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Building.Open.Source.Network.Security.Tools.Components.And.Techniques [Electronic resources] - نسخه متنی

Mike D. Schiffman

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Sample Code–Sift

The following two source files comprise the Sift codebase. To preserve readability, we richly comment the code but do not include book-text inside the code. You can download the full source files from this book's companion Web site at


* $Id: sift.h.v 1.3 2002/05/17 05:55:29 route Exp $
* Building Open Source Network Security Tools
* sift.h - Vulnerability Scanning Technique example code
* Copyright (c) 2002 Mike D. Schiffman <>
* All rights reserved.
#include <libnet.h>
#include <pcap.h>
/* misc defines */
#define SNAPLEN 150 /* 150 bytes should cover us nicely */
#define PROMISC 0 /* dont need to be in promise mode */
#define TIMEOUT 0 /* no timeout, return immediately */
#define SOURCE_PORT 31337 /- we are */
tdefine FILTER "udp port 53" /* only DNS responses please */
tdefine NETWORK_TIMEOUT 3 /* 3 seconds and we're crying foul */
/* sitt return codes */
#define TIMEDOUT 0 /* no response */
fdefine NO_ANSWER 1 /* a response without an answer */
#define RESPONSE 2 /* a response with an answer */
/* DNS flags */
#define DNS_NOTIMPL 0x0004
#define DNS_SERVFAILED 0x0002
#define DNS_FORMATERR 0x0001
* The chaos class query resource record:
* 07 'V' 'E' R' 'S' 'I' '0' 'N' 04 'B' 'I' 'N' 'D' 00 16 00 03
u_char chaos_query[] = {0x07, 0x76, 0x65, 0x72, 0x73, 0x69,
0x6f, 0x6e, 0x04, 0x62, 0x69, 0x6e,
0x64, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x03};
#define CHAOS_QUERY_S 18 /* our chaos class RR is 18 bytes */
/* sift statistics structure */
struct sift_stats
u_long total_queries; /* total queries sent */
u_long total_responses; /* total responses received */
u_long valid_responses; /* real responses received */
u_long timed_out; /* total timeouts */
u_long timed_out_resolving; /* total timeouts resolving */
u_long not_implemented; /* DNS servers NI */
u_long server_failed; /* DNS server failed */
u_long format_error; /* DNS server format errors */
/* sift control context */
struct sift_pack
pcap_t *p; /* pcap descriptor */
libnet_t *1; /* libnet descriptor */
FILE *in_hosts; /* file to read hosts from */
FILE *in_db; /* file to read db from */
u_char *packet; /* everyone's favorite: packet! */
struct pcap_pkthdr h; /* pcap packet header */
libnet_ptag_t dns; /* DNS header */
libnet_ptag_t udp; /* UDP header */
libnet_ptag_t ip; /* IP header */
u_long src_ip; /* source ip */
u_long dst_ip; /* host to scan */
u_short id; /* session id */
u_char to; /* packet read timeout */
u_char cnt; /* probe count */
u_char flags; /* control flags */
struct sift_stats stats; /* statistics */
char errbuf[LIBNET_ERRBUF_SIZE];
struct sift_pack *sift_init(char *, char *, u_char, u_char, u_char,
char *);
void sift_destroy(struct sift_pack *);
void sift(struct sift_pack *);
void sift_stats(struct sift_pack *);
int build_packet(struct sift_pack *, char *);
int write_packet(struct sift_pack *);
int receive_packet (struct sift_pack *);
void cleanup(int);
int catch_sig(int, void(*)());
void usage(char *);
/* EOF */


* $Id: sift.c,v 1.3 2002/05/17 05:55:29 route Exp $
* Building Open Source Network Security Tools
* sift.c - Vulnerability Scanning Technique example code
* Copyright (c) 2002 Mike D. Schiffman <>
* All rights reserved.
