The Little Mac Book, Tiger Edition [Electronic resources] نسخه متنی

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The Little Mac Book, Tiger Edition [Electronic resources] - نسخه متنی

Robin Williams

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Rearrange items in the Dock

You can easily rearrange the items in the Dock to suit your preference. Icons must stay on the side of the dividing line they are currently on, thoughyou'll find it's not even possible to move something from the right side of the dividing line to the left, and vice versa.

You cannot move the position of the Finder, Dashboard, or Trash icon.


Press on any icon in the Dock.


Without letting go of the mouse, drag the icon to the left or right as far as you want to go. You'll see all of the other icons move out of the way to make room for the new one.


When you like the position, let go of the mouse button.

Here you can see the arrow is dragging the icon to the left.

If you accidentally delete an icon, see the following page for easy directions on putting an item into the Dock.

You can drag up and over the top of the Dock, but be careful not to let go when the icon is out of the Dock or you'll delete it, as shown at the top of this page!

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