Hadith of Imam Mahdi(a.s)
1 - ( Narrations from the twelveth Imam ( peace be upon him ) )Benefitting from me in my absence is as
benefitting from the sun in itsdisappearance behind the clouds and
certainly I am security - grantor for thepeople of earth as stars are
security - grantors for the people of sky .(Bahar_ol_Anvar , Vol.53 , P.181)
2 - Possession of another's wealth without
owner's permission is notpermissible .(Noor Athaqalain Interpretation , Vol.2 ,
3 - I am God's remainder on earth and the
avenger from his enemies .(Vasayel_ol_Shia ,
Vol.17 , P.309)
4 - Damned , damned is the one who delay
his Magreb prayer till the appearanceof stars in the sky
.(Bahar_ol_Anvar , Vol.52 ,
5 - Nothing is like praying in rubbing the
satan's nose with earth so pray andrub the satan's nose with earth
.(Bahar_ol_Anvar , Vol.53 ,
6 - Damned , damned is the one who delays
his morning prayer till the starsdisappearance from the sky
.(Bahar_ol_Anvar , Vol.52 ,
7 - Every one of my fathers was forced to
have allegiance to the tyrants of theirtime , however , I will arise
having no allegiance to any tyrant .(Bahar_ol_Anvar , Vol.53 , P.181)
8 - I am the last of the prophets
successors and by me God keeps away afflictionsfrom my family and my
followers .(Bahar_ol_Anvar , Vol.52 ,
9 - Whoever was diligent in executing God's
commandments , God will aid him inattaining his needs .(Bahar_ol_Anvar , Vol.51 , P.331)
10 - God's unchaugeable law is in truth's
completion and false's perish iand he isthe witness to what I
mentioned .(Bahar_ol_Anvar , Vol.53 ,
11 - Increase your supplication for the
accelleration of deliverance ( and myappearance ) , because that is
your deliverance and relief .(Kamal Addeen of
Assadooq , Vol.2 , P.485)
12 - If ( you ) want spiritual maturity
and perfection you will be guided for soand if seek you will attain
.(Bahar_ol_Anvar , Vol.51 ,
13 - We are not neglecting to consider you
and not forgetting to remember you ,because if it was other than that
, difficulties would come to you and enemieswould uproot you, so fear
God and support us .(Bahar_ol_Anvar , Vol.53 ,
14 - And regarding the new matters and
events refer to the narrators of ourtraditions because they are my
authority over you and I am God's authorityover them .(Bahar_ol_Anvar , Vol.53 , P.181)
15 - If asked forgiveness from the (
Glorious Exalted ) God ; He will forgiveyou .(Bahar_ol_Anvar , Vol.51 , P.329)
16 - Certainly , the Exalted God didn't
create the creatures in vain and didn'tleave them without obligation
and retribution .(Alghaiba of Ashaikh Attoosi
, P.174)
17 - Every one of you should do what
brings him closer to us and should refrainfrom what we dislike and
what makes us angry .(Alehtijaj of Attabrasi ,
Vol.2 , P.324)
18 - O God ! Fulfil what you promised me ,
complete the matter of my uprising ,stead fast my feet and fill the
earth with justice by my uprising .(Bahar_ol_Anvar , Vol.51 , P.13)
19 - I witness that there is no God but He
, and ( so do ) the angels and thosepossessed of knowledge ,
maintaining His creation with justice ; there is no godbut He , the
Mighty , the wise . Surely the ( true ) religion with Allah isIslam
.(Bahar_ol_Anvar , Vol.51 ,
20 - There is no relationship or kinship
between the Glorious Exalted God and hisslaves and whoever denies one
is not from me .(Alghaiba of Ashaikh Attoosi ,
21 - I seek refuge to God from blindness
after insight , deviation afterguidance , inappropriate deeds and
destructing seditions .(Bahar_ol_Anvar ,
Vol.53 , P.190)
22 - Our followers reach God's beautiful
and good termination when refrain from theprohibited sins
.(Bahar_ol_Anvar , Vol.53 ,
23 - I only seek God for sufficing in
works , grace and guardianship in allaffairs .(Bahar_ol_Anvar , Vol.25 , P.183)
24 - Our hearts are containers for God's
well so if he desired we desire .(Bahar_ol_Anvar , Vol.52 , P.51)
25 - If it were not for our love of your
good and our mercy and kindness toyou we would not have attended to
you .(Bahar_ol_Anvar , Vol.53 ,
26 - I am the Mahdi ; I am the riser of
the time ; I am the one to fill this earthwith justice as was filled
with oppression .(Bahar_ol_Anvar , Vol.52 ,
27 - The oppressors claimed that God's
argument is inconclusive , while if we wereallowed to speak doubt
would be removed .(Bahar_ol_Anvar , Vol.51 ,
28 - I am the owner of the truth ... the
sign of my appearance is the increase ofdisturbances and seditions
.(Bahar_ol_Anvar , Vol.51 ,
29 - Our knowledge is comprehensive to
your news and nothing of your news isconsealed from us .(Bahar_ol_Anvar , Vol.53 , P.175)
30 - Religion is for Mohammad ( p ) and
guidance is for commander of the Faith fulAli ( p ) because it is his
and stays in his progeny till the day ofjudgement .(Bahar_ol_Anvar , Vol.53 , P.160)