#include "./sift.h"
int loop = 1;
main(int argc, char **argv)
int c;
u_char to, cnt, flags;
char *device;
struct sift_pack *sp;
char errbuf[LIBNET_ERRBUF_SIZE], file[64];
printf("Sift 1.0 [DNS Version scanning tool]\n");
to = 0;
cnt = 0;
flags = 0;
device = NULL;
memset (&file, NULL, sizeof (file));
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "hi:r:t:")) != EOF)
switch (c)
case 'h':
case 'i':
device = optarg;
case 'r':
cnt = atoi(optarg);
case 't':
to = atoi(optarg);
c = argc - optind;
if (c != 1)
/* target IPs */
strncpy(file, argv[optind], sizeof (file) - 1);
sp = sift_init(device, file, flags, to, cnt, errbuf);
if (sp == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "sift_init() failed: %s\n", errbuf);
goto done;
printf("<ctrl-c> to quit\n");
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
struct sift_pack *
sift_init(char *device, char *file, u_char flags, u_char to, u_char cnt, char *errbuf)
struct sift_pack *sp;
struct bpf_program filter_code;
bpf_u_int32 local_net, netmask;
int one;
* We want to catch the interrupt signal so we can inform the user
* how many packets we captured before we exit.
if (catch_sig(SIGINT, cleanup) == -1)
sprintf(errbuf, "can't catch SIGINT signal. /n");
return (NULL);
sp = malloc(sizeof (struct sift_pack));
if (sp == NULL)
snprintf(errbuf, LIBNET_ERRBUF_SIZE, strerror(errno));
return (NULL)
/* open the host list */
sp->in_hosts = fopen(file, "r");
if (sp->in_hosts == NULL)
snprintf(errbuf, LIBNET_ERRBUF_SIZE, strerror (errno));
return (NULL);
sp->id = getpidO;
sp->flags = flags;
sp->to = to == 0 ? NETWORK_TIMEOUT : to;
sp->cnt = cnt;
* If device is NULL, that means the user did not specify one and
* is leaving it up libpcap / libnet to find one. We'll use
* libpcap's lookup routine, but they're both from the same
* codebase so it doesn't matter... ;)
if (device == NULL)
device = pcap_lookupaev(errbuf);
if (device == NULL)
return (NULL);
* Open the packet capturing device with the following values:
* SNAPLEN: We shouldn't need more than 150 bytes
* PROMISC: off
*/ sp->p = pcap_open_live(device, SNAPLEN, PROMISC, TIMEOUT, errbuf);
if (sp->p == NULL)
return (NULL);
* BPF, by default, will buffer packets inside the kernel until
* either the timer expires (which we do not use) or when the
* buffer fills up. This is not sufficient for us since we could
* miss responses to our probes. So we set BIOCIMMEDIATE to tell
* BPF to return immediately when it gets a packet. This is pretty
* much the same behavior we see with Linux which returns every
* time it sees a packet. This is less than efficient since we're
* spending more time interrupting the kernel, but hey, we gotta
* get our work done!
* We don't check for error here on purpose. Since we're not
* doing any robust precompilation configuration via autoconf
* we can't be sure if this system supports BPF. As such we'll
* just try the ioctl and if it fails - so be it. We'll assume
* the system does not support the ioctl(). This IS pretty naive.
* For the right way to do this, see Chapter 12. Also we do hope
* that this ioctl() won't cause unexpected side effects on non
* bpf-enabled machines.
one = 1;
if (ioctl(pcap_fileno(sp- p), BIOCIMMEDIATE, &one) 0)
/* it's ok if this fails... */
* We need to make sure this is Ethernet. The DLT_EN10MB specifies
* standard 10MB and higher Ethernet.
