp == NULL)
perror("init_clutch: fopen");
return (-1);
/* get an ARP cache handle */
cp->a = arp_open();
if (cp->a == NULL)
perror("init_clutch: arp_open");
goto bad;
/* get a route table handle */
cp->r = route_open();
if (cp->r == NULL)
perror("init_clutch: route_open");
goto bad;
* Parse the configuration file and build the state table for
* Clutch.
n = parse_config(cp, fp);
if (n == -1)
fprintf(stderr, "parse_config fatal error\n");
goto bad;
return (n);
arp_close(cp-> a);
route_close (cp-> r);
return (-1);
parse_config(struct clutch_pack *cp, FILE *fp)
int l, m;
char buf[BUFSIZ];
char *mac_p, *ip_p, *gw_p, *end_p;
struct addr ip;
struct addr gw;
struct addr mac;
* Parse the config file with the following logic:
* - Ignore all lines beginning with "#" or a whitespace character
* - If a line starts with ARP, parse it as an ARP mapping:
* - Expect "x:x:x:x:x:x -> y.y.y.y"
* - Non-fatal continue error if there's a lexical problem
* - Otherwise store it in the ARP cache mapping list
* - If a line starts with INT, parse it as an interface entry:
* - Expect "device flags"
* - Non-fatal continue error if there's a lexical problem
* - Otherwise store it in the interface list
* - If a line starts with RTE, parse it as a route entry:
* - Expect "x.x.x.x -> y.y.y.y"
* - Non-fatal continue error if there's a lexical problem
* - Otherwise store it in the route table list
* - Everything else is a non-fatal error
l = 0;
m = 0;
while (fgets(buf, sizeof (buf) - 1, fp))
/* count configuration file lines */
if (isspace(buf[0]) || buf[0] == '#')
/* blank link or comment */
if (strstr(buf, "ARP"))
mac_p = buf;
ip_p = strstr(buf, "-> ");
if (ip_p == NULL)
goto error;
/* step past "ARP" */
mac_p += 3;
/* step past "->" */
ip_p += 2;
/* remove whitespace */
end_p = mac_p;
/* get to the end of the MAC */
while (isgraph(*end_p) && !(*end_p == '-'))
*end_p = NULL;
if (addr_aton(mac_p, &mac) == -1)
goto error;
/* remove whitespace */
end_p = ip_p;
/* get to the end of IP */
*end_p = NULL;
if (addr_aton(ip_p, &ip) == -1)
goto error;
/* scrape together some memory for the ARP entry here */
if (new_list_entry(&cp, ARP, &mac, &ip) == -1)
return (-1);
if ((cp->flags) & VERBOSE)
printf("added ARP mapping rule %s -> %s\n",
else if (strstr(buf, "RTE"))
ip_p = buf;
gw_p = strstr(buf, "->"); // find next part of the data
gw_p += 2;
ip_p += 3;
/* remove whitespace */
end_p = ip_p;
/* get to the end of IP */
while (isgraph(*end_p) && !(*end_p == '-'))
*end_p = NULL;
if (addr_aton(ip_p, &ip) == -1)
goto error;
/* remove whitespace */
end_p = gw_p;
*end_p = NULL;
if (addr_aton(gw_p, &gw) == -1)
goto error;
/* scrape together some memory for the route entry here */
if (new_list_entry(&cp, ROUTE, &ip, &gw) == -1)
return (-1);
if ((cp-> flags) & VERBOSE)
printf("added route table rule %s -> %s\n",
"unknown or malformed rule at line %03d\n", 1);
return (m);
new_list_entry(struct clutch_pack **cp, int type, struct addr *al,
struct addr *a2)
switch (type)
case ARP:
struct clutch_arp_entry *p;
if ((*cp)->cae == NULL)
/* create the head node on the list */
(*cp)-> cae = malloc(sizeof (struct clutch_arp_entry));
if ((*cp)-> cae == NULL)
return (-1);
memset((*cp)-> cae, 0, sizeof (struct clutch_arp_entry));
memcpy(&(*cp)-> cae->mac, al, sizeof (struct addr));
memcpy(&(*cp)->cae->ip, a2, sizeof (struct addr));
(*cp)-> cae-> next = NULL;
return (1);
/* walk to the end of the list */
for (p = (*cp)-> cae; p-> next; p = p-> next);
p->next = malloc(sizeof (struct clutch_arp_entry));
if (p-> next == NULL)
return (-1);
memset(p->next, 0, sizeof (struct clutch_arp_entry) );
p = p-> next;
memcpy(&p->mac, al, sizeof (struct addr));
memcpy(&p->ip, a2, sizeof (struct addr));
p->next = NULL;
