Fatima the daughter
of the Prophet(S.A)
Fatimah az-Zahra' (peace be on her)
Name : Fatimah. Title: az- Zahra'. Agnomen: Ummu 'l-A'immah.
Father's name: Muhammad ibn Abdillah. Mother's name : khadijah
bint khuwaylid. Birth: Born in Mecca of Friday, 20th jumada
th-thaaniyah in the fifth year after the declaration of the
prophet - hood (615 AD). Death : Died at the age of 18 in Medina
on 14th Jumada ' l-ula 11 AH ( 632 AD); buried in the graveyard
called Jannatul-Baqi in Medina.
HADRAT FATIMAH, was the only daughter of the Holy Prophet and
Hadrat khadijah. the circumstances of her birth are described by
Hadrat khadijah as follows: At the time of the birth of Hadrat
Fatimah, I sent for my neighboring qurayshite women to assist me.
They flatly refused, saying that I had betrayed them by
supporting Muhammad. I was perturbed for a while, when , to my
great surprise, I sighted four strange tall women with halos
around them , approaching me. Finding me dismayed, one of them
addressed me thus, O Khadijah! I am Sarah, the mother of
Ishaq, and the other three are, Mary the mother of Christ, Asiyah
the daughter of Muzahim, and Umm kulthum, the sister of Moses. We
have all been commanded by God to put our nursing knowledge at
your disposal. saying this, all of them sat around me and
rendered the services of midwifery till my daughter Fatimah was
born. The motherly blessings and affection received by Hadrat
Fatimah were only for five years, after which Hadrat Khadijah
left for her heavenly home . Hereafter the Holy Prophet brought
her up.
* * *
When Fatimah come of age, there come forward a number of
aspirants to ask for her hand in marriage. The Holy prophet was
awaiting the Divine order in this respect, till Imam Ali
approached him and asked for her hand in marriage. The Holy
Prophet come to Hadrat Fatimah and asked, My daughter ! Do
you consent to be wedded to Ali, as I am so commanded by Allah
? Hadrat Fatimah thereupon bowed her head in modesty. Umm
Salamah narrates: The face of Fatimah bloomed with joy and
her silence was so suggestive and conspicuous that the Holy
Prophet stood up reciting Allahu Akbar' ( Allah is most great )
. Fatimah's silence is her acceptance. On Friday, l st.
dhi'l - hijjah 2 A H , the marriage ceremony took place. All the
Muhajirun ( Emigrants) and Ansar ( Helpers) of Medina assembled
in the mosque while Imam Ali was seated before the Holy Prophet
with all the ceremonious modesty of a bridegroom. they Holy
Prophet first recited an eloquent sermon and them announced: I
have been commanded by Allah to get Fatimah wedded to Ali, and
so I do hereby solemnize the matrimony between Ali and Fatimah
on a dower of four hundred mithqal of silver. Then he asked Imam
Ali, Do you consent to it, O Ali ? Yes, I do , O
Holy Prophet of Allah! replied Imam Ali. Then the Holy
Prophet raised his hands to pray thus O my god ! bless both of
them , sanctify their progeny and grant them the keys of The
beneficence, Thy treasures of wisdom and Thy genius; and let them
be a source of blessing and peace to my ummah. Her children; Imam
Hasan, Imam husayn, zaynab and um kultun, are well - known for
their piety , goodness and generosity. Their strength of
character and action changed the course of history and fortified
Islam which otherwise would have been lost to mankind.
* * *
Her Ethical Attributes:
Hardrat Fatimah inherited the genius and wisdom, the
determination and will - power, the piety and sanctity, the
generosity and benevolence, the devotion and worship of Allah,
the self - sacrifice and hospitality, the forbearance and
patience, and the knowledge and nobility of disposition of her
illustrious father , both in words and deeds. I often
witnessed my mother, says Imam Husayn, absorbed in
preayer from dusk to down. Her generosity and compassion
for the poor was such that no destitute or beggar ever returned
from her door unattended.
* * *
The Property of Fadak:
The Holy Prophet during his lifetime gave Hadrat Fatimah a
gift of very extensive from land , known as Fadak , which was
documented in her name as her absolute property. The death of the
Holy Prophet affected her very much and she was very sad and
grief - stricken and wept her heart out crying all the time . she
was confronted, after the demise of her father, with the
deprivement of the rightful claim of leadership of her husband
Imam Ali , and the usurpation of her inheritance, the Fadak.
Throughout her life, she never spoke to those who had oppressed
her and deprived her of her rightful claims. She requested that
her oppressors should be kept away even from attending her
funeral. Her ill - wishers even resorted to physical violence.
Once the door of her house was pushed on her , and the child she
was carrying was hurt and the baby - boy was still born. Her
house was set on fire. Having been molested and strichen with
grief, which crossed all limits of forbearance and endurance ,
she expressed her sorrows in and elegy composed by herself to
mourn her father the Holy Prophet. A couplet of the elegy, with
particular reference to her woeful plight, she expressed thus: O
my father ! after your death I was subjected to such tortures and
tyranny that if they had been inflicted on the Day' , it would
have turned into Night'.
* * *
Hadrat Fatimah did not survive more than seventy-five day
after the demise of her father. she breathed her last on the 14th
jumada'l - ula 11 AH. Before her demise she bequeathed the
following as her will to Imam 'Ali: 1. O Ali, you will
personally perform my funeral rites. 2. Those who have displeased
my should not be allowed to attend my funeral. 3 .My corpse
should be carried to the graveyard at right. Thus Imam
compliance with her will , performed all the funeral rites and
accompanied exclusively by her relatives and sons carried her at
night to Jannatu l-Baqi, where she was laid to rest and her
wishes fulfilled.
The Holy Prophet said:
whoever injures (bodily or sentimentally ) Fatimah,
injures me ; and whoever injures me injures Allah; and whoever
injures Allah practices unbelief. O Fatimah ! If your wrath is
incurred, it incurs the wrath of Allah; and if you are happy, it
makes Allah happy too.
M.H. shakir writers:
Fatimah, the only daughter of the Holy prophet of Islam, was
born I Mecca on 20 Th. Jumada ' th - thaniyah 18 BH. The good and
noble lady Khadijah and the apostle of Allah bestowed all their
natural love, care and devotion on their lovable and only child
Fatimah, who in her turn was extremely fond of her parents. The
princess of the House of the Prophet, was very intelligent,
accomplished and cheerful. Her sermons, poems and sayings serve,
as an index to her strength of character and nobility of mind.
Her virtues gained her the title Our Lady of light. she
was tall, slender and endowed with great beauty, which caused her
to be called az - Zahra' ( the Lady of Light). she
was called az - Zahra' because her light used to shine among
those in Heaven. After arriving in Medina, she was married to
Ali , in the first year hijrah, and she gave birth to three sons
and two daughters. Her children, Hasan, Husayn, Zaynab and umm
kul-thum. are well - known for their piety , goodness and
generosity Their strength of chracter and actions changed the
course of history. The Holy Prophet said, Fatimah is a
peace of my heart. He would go out to receive his doughtier
whenever she come from her husband's house. Every morning on his
way to the Mosque, he would pass by Fatimah's house and say:
as-salamu alaykum ya ahlul-Baytin-nubuwwah wa ma dani
r - risala ( peace be on you O the Household of prophet
hood and the source of Messengership) Fatimah is famous and
acknowledged as the sayyidatu 'n-nisa'i ' l-alamin
( Leader of all the women of the world for all times ) because
the Prophethood of Muhammad would not have been everlasting
without her. The Prophet is the perfect example for men, but
could not be so for women. For all the verses revealed in the
Holy Qur'an for women, Fatimah is the perfect model, who
translated every year into action. In her lifetime, she was a
complete woman, being Daughter, wife and Mother at the some time.
Muhammad during his lifetime, gave Fatimah a gift of very
extensive farm lands, famous as Fadak, which were documented in
her name, as her absolute personal property. An heiress to the
remainder of her mothers wealth, a princess who was the only
daughter of the holy prophet who was also a ruler, a lady whose
husband was the conqueror of Arab tribes and second only to her
father in and position, Fatimah could have led a luxurious life.
But in spite of her wealth and possessions, she worked, dressed,
ate and lived very simply . she was very generous; and none who
come to her door, when away empty handed. Many times she gave
away her all and herself went without food. As a daughter, she
loved her parents so much , that she won their love and regard to
such and extent that the Holy prophet used to rise, whenever she
come near him As a wife, she was very devoted. She never asked
Ali for anything in her whole life. As a mother , she cared for
and brought up wonderful children; they have lift their marks on
the face of the world , which time will not be able to eraze. The
death of the Apostle, affected her very much and she was very sad
and grief- striken and wept her heart out crying all the time.
unfortunately, after the death of the prophet, the government
confiscated her famous land of Fadak and gave it to the state.
Fatimah was pushed behind her him door ( when they attacked the
house of Ali and took him to force him accept the caliphate of
Abu Baker), so that the child , she was carrying was hurt and the
baby boy Muhsin was still born. Her house was set on fire by the
Government. The tragedy of her father's death and the unkindness
of her fatherss followers, were too much for the good , gently
and sensitive lady and she breathed her last on 14 Th. Jumada l
- ula 11 AH, exactly seventy - five days after the death of her
father, the Holy prophet of Islam. Fatimah died in the prime of
her life at the age of eighteen, and was buried in jannatu
'l-Baqi Medina.
* * *
(A Brief History of The Fourteen Infallibles, p. 47-53)