Also Try This Double-Return: Hitting the Return key twice creates a double space between the lines. This is for extra space between individual paragraphs.Eventually you'll want to learn how to create an automatic increase of space between paragraphs instead of using a double-Return. Check the manual for your software or check its Help files.If you want the entire document, or even just a piece of it, double-spacedthat's different: In TextEdit, select all (press Command A) or select the paragraphs you want double-spaced. Single-click the "Spacing" button in the Toolbar, then choose "Double."Remove a Return: The computer sees a Return as just another character, which means to remove a Return you simply backspace over it with the Delete key, just as you would to remove an unwanted character. The problem is that in most programs you can't see the Return character. Just set the insertion point to the left of the first character on the line, then Delete, as shown:Let's say I'm typing away and my dog shoves his big head under my arm and suddenlymy text starts typing on the wrong line, like this. What to do? Set the insertion point directly to the left of the text that's on the wrong line (as shown below).Let's say I'm typing away and my dog shoves his big head under my arm and suddenly Hit the Delete key to remove the empty line above that new, unwanted paragraph (you don't think it's a paragraph, but the computer does). Now it will look like this:Delete again to wrap the sentence back up to the one above.Move the insertion back to where you want to begin typing. |