The Little Mac Book, Tiger Edition [Electronic resources] نسخه متنی

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The Little Mac Book, Tiger Edition [Electronic resources] - نسخه متنی

Robin Williams

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تنظیمات قلم


اندازه قلم

+ - پیش فرض

حالت نمایش

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افزودن یادداشت جدید

Delete (or Backspace)

When you press the Delete key (found in the upper-right of the main part of the keyboard), it deletes anything to the left of the insertion point.

You can backspace/delete to correct typos (typographical errors) as you type, or you can click to set the insertion point down anywhere else in your text and backspace from that new position.

After you make a correction and you want to continue typing at the end of your story, single-click the I-beam at the end of the story to set the insertion point there, then type.

This paragraph has a typo. Do you see it? TextEdit has underlined the typo with red dots. I need to go back and fix it.

I used the I-beam to set the insertion point just to the right of the typo. Now I can hit the Delete key to erase that wrong letter and type the correct one in its place.

Delete characters

Exercise 4:
Edit your text.


In the text on your page, notice where the insertion point is flashing.


Hit the Delete key several times. Watch as it deletes the characters to the left of the insertion point.


Now, using your mouse:

Position that I-beam anywhere in your paragraph,

… single-click,

… shove the mouse (and I-beam) out of the way,

… and hit the Delete key one or more times.

Notice TextEdit deletes text to the left of the insertion point. Every Mac program will do the same thing.


Using the mouse, position the I-beam at the end of your text.


Click to set the insertion point (then move the mouse/I-beam out of the way) so you can start typing again from the end of your document.

You've probably noticed that TextEdit puts red dots under words that it thinks are misspelled. If the word is not misspelled, you can just ignore the red dotsthey won't print. But if you want to fix a typo, here's a great trick (and it works in Mail, too):

If you do or don't want TextEdit to check your spelling as you type, go to the Edit menu and slide down to "Spelling."

In the hierarchical menu, a checkmark next to "Check Spelling as You Type" means it will check your spelling. If there is no checkmark, it won't.

Choose the command to put a checkmark there or to remove the existing checkmark, depending on what you want it to do.


Hold down the Command key and single-click anywhere in the misspelled word. This makes a contextual menu pop up, like the ones you used in Chapter 5.


TextEdit provides a list of possible words, based on the misspelled word. If you see the correct spelling, single-click on it and the typo is corrected; if you don't see the correct spelling, click anywhere on the page and make the correction yourself.

If you don't see a list of possible words, it means the word is spelled correctly.

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