if (pcap_datalink(sp- p) != DLT_EN10KB)
sprintf(errbuf, "Sift only works with ethernet.\n");
return (NULL);
/* get the subnet mask of the interface */
if (pcap_lookupnet(device, &local_net, &netmask, errbuf) == -1)
snprintf(errbuf, LIBNET_ERRBUF_SIZE, "pcap_lookupnet()");
return (NULL);
/* compile the BPF filter code */
if (pcap_compile(sp- p, &filter_code, FILTER, 1, netmask) == -1)
snprintf(sp->errbuf, LIBNET_ERRBUF_SIZE, "pcap_compile(): %s" '
return (NULL);
/* apply the filter to the interface */
if (pcap_setfilter(sp- p, &filter_code) == -1)
snprintf(sp->errbuf, LIBNET_ERRBUF_SIZE, "pcap_setfilter(): %s" '
pcap_geterr(sp- p));
return (NULL);
sp->l = libnet_init(LIBNET_RAW4, device, errbuf);
if (sp->l == NULL)
return (NULL);
/* set the source address of our interface */
sp->src_ip = Iibnet_get_ipaddr4(sp->l);
return (sp);
sift_destroy(struct sift_pack *sp)
if (sp)
ir (sp->p)
pcap_close (sp->p);
if (sp->l)
if (sp->in_hosts)
catch_sig(int signo, void (*handler)())
struct sigaction action;
action.sa_handler = handler;
action.sa_flags = 0;
if (sigaction(signo, &action, NULL) == -1)
return (-1);
return (1);
sift(struct sift_pack *sp)
u_char retry_cnt;
char host[128];
retry_cnt = 0;
/* pull entries from the host list and send queries */
while (fgets(host, sizeof (host) - 1, sp->in_hosts) && loop)
if (host[0] == '#')
/* ignore comments */
/* remove the newline */
host[strlen(host) - 1] = 0;
/* build a chaos query packet using host as the destination */
if (build_packet(sp, host) == -1)
fprintf(stderr, "build_packet(): %s", sp- errbuf);
/* set retry counter, accounting for the probe just sent */
sp->cnt ? retry_cnt = sp->cnt - 1 : 0;
/* write query the network */
if (write_packet(sp) == -1)
fprintf(stderr, "write_packet(): %s", sp->errbuf);
sp->stats. total_queries++;
fprintf(stderr, "Chaos class query to %s: t",
libnet_addr2name4(sp- dst_ip, 0));
/* read the response handling timeouts if so configured */
if (receive__packet (sp) == TIMEDOUT)
/* timed out, check for retry */
if (retry_cnt)
goto retry;
build_packet(struct sift_pack *sp, char *host)
u_long packet_size;
packet_size = LIBNET_IPV4_H + LI3NET_UDP_H + LIBNET_DNSV4_H +
* Increment the session id per packet. We do this in case a DNS
* server happened to respond late to a query we had already deemed
* expired. If we used the same transaction id for every query,
* these late comers could give us false results.
+ + sp->id;
* Build a dns chaos class query request packet. As before, we
* save the ptag after the first usage so future calls will modify
* this packet header template rather than build a new one.
sp->dns = Iibnet_build_dnsv4(
sp->id, /* transaction id */
0x0100, /* flags (request) */
1, /* 1 question RR */
0, /* no answer RR */
0, /* no authority RR */
0, /* no additional RR */
chaos_query, /* payload */
CHAOS_QUERY_S, /* payload size */
sp->l, /* libnet context */
sp->dns); /* ptag */
if (sp->dns == -1)
sprintf(sp->errbuf, "Can't build DNS header: %s /n",
return (-1);
* The UDP header only has to be built once. Checksums will have
* to be recomputed everytime since the DNS header is changing
* but we don't need to modify the header explicitly after it's
* built.
sp->udp = libnet_build_udp(
SOURCE_PORT, /* source port */
53, /* destination port */
0, /* checksum */
NULL, /* payload */
0, /* payload size */
sp->l, /* libnet context */
sp->udp); /* ptag */
if (sp->udp == -1)
sprintf(sp->errbuf, "Can't build UDP header: %s /n",
return (-1);
/* resolve the host in a big endian number */
if ((sp->dst_ip = libnet_name2addr4(sp->l, host,
sprintf(sp->errbuf, "%s (%s)\n", libnet_geterror(sp->l), host);
return (-1);
* After building it, we'll need to update the IP header every time
* with the new address.
sp->ip = Iibnet_build_ipv4(
packet_size, /* total packet size */
0, /* type of service */
242, /* identification */
0, /* fragmentation */
64, /* time to live */
IPPROTO_UDP, /* protocol */
0, /* checksum */
sp->src_ip, /* source */
sp- dst_ip, /* destination */
NULL, /* payload */
0, /* payload size */
sp->l, /* libnet context */
sp->ip); /* ptag */
if (sp->ip == -1)
sprintf(sp->errbuf, "Can't build IP header: %s\n",
return (-1);
return (-1);
write_packet(struct sift_pack *sp)
int c;
c = libnet_write(sp->l);
if (c == -1)
sprintf(sp->errbuf, "libnet_write(): %s /n",
return (c);
receive_pacKec(btrucu sift_pack *sp;
u_short ip_hl;
u_char *payload;
char version[128];
fd_set read_set;
u_short count, offset;
struct timeval timeout;
struct Iibnet_ipv4_hdr *ip;
struct Iibnet_dnsv4_hdr *dns;
int c, j, 1, m, timed_out, pcap_fd;
timeout.tv_sec = sp->to;
timeout.tv_usec = 0;
pcap_fd = pcap_fileno(sp->p);
FD_SET(pcap_fd, &read_set);
/* run through the packet capturing loop until a timeout or ctrl-c */
for (timed_out = 0; !timed_out && loop; )
/* synchronous I/O multiplexing */
c = select(pcap_fd + 1, &read_set, 0, 0, fctimeout);
switch (c)
case -1:
snprintf(sp->errbuf, LIBNET_ERRBUF_SIZE,
"select() %s", strerror(errno));
return (-1);
case 0:
timed_out = 1;
if (FD_ISSET(pcap_fd, &read_set) == 0)
timed_out = 1;
/* fall through to read the packet */
sp->packet = (u_char *)pcap_next(sp->p, &sp->h);
if (sp->packet == NULL)
* We have to be careful here as pcap_next() can return
* NULL if the timer expires with no data in the packet
* buffer or under some special circumstances under linux.
