بیشترتوضیحاتافزودن یادداشت جدید
1 - Humbleness is treating the people the way you like to be treated(Mahajah Al-Bayda , Vol. S , P. 225) 2 - God has some areas where he likes to be supplicated in and the prayer ofthe supplicator is accepted ; the Hussain's (P) sanstuary is one of these(Tohaf Al-Okool , P. 510) 3 - Whoever feared God , people fear him whoever obeyed God is obeyed ( byothers ) ; whoever obeyed God didn't care for creature's wrath ; and whoevermade God angry ( with him ) should have certitude that he will meet thecreature's wrath(Tohaf Al-okool , P. 510) 4 - The one who doesn't eat meat for forty days , and the one who eats meatfor successive forty days get ill-humoured(Behar Al-anwar , Vol. 56 , P. 326) 5 - Verily , God can not be described with any thing other than what he hasdescribed him-self with , how can he be described , the one whom members areunable to understand imaginations to perceive and eyes to observe . He with allhis closeness is for and with all his remoteness in near. He created the howwithout himself having any how . he created the place without himself havingany place ; he is tree from how and where , the single , the one , his glory isgreat and his names are pure(Tohaf Al-okool , P. 510) 6 - Whoever was firm and persistance in the way of obedience to God , theafflictions of this world are easy for him even if cut in to pieces(Tohaf Al- okool , P. 511) 7 - If I said that the one who leavs precautionary concealment is as the onewho leavs praying , I have said the truth(Tohaf Al-okool , P. 511) 8 - The thanking person is more happy for thanking than for the blessingcausing the thanking , bacause the blessing is the article of this world ( while )thanking is the blessing of this world and the hereafter(Tohaf Al-okool , P. 512) 9 - God made this world the inn for examination the hereafter the inn forreckoning , the afflictions of this world the means for the hereafter's rewardand the hereafter's reward the compensation for this world's affliction(Tohaf Al-okool , P. 512) 10 - It is likely that a meek oppressor is forgiven by his meekness and therightful fool is likely to extinguish the light of his rightness by his follness(Tohaf Al-okool , P. 512) 11 - Don't be secured from the evil of the one who is disrespectful to himself(Tohaf Al-okool , P. 512) 12 - If all people chose a path to walk on , I would go to the path of theone who sincerely worships only : God(Behar Al-anwar , Vol. 78 , P. 245) 13 - Envy destroys good-deeds(Mesnad Al-Imam Al-Hadi , P. 302) 14 - Arrogance causes enmity(Mesnad Al-Imam Al-Hadi , P. 302) 15 - Poverty is the self's greed and increased despain(Behar Al-anwar , Vol. 78 , P. 368) 16 - Greed is the most unrecommendable character and moral(Mesnad Al-Imam Al-Hadi , P. 302) 17 - Greed is an inadmissable trait(Mesnad Al-Imam Al-Hadi , P. 302) 18 - Imam Hadi (P) said to the one who was exaggerating in praising him :Refrain from this action because increased flattery causes suspicion , and ifyou trusted your believer brother stop flattering him and ( instead ) show goodintention(Mesnad Al-Imam Al-Hadi , P. 302) 19 - At a time where justice is more spread than oppression , suspicion inothers is forbidden , unless see evil from somebody ; and if oppression is morethan justice , nobody should have good opinion in anybody unless see good fromhim(Mesnad Al-Imam Al-Hadi , P. 304) 20 - Better than goodness is the good-doer , more beautiful than beauty is itssayer , better than knowledge is it's carrier , worse than evil is it's doer , and more terrifying than horror is its causer(Mesnad Al-Imam Al-Hadi , P.304) 21 - Don't expect good heartedness of the one whom you were angry with , loyality of the one whom you were treacherous to or benevolence and advising ofthe one whom you were suspicious at , bacause the other's hearts to you are likeyour heart to them(Mesnad Al-Imam Al-Hadi , P. 305) 22 - Anger aat your subordinates is meaness(Mesnad Al-Imam Al-Hadi , P. 304) 23 - Whoever was pleased with himself the ( number of the ) enraged with himincrease(Mesnad Al-Imam Al-Hadi , P. 303) 24 - The destinies expose things which you never thought of(Mesnad Al-Imam Al-Hadi , P. 303) 25 - Paren't dissatisfaction cause poverty and lead to humuliation(Mesnad Al-Imam Al-Hadi , P. 303) 26 - People are in this world by their wealth and in the hereafter by theirdeeds(Mesnad Al-Imam Al-Hadi , P. 304) 27 - Buffoonery is the amusement of the fool and the action of the ignorant(Mesnad Al-Imam Al-Hadi , P. 304) 28 - Remember your dying when close to your family , no doctor can preventyour death and no triend can benefit(Mesnad Al-Imam Al-Hadi , P.304) 29 - Argumenting and dispute cause the destruction of old triendship , tearoff firm relations , and the least it has is striving to overcome each otherwhich is the main reason for seperation(Mesnad Al-Imam Al-Hadi , P. 304) 30 - Wisdom doesn't affect corrupt hearts (Mesnad Al-Imam Al-Hadi , P. 304)31 - Be good neighbours for the blessings and have hope in their increase bythanksgiving(Mesnad Al-Imam Al-Hadi , P. 305) 32 - Reproof is the key to overburdening , however , reproof is better thanhatred(Mesnad Al-Imam Al-Hadi , P. 304) 33 - The ignorant is the captive of his fongue(Mesnad Al-Imam Al-Hadi , P. 304) 34 - Compensate for the regret for negligence in the previous works by workinghard in the future(Mesnad Al-Imam Al-Hadi , P. 304)