In God Alon We Trust [Electronic resources] نسخه متنی

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In God Alon We Trust [Electronic resources] - نسخه متنی

Hadi Aghajani

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تنظیمات قلم


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Hadi Aghajani In God Alon We Trust

The subject discussed in these two tapes are based on an imaginary dispute between me, Hadi Aghajani, and my friend, John Howard, who is a ciril engineer. He is a Canadian, but lives in Eygpt. He is about 40 years old.

Last year God did me a favor and I had the honour of going to lesser pilgrimage. One day before mid day prayer I had the opportunity to read the Holy Quran, so I went toward the cupboard to take the sacred Book. Unfortunately the Holy Book fell on the ground. As it is usual, based on ourcustom I kissed it and started reading the Quran. After a while, a gentleman came toward me and asked me why I kissed the Holy Quran. He asked me if I believed this Quran. He believed that Shiite muslems accept a Quran different from the available one. This accident was the beginning of our friendship. Later on he inquired me about my religion, my country and many other things. For easy reading me and the act of conciseness I have listed some of his chief questions with my answers respectively. The whole dispute is divided in to two parts. In part one, John Howard, who is one of our sunnite brothers, asked me some questions about Shiites belief in distortion of Holy Quran. In second part, some differences in shiite and sunnite injunctions have been disputed. In this part some political issues have been discussed. It should be noted that the entire duspute takes place in sacred Mosque.

Part one: Why do shiite muslems stick on the distortion of Holy Quran

Q. Mr Hajii Noori, who is one of great Shiite Scholars, in a book under the title Faslol Khatab declares that the sacred been has been distorted.

Answer: First of all we can not condemn a great religious group as Shiite muslems just because of ones opinions. Secondly %99 of our great experts and scholars highly declare that even one word of Holy Quran hasnt altered. third, one of sunnites experts, Mohammad Abdollatif, in his book Al Forquan Fee Tahriff Al Quran mentiones that the Holy Quran has distorted.

Q: Ahsan Elahi Zahir says that there are hundreds of traditions attributing to shiite muslems in wich they stick on the distortion of Quran.

Answer: First of most of the traditions collected by him are weak traditions.

second: Mr Masreft, who is one of our great scholars, in a book by the name siyantol-Quran has collected the ideas of shiite scholars about unalteration of Quran in 20 pages.In thia case, one can refer to تفسير الميزان by مجمع البيان وعلامه طباطبايىby شيخ طبرىand كفايت الاصول by our great departured Imam,.امام خمينى

Q: The Quranic verses that shiite muslem refer to them to prove their ideas about unalteration of Quran may be distorted them selves.

Answer: First of all, there are no traditions about these verses. Even those who attribute distortion to shiite muslems havent narrated svch traditions.

Second: First of all, there are no traditions about these verses. Even those who attribute distortion to shiite muslems havent narrated svch traditions.

Second: Most of the traditions about distortion of Quran are about the reduction of verses, not about increasing of verses.

Q: shiite scholars believe in distortion of Holy Quran but sunnite experts agree that it husnt been altered. why

Answer: As it was mentioned, the majority of shiite expers have the same idea as sunnite experts. aecondly, ابن حزم , one of sunniteexperts, who attribute such unfair dfamation to shiite contradicts himself in his book المحلا. third, in صحيح البخارى ariht volume-pages 208 up to 211 and in صحيح المسلم there are some teaditions which confirm distortion of Quran.

Q: What are your reasons for unaltering of Holy Quran

First: Based on Quranic versr, انا نحن نزلنا الذكر و انا له لحافظون chapter Hajrحجر -verse, in which Allah says: "surely we have reveald the boly book and we ourselves protect it during the ages", we believe that the available Quran is the original one.

second: the Holy prophet introduces the Holy Quran (greater weight) and اهل البيت (the people of the house of prophet), or lesser weight as two important sources for mans guidance. so how can Quran be considered as mans referrence for salvation while it is distorted

Second part:

Q: Why do shiite muslem resort to their Imams Why do they cry on their tombs Isnt it a kind of polytheism

Answer: First of all ابن هبّان , one of great sunnite scholars and thinkers, ssays when I was in Mashhad I went to the Holy Shrine of Imam Reza. He says whenever I had a difficulty I resorted to Imam Reza and my requirements were satisfied.

Second: In صحيح البخارى it is nsrrated from the holy prophet that five things were given to me and I reserved the intercession of my community for myself. (صحيح البخارى -first volume -page 61)

third: the total intercession is rejected in shiite doctrine.

Fourth: Both the intercessor and being intercessed should have a close connection to God. Fifth If shiite muslem resort to their Imams, it doesnt mean that they worship infallible Imams, rather than they consider the purified Imams as a means to approach Allah.

Q: Why do shiite muslem prostrate on claydis and stone

Answer: the HOly prophet said:جُعل'تُ لى الارض مسجداً و طهوراً "the earth was determined as a place of prostration for me." Based on this authentic tradition shiite prostrate on earth and on whatever grows from earth. In صحيحالبخارى and صحيح المسلم it is narrated from جابربن عبدا.. انصارى who says: I was saying my prayers with holy prophet while I had a handful of stone in my hands and tried to make it cool for praying.

Q: What is the impact of Islamic Revolution on the awareness of other countries

Islamic Revolution as our great departured leader, Imam Khomeni, declared was the great explosion of the century. It was an explosion of light. this light reflected all over the world. Islamic Revolution putan end to the tyrranies of kings in Iran. It led the individuals from darkness to the daylights of realities.

It eradicated the ballance of two opposing forces, American government and Russian government in missle east. Today by the influence of Islamic Revolution zionist regime has been thrown out of lebanon. Nowadays the origin of انتفاضه Intefaza is islamic Revolution. Our Revolution in troduced a dew ideology, a new statemanship and method to other countries. threfore, today all the oppressed have been encouraged to oppose the despotism of western society.

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