Janabe -e- Fida
In the name of Allah the Beneficient the Merciful
The Muslims in the life time of the Prophet (saw ) were brought up
to learn the Quran as _Ibadat_ ( Devotion ), to recite it as _Devotion_, to
write it down as _Devotion_, to teach their children and other people and
make them learn it by heart and understand it as _Devotion_. They became
so familiar with it that they used the Verses of the Holy Quran in their
daily conversation. History records that Janab e Fidah, the noble Abysinian
housemaid of Hazrat Fatima Az Zahra, the Lady of Paradise, the daughter of
the Holy Prophet ( saw ) was in the habit of using the verses and words of
the Quran in her Conversation.
Abul Qasim Qashiri relates the dialogue between Fidah and
Abdullah bin Mubarak; I saw a woman passing through the desert who had
fallen behind the caravan, and asked her " Who are You and where are you
from ?."
She said : " Say Sallam !.... Soon shall ye know it ."
( Chapter 6 Verse 67 )
I learned that she expected me to greet her and say Assalam o
Alaikum first, before any question. I did as she reminded, and inquired why
she was in this desert.
She answered :
" Whomesoever God guideth, then none shall beguille . "
( Chapter 39 Verse 37 )
I gathered that she was left behind and thus restless, so I asked
again are you a human being or a jinn ?
She returned :
" O children of Adam ! Be Ye adorned at every time of prostration ."
( Chapter 7 Verse 31 )
I discovered that she was a human being, so I continued my
Where are You coming from ?
She said : ".... Who are called to from a place far off. "
( Chapter 41 Verse 44 )
I found out that she was coming from a place far off and
inquired her destination.
She immediately responded :
" ........ And for God is incumbent upon mankind the Pilgrimage of
the House..... " ( Chapter 3 Verse 97 )
I realized that she was going for Hajj ( Pilgrimage of the Kaaba ),
and asked her how many days she had been travelling ?
She told me :
" Indeed created We ( God ) the heavens and the earth
and what is between them to in Six days . "
(Chapter 7 Verse 54 ) and ( Chapter 50 Verse 38 )
I concluded it was six days. I requested her to have food and
water if she was so inclined.
She politely indicated :
" We ( God ) made them not such bodies that do not eat food, and
they will not abide ( in this world ) for ever. " ( Chapter 21
Verse 8 )
She accepted my refreshment. Then to catch the caravan,
I suggested her to make haste.
She reminded me again :
" God tasks not any soul beyond ( individual ) ability...... "
( Chapter 2 Verse 286 )
I told her that if she could'nt do so, let her ride on the back of my
camel behind me.
She recited another Quranic Verse :
" If there were therein gods besides Allah, then verily both ( the
heavens and the earth ) would have been disordered ...."
( Chapter 21 Verse 22 )
It was a reminder of piety that when a man was not a husband of
a woman, it was un-lawful to ride together on the same animal. [ It is an
Islamic Law concerning the relatives of persons of prohibited degree -
Namahiram ].
Qashiri says that he got down and requested her to ride the
She occupied the seat and recited :
" Hallowed is He who subjected this ( animal ) unto us ."
( Chapter 43 Verse 13 ).
She thanked Allah who brought the animal under her control. When
we reached the caravan, I asked her do you know any one among them ?
She recounted :
" O Dawud ( David ), We have appointed thee a vicegerent in the
earth .........."
( Chapter 38 Verse 26 );
" And Muhammad is not but an Apostle ...... "
( Chapter 3 Verse 144 );
" O Yahya ( John the Baptist ) ! Hold thou the Book fast !"
( Chapter 19 Verse 12 );
" O Musa ( Moses ) ! Verily it is, I am God the All-Mighty ."
( Chapter 27 Verse 9 )
I understood that Dawud, Muhammad, Yahya and Musa were the names of
her sons. When the boys appeared, I asked her who they were ?
She said in her habitual manner :
" Wealth and Children are the adornment of this World "
(Chapter 18 Verse 46 )
I recognized them as her sons. The woman looked at her
sons with the feeling of contentment and uttered
" ... O my father ! Employ him verily the best of those
who canst employ is the strongman and trusted ones. "
( Chapter 28 Verse 26 )
In these words of the Quran, she informed the sons
indicating towards me that
" ..... This man offered me a gift ( i.e help ), so
verliy God giveth manifold increase to whomsoever He willeth . "
( Chapter 2 Verse 261 )
The sons grasped their mothers indications, and so they paid me
twice as much as I ought to have been paid. To satisfy my
curiosity I asked the sons, Who is this honorable Lady that speaks
nothing but the Quran ?. They responded that she was their mother,
the housemaid of Hazrat Fatima Al Zahra ( peace be upon her and
her progeny ), the daughter of the Holy Prophet ( saw ) and the
Wife of Amir Al Momineen. She was raised under the shade of
supreme knowledge and piety of the daughter of the Prophet ( saw
). Since 20 years she spoke nothing but the Quran in her daily
May Allah Bless her soul ( Amen ! ) ........
Reference : -
Essence Of The Holy Quran
The Eternal Light by
Ayatullah Agha Haji Mirza Mahdi Pooya
Edited by Syed Muhammad Murtaza &
Husain P Taylor ISBN 0-944880-02-9 ( Hard Back )
03-7 ( Paper Back )