31 - Whoever oppressed us is of the
oppressors cursed by God because of his saying :" Now surely the curse
of Allah is on the unjust . "(Bahar_ol_Anvar ,
Vol.53 , P.182)
32 - I and all my fathers ... are slaves
to the Glorious Exalted God .(Bahar_ol_Anvar ,
Vol.25 , P.267)
33 - Prostration of thanking is of the
most neccessary and obligatory recommendedactions .(Bahar_ol_Anvar , Vol.53 , P.161)
34 - Whenever God gives us permission to
speak , truth appears and false issuppressed and eliminated from among
you .(Bahar_ol_Anvar , Vol.25 ,
35 - The messenger of God's daughter is a
good example for me .(Bahar_ol_Anvar , Vol.53
, P.180)
36 - The time of deliverance and
appearance is by God and the time fixers forappearance are liars
.(Bahar_ol_Anvar , Vol.53 ,
37 - Fear God , submit to us and assign
the affairs to us , it is our duty tosatiate you from the head spring
as we were the ones to take you there , don'tgo after uncovering what
is consealed from you and come towards us withlove walking on the
clear way .(Bahar_ol_Anvar , Vol.53 ,
38 - There is no appearance except with
the Exalted God's permission , and that isafter a lengthy period ,
hardheartednesses , and the earth's filling withoppression
.(Alehtijaj of Attabrasi , Vol.2 ,
39 - Be aware , soon some will claim of
seeing me .Be aware , whoever claims of seeing me before the "
sofiani's " appearanceand hearing the heavenly sound , is a liar ,
there is no ability except bythe Great Exalted God .(Alehtijaj of Attabrasi , Vol.2 , P.478)
40 - I am a relict from Adam , a reserve
from Noah , a chosen from Abraham and achoicest from Mohammad ( peace
be upon all of them ) .(Bahar_ol_Anvar ,
Vol.52 , P.238)
41 - Naseem , the servant of Imam Mahdi (
peace be upon him ) said :the Imam said to me : " Do you want me to
give you good tidings regardingsneezing ? " I said : Yes . He said
:" Sneezing is the sign of security from death for three days "
.(Bahar_ol_Anvar , Vol.51 ,
42 - The truth is with us and among us ,
nobody other than us says that except for aliar .(Bahar_ol_Anvar , Vol.53 , P.191)
43 - The Almighty Allah is the one who
created the bodies and distributed theprovisions , ( because ) he is
not a body and has not entered into a body" Nothing like a likeness of
Him , and he is the Hearing the Seeing . "(Alghaiba of Ashaikh Attoosi , P.178)
44 - God is with us and we have no need to
other than him ; and the truth is withus so if some were not with us
this will never cause any fear for us ; we arecherished by our God and
the creatures ( after that ) are cherished by us .(Alghaiba of Ashaikh Attoosi , P.172)
45 - Knowledge is our knowledge and no
harm is to reach you from the non -believer's disbelief .(Bahar_ol_Anvar , Vol.53 , P.151)
46 - If our followers - may Allah give
them success for their worship - kept theirpromise and had unity and
agreement in remaining loyal to the divine compact ,the blessing of
seeing us would not be delayed from them and would had thefelicity of
seeing us sooner(Alehtijaj of Attabrasi ,
Vol.2 , P.499)
47 - I seek immunity to Allah and his
messenger from the ones who say that we thehousehold ( independently
by ourselves and without receiving from God ) know theunseen and share
God in authority and creation or put us higher than theposition that
God has pleased for us .(Alehtijaj of
Attabrasi , Vol.2 , P.487)
48 - The virtue of supplication and
glorification after the obligatory prayerscompared to supplication and
glorification after recommeneded prayers is as thevirtue of
obligations over recommendations .(Alehtijaj
of Attabrasi , Vol.2 , P.487)
49 - Prostration on graves is not
permissible .(Alehtijaj of Attabrasi , Vol.2 ,
50 - I am the cause of peace and security
for the people of the earth as the starsare the cause of security for
the people of the sky .(Bahar_ol_Anvar ,
Vol.78 , P.380)
51 - Truly , the Almighty God's decrees
will not overcome , the divine will is notrejected and nothing goes a
head of the success given by Him .(Bahar_ol_Anvar , Vol.53 , P.191)
52 - However , the cause of what had
happened of the period of occultation isbecause the Glorious Almighty
God had said : " O you who believe ! do not putquestions about things
which if declared to you may trouble you . "(Bahar_ol_Anvar , Vol.78 , P.380)
53 - The earth is not empty of God's
authority , either apparent or hidden .(Kamal
Addeen of Assadooq , Vol.2 , P.511)
54 - Whenever a sign disappears another
appears and whenever a star falls anotherrises .(Bahar_ol_Anvar , Vol.53 , P.185)
55 - O God ! grant us success for worship
, abstention from disobedience , purity ,of intention , knowledge of
the unlawful and honour us by guidance andperseverance is your way