return (1);
case ROUTE:
struct clutch_route_entry *p;
if ((*cp)-> cre == NULL)
/* create the head node on the list */
(*cp)-> cre = malloc(sizeof (struct clutch_route_entry));
if ((*cp)-> cre == NULL)
return (-1);
memset((*cp)-> cre, 0, sizeof (struct
memcpy(&(*cp)-> cre->ip, a1, sizeof (struct addr));
memcpy(&(*cp)-> cre->gw, a2, sizeof (struct addr));
(*cp)-> cre-> next = NULL;
return (1);
/* walk to the end of the list */
for (p = (*cp)->cre; p->next; p = p->next);
p->next = malloc(sizeof (struct clutch_route_entry));
if (p-> next == NULL)
return (-1);
memset(p->next, 0, sizeof (struct clutch_route_entry));
p = p-> next;
memcpy(&p->ip, al, sizeof (struct addr));
memcpy(&p->gw, a2, sizeof (struct addr));
p->next = NULL;
return (1);
return (-1);
return (-1);
check_arp_cache(const struct arp_entry *ae, void *cp)
struct clutch_pack *p;
struct clutch_arp_entry *cae;
const struct addr *pa;
const struct addr *ha;
p = (struct clutch_pack *)cp;
pa = &ae->arp_pa;
ha = &ae->arp_ha;
/* run through the ARP cache rules */
for (cae = (struct clutch_arp_entry *)p->cae; cae; cae = cae->next)
/* look for a hardware address match in the ARP cache */
if (addr_cmp(ha, &cae->mac) == 0)
/* does it match our rule? */
if (addr_cmp(pa, &cae->ip) ! = 0)
printf("[%s ARP cache rule violation: %s -> %s] \n",
get_time(), addr_ntoa(ha), addr_ntoa(pa));
if ( (p->flags) & VERBOSE)
printf("[entry should be: %s -> %s]\n",
addr_ntoa(&cae->mac), addr_ntoa(&cae->ip));
if ((p-> flags) & ENFORCE)
/* reset the entry back to what it should be */
if (arp_delete(p-> a, ae) == -1)
fprintf(stderr, "[can't reset ARP entry]\n");
/* setup new ARP entry */
struct arp_entry new_ae;
memcpy (&new_ae.arp_pa, &cae->ip,
sizeof (struct addr));
memcpy (&new_ae.arp_ha, &cae->mac,
sizeof (struct addr));
printf("[bogus ARP cache entry deleted]\n");
if (arp_add(p->a, &new_ae) == -1)
fprintf(stderr, "[can't reset ARP entry]\n");
printf("[correct ARP cache entry restred]\n");
return (0);
check_route_table(const struct route_entry *re, void *cp)
struct clutch_pack *p;
struct clutch_route_entry *cre;
const struct addr *dst;
const struct addr *gw;
p = (struct clutch_pack *)cp;
dst = &re->route_dst;
gw = &re->route_gw;
/* run through the route table rules */
for (cre = (struct clutch_route_entry *)p->cre; cre; cre = cre->next)
/* look for a destination IP match in the route table */
if (addr_cmp(dst, &cre->ip) == 0)
/* does it match our rule? */
if (addr_cmp(gw, &cre->gw) ! = 0)
printf("[%s route table rule violation: %s ->%s]\n",
get_time(), addr_ntoa(dst), addr_ntoa(gw));
if ((p-> flags) & VERBOSE)
printf("[entry should be: %s -> %s]\n",
addr_ntoa(&cre->ip), addr_ntoa(&cre->gw));
if ((p->flags) & ENFORCE)
/* reset the entry back to what it should be */
if (route_delete(p->r, re) == -1)
fprintf(stderr, "[can't reset route entry]\n");
/* setup new route entry */
struct route_entry new_re;
memcpy (&new_re.route_dst, &cre->ip,
sizeof (struct addr));
memcpy (&new_re.route_gw, &cre->gw,
sizeof (struct addr));
printf ("[bogus route table entry deleted]\n");
if (route_add(p->r, &new_re) == -1)
fprintf(stderr, "[can't reset rte
"[correct route table entry
return ( 0 );
char *
int i ;
time_t t;
static char buf[26];
t = time((time_t *)NULL);
strcpy(buf, ctime(&t));
/* cut out the day, year and \n */
for (i = 0; i < 20; i++)
buf[i]= buf[i + 4];
buf[15]= 0;
return (buf);
usage(char *name)
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [options] -c config_file:\n"
"-c filename\tconfiguration file\n"
"-e\t\tenforce rules rather than just warn\n"
"-h\t\tthis jonk here\n"
"-s\t\tsleep interval in seconds\n"
"-v\t\tbe more verbose\n", name);
/* EOF */

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