The Verdict on Music in Islam
In his booklet, "Music and Its Effects", A. H. Sheriff tries
to present scientific and spiritual points of View on music with a view
to understanding the philosophy of the rule of Islam which forbids it.
Music, according to the New National Dictionary, means "Art of combining
sounds or sequences of notes into harmonious patterns pleasing to the ear
and satisfying to the emotions; melody".
In Islam music is called (Ghina), singing and, according to Shia Muslim
tenets, is counted as a sin. At first it may seem unrealistic to ban every
"pleasant sound''; but there is no need to be alarmed. The Sharia has defined
Ghina'' in a different way. In Islam, vocal music means: "Prolongation and
vibration of sound with variation of the pitch to such an extent that people
may say that ''he/she is singing''."
It is evident from the above definition that the sharia, does not forbid
''pleasant sounds''; but if someone recites any thing with prolongation of
sound and variation of pitch so much so that a common man thinks that he/she
is singing, then and only then it will be ''Ghina'' and sin.
And it makes no difference whether the thing recited was the Qur''an,
religious poem or love song.
Often people are heard saying: "But music has so much influence upon our
feelings; so why should such a thing be forbidden?" But it is precisely
because of its great influence upon heart and mind that it is forbidden.
There would have been no need to ban it if it were without any effect.
The thing which is to be decided is whether its influence is good or bad.
Music is like intoxicants in that it makes one forget one''s surroundings:
and one does not know what is happening to him or her. The following episode
is a good example of the effect of music;
Frank King is reported in ''Reader''s Digest (Vol. 80, No.481; May, 1962)
as saying;
"I returned home one evening and noticed a large red mark that looked
like a burn on my wife''s right cheek. When I asked her what had happened.
she sheepishly told me the story , she had set up the iron board in the
living room so that she could watch a favourite television programme while
doing the ironong. The telephone table was also near at hand. As she was
intently watching TV, the phone rang, and she reached out automatically
and answered the iron.
Realizing the importance of this engrossing quality of music, the scientists
are trying to use it as an aid in surgery. Reader''s Digest (Vol 80, No.427;
January, 1962) writes; -
"Audio-analgesia, or pain-killing by sound, is one of modern science''s
newest discoveries. The combination of music and other sounds has alleviated
pain in dentistry, surgery and childbirth. Nobody can predict how widely
the technique will be used, but those who have experienced it entertained
high hopes like the new mother who was wheeled from the delivery
room exclaiming, "What a wonderful experience''. l''ll always remember South
All this goes a long way to prove that the music has the same effect
on nerves and mind as the anaesthesia. Nobody, in his right mind, would
suggest that chloroform should be daily used by the general public, because
it is such a good thing in the operation theatre. If music is a good anaesthetic,
let it be used in surgery and deliveries of children. But can that use
ever justify its common use in every home at all times and in all circumstances?
After briefly explaining the effects of Music, now time has come to give
here some of the verses of the Qur~an and some of the traditions of the
Holy Prophet (s.a.w. ) and Imams (a.s. ) on this subject.
Here are five verses of the Quran which forbid the Muslims from
indulging in music.
1) (So abstain from the pollution
of the idols and abstain from false -- vain --words) 22:30.
The arabic word "Zoor" has several meanings which include falsehood
and the musical expressions. According to Imam Jafar Sadique (a.s.) "pollution
of the idols" means Chess; and "Vain words'''' means music. See how music
has been joined in this ayah with the pollutuion of idols, only then you
can appreciate the seriousness of the sin of the Music.
2) (And of the people there is who buys
vain talk so that he may lead others astray from the path of Allah, without
(real) knowledge and takes it (the revelation of Allah) for a mockery;
for these shall be a disgracing chastisement (punishment). 31:6.
''Lahw'' means any thing which diverts the mind from serious thinking.