ip = (struct Iibnet_ipv4_hdr *)(sp- packet + LIBNET_ETH_H);
if (ip->ip_src.s_addr == sp->src_ip)
/* packets we send are of no interest to us here. */
ip_hl = ip->ip_hl << 2;
dns = (struct Iibnet_dnsv4_hdr *)(sp- packet + LIBNET_ETH_H +
ip_hl + LIBNET_UDP_H);
/* check to see if this is a response to our query */
if (ntohs(dns->id) == sp->id)
/* check to see if the CHAOS class is implemented */
if ((ntohs(dns- flags) & DNS_NOTIMPL))
fprintf(stderr, "not implemented /n");
return (NO_ANSWER);
/* check to see if the server failed */
if ((ntohs(dns- flags) & DNS_SERVFAILED))
fprintf(stderr, "server failed /n");
sp->stats. server_failed++;
return (NO_ANSWER);
/* check to see if there was a format error */
if ((ntohs(dns- flags) & DNS_FORMATERR))
fprintf (stderr, "format error\n");
return (NO_ANSWER);
* Every response to our chaos class query should have our
* original uncompressed question in it. As such we can
* safely point payload past that query rr directly to
* the answer rr which is what we want to parse.
payload = (u_char *)(sp- packet + LIBNET_ETH_H + ip_hl +
* Some DNS servers will be smart and compress their
* response to our query. We check for that case here.
if (payload[0] & 0xcO)
* When the two high-order bits are set (values
* 192 - 255) it indicates the response is compressed.
* Shave off the low-order 14 bits to determine the
* offset. It's pretty bitwise code but unfortunately
* we have no use for it in this version.
offset = (payload[0j << 0x08 | payloadfl]) & 0x3fff;
* The llth and 12th bytes will contain the count
* (number of bytes) of the answer.
count = payload[10] << 0x08 | payload[11];
j = 12;
* If we're not compressed step over the 24 bytes of
* answer stuff we don't care about.
count = payload[22] << 0x08 | payload[23] ;
j = 24;
* Our buffer to hold the version info is only 128 bytes
* and we need to account for the terminating NULL.
count > 127 ? count =127 : count ;
memset (version, 0, 128);
* Run through the payload pulling out only the printable
* ASCII characters which are between 0x21 (!) and 0x7e
* (~).
for (1 = 0, m = 0; 1 < count; 1++)
if (payload[j + 1] = 0x21 && payloadtj + 1] = 0x7e)
version[m] = payload[j + 1];
/* report the version to the user */
fprintf(stderr, "%s /n", version);
return (RESPONSE);
/* we timed out waiting for a response */
fprintf(stderr, "*\n");
return (TIMEDOUT);
cleanup(int signo)
loop = 0;
printf("Interrupt signal caught... /n");
sift_stats(struct sift_pack *sp)
printf("Sift statistics: /n"
"total queries sent:\t\t%41d\n"
"total responses received:\t%41d\n"
"total valid responses received:\t%41d\n"
"total timeouts:\t\t\t%41d\n"
"total timeouts resolving:\t%41d\n"
"total not implemented:\t\t%41d\n"
"total server failed:\t\t%41d\n"
"total format errors:\t\t%41d\n",
sp->stats.total_gueries, sp->stats.total_responses,
sp->stats.valid_responses, sp->stats.timed_out,
sp->stats.not_implemented, sp->stats.server_failed,
sp->stats. forma error);
usage(char *name)
printf("usage %s [options] host_file\n"
"-h\t\tthis blurb you see right here\n"
"-i device\tspecify a device\n"
"-r count\tnumber of times to retry the guery\n"
"-t timeout\tseconds to wait for a response\n", name);
/* EOF */

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