Zionism [Electronic resources] نسخه متنی

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Zionism [Electronic resources] - نسخه متنی

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An international movement organization for the establishment of a Jewish national or
religious community in Palestine and later for the support of modern Israel.
Merriam Webster WWWdictionary.

"Zionism is a movement for the restoration of a Jewish
national state in Palestine. After the state of Israel was proclaimed in 1948, Zionism
became largely a movement to obtain aid for Israel's development."
New Standard Encyclopedia, Volume 19.

Zionist groups are spread around the world, all centered around the
World Zionist Organization (WZO), which holds periodic congress and passes policy to all
Zionist groups. The Jewish Agency, WZO, works closely with the Israeli government.
Some of the international Zionist organizations include The American Zionist Organization,
and The British Zionist Organization.

Zionists ideologically would like to see all Jews settle in or
occupy Palestine, and would greatly appreciate the non-existence of true Palestinians in
it. The WZO believes that most Jews will continue to live outside Israel, but should work
on supporting ''Israel' and on declining all Arab States.


Jews, who do not form a nation, were scattered throughout the world,
as most religions. Yet, they thought that Palestine, or 'Israel', is their homeland, and
they kept religiously hope in a savior, or 'Messiah', who would bring them to Palestine
and create a Jewish state there.

This idea did not take any political form until the 19th century. In
1886, Theodore Herzl published a pamphlet, The Jewish State, proposing that the
scattered Jews should be gathered into one land, where they could establish a state and be
free of anti-Semitism. Under his supervision, the first Zionist congress met in 1887, in
Basel, Switzerland, and set up the World Zionist Organization (WZO).

At first, the evil hope seemed and impossible idea. Palestine was
under Turkish control and was inhabited by Arab Palestinians. Some Zionists considered
other territories, especially Uganda in East Africa. The 1905 Zionist congress, however,
decided that Palestine must be the Jewish homeland. In 1917, during World War I, Dr. Chaim
Weizmann led in persuading the British government to issue a statement, The Belfour
Declaration, supporting or implying the creation of a Jewish State in Palestine. The
Belfour declaration was confirmed by the great powers, including the United States of
America. Zionist worries disappeared, and Palestinian worries started.

The Belfour Declaration stated:

"His Majesty's Government view with favor the establishment
in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors
to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing
shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish
communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other
country." Obviously, the declaration was misused, and from looking at conditions
today, non-Jewish communities in Palestine were deprived from almost all their rights.

After the First World War, Palestine became a British mandate since
Turkey lost the war. Thousands of Jews started pouring into Palestine. David Ben-Gurion
became chairman of the influential Jewish Agency, which caused a great increase in Jewish
population in Palestine. This in turn, led to a lot of conflict and strife between Arabs
and Jews.

The fact that there were many Jewish refugees, especially in Europe
in World War II, increased Zionist activity. When the British government gave up its
mandate in1948, the same Ben-Gurion proclaimed the State of Israel in Palestine, in
accordance with the fierce United Nations Partition Resolution of 1947. He became the
prime minister and Weizmann the president of this new state.

Zionism gradually took a new meaning after the Jewish state was
established, but the inhuman intentions remained the same. Although many Jews from all
over the world soon moved to Israel, many others did not. Zionists, especially in the
United States, Canada, and Europe continued helping Jews to immigrate to Israel, and
continued their support for this new state.

Theses days Zionism is mainly involved in lobbying the great powers,
and making sure that Palestinians never see the light of prosperity again.

What has Zionism done?

1) Crimes against the people
of Palestine, murder of Palestinian women and children. Disrespect of the so called
"international law" (UN resolutions). Since 1948 the satanic state of Israel
have murdered hundreds of thousands of Palestinians.

2) The Mossad and the Zionist Mafia operate in the
world, their connection with organized crime, drugs and narcotics distribution,

pornography and bribery of Intelligence Services and Governments
throughout the world maintain Zionist stability.

3) Control on part of the International Zionist
MAFIA of Banks and International Financial Institutions, World Bank, IMF, etc.

4) Infiltration and control by the international
Zionist MAFIA of so-called "Christian" organizations, and both left and
right-wing political groups to use them as puppets.

5) Repression and terrorism by the Zionist MAFIA
against non Zionist Jews.

6) Assistance in compiling a list of the Zionist
MAFIA and Mossad controlled organizations and associations world-wide.

7) Economic control by the Zionist Mafia of non-Jewish
organizations with the aim of neutralizing them.

8) Control of the Zionist MAFIA over freemasons in
general and secret Masonic or pro-Masonic groups such as the B'nai B'rith, the Trilateral
Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg Group.

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