"Vain talk" has been interpreted by the Imam as some talk, sound or thing
which diverts the attention of man from the ultimate aim of his creation;
in other words makes him forget Allah and His commands For example, fiction
romantic stories, and such useless talks. It includes ''Music'', intoxicants
and all such diversions."
3) (Indeed successful are the believers
- those who in their prayer are humble and those who keep themselves aloof
from Vain (words and deeds). (23:1-3).
''Laghw'' (Vain words and actions): Imam Ali (a.s.) said that "all that
is void of the remembrance of Allah is ''Laghw''. According to other authentic
traditions of the Imams, ''Laghw'' means all useless entertainment,
wasteful of time, among which music has been specifically mentioned. Also,
included in this term are vain games played just to while away the time.
4) "And they who do not bear witness
to what is false, and when they pass by what is vain, they pass with dignity"
25:72 The following tradition explains the second
part of the verse:
Imam Jafar Sadeq (a.s.) asked some of his companions: "Where are you
They replied: "With so and so, who has singing and dancing girls. Imam
said: "You should have dignity." They thought that Imam (a.s.) had advised
them to treat that man generously. But they were not sure; so they returned
to the Imam and requested him to explain his meaning to them.
Imam said: "have not you heard Allah saying ''when they pass by what
is vain they pass with dignity''? Imam meant that you should not stay
with a man who has singing and dancing girls.
5) "Do you then wonder at this announcement?
And wlll you laugh not not weep? While you are indulging in varieties."
1 ) The Holy Prophet of Islam, describing the signs of the Day of
Judgement said: "Verily, amongst the signs of the Hour is that people will
neglect prayers (will not pray in the prescribed time), and will follow
their desires, and will incline towards their own prefrences.........In
those days , there will be people who will the Quran for other than Allah
(i.e.: for earning worldly benefits). and will treat the Qur''an as a musical
instrument; and there will be people who will study religion for other
than Allah (for earning prestige or wealth) and number of illegitimate
children will increase, and people will sing the Qur''an........and will
adore musical instruments, and will dislike enjoining the good and forbidding
the evil ,.....These are the people who will be called unclean and dirty
in the kingdom of heaven."
2) Hassan (a companion of Imam Jafar Sadiq a.s.) said: There
was a man in my neighbourhood who had singing girls; and he always remained
immersed in music and dance. When I went to visit him'' I used to
stay a bit longer (to listen to those sounds). When I want to Imam Jafer
Sadiqe (a.s.), he told me:" 0 Hasan, Verily the ear, and the eye and the
heart, all of them will be asked. The ear and what it listened to, the
eye and what it looked at and the heart and what it intended."
Hasan said: When I heard that verse of the Qur in. it was a though
I had never heard it before. Then I repented (from my sin of listening
to music) and made a covenant with Allah not to do it again.
3) In a list of major sins which he sent to Caliph Mamun Rashid,
Imam Ali Al-Ridha (a.s.) mentioned the participation in the musical gatherings.
4) Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said: Music is among the things
for which Allah has promised the Fire (of Hell). Then he recited the above
It is no secret that the songs. music and films depend upon sex-appeal
for their succoss. The more sexy a song, the more its sale; the more suggestive
a music, the more its market value. And also it is no secret that building
the character of the children begins from their very tender age. If'' they
are exposed to obscene songs. sexy music and suggestive dances in their
childhood, their entire outlook
on the matters of sex, morality and marriage sanctitywill become jaundiced.
They will lose the capacity to distinguish between moral and immoral, modesty
and immodesty, chastity and promiscuity.
Some people think that the children do not understand these things!
Such people are wrong. Thus by listening to the songs and seeing the dancing
on television, we ruin the moral uprightness of our children. If we believe
that the children are given to us by Allah as a trust, and that we are
responsible to give them such training that they become good Muslims
and viruous servants of Allah, then we must abstain from songs and music,
and must keep them from the evil influence of these sinful habits.
Source: Verdict On Music in Islam
Summerized By: N. Ali