Islam, the Qur'an and the Arabic Literature
The Excellences of Imam Husayn In Sunni Hadith Tradition
Man La Yahduruh al-Faqih by Al-Saduq
Tahdhib al-Ahkam and Al-Istibsar by Al-Tusi
The Prophet [s] and Prophetic Tradition - The Last Prophet [s] and Universal Man
The Spiritual Significance of Jihad
The Concept Of Martyrