Options for All
All of the OpenOffice.org programs provide their own set of options so that you can customize the program to suit the way you work. For example, if you are using Draw on an older computer, your drawing has to update when you add or change a shape on your screen. If you have one or more three-dimensional objects in the drawing, the screen update can be very slow. Therefore, Draw offers an option whereby you can display an image icon and frame, instead of the image itself, everywhere the image appears in your drawing. Once you've positioned all your images onto the drawing area, you can turn the graphic display back on to review the drawing.106 Set Draw Options explains all the Draw options and why you may want to change some of them.From any individual OpenOffice.org program, you can program specific options, as well as global options. These global options determine how all the OpenOffice.org programs behave and appear as you use OpenOffice.org. Because these general options are generic across all the OpenOffice.org programs, this would be a good time to review them. Doing so not only makes sense because these options are global in scope and the tasks in the chapters that follow are specific to individual OpenOffice.org programs, but also reading about the general OpenOffice.org options will give you an early feel of what OpenOffice.org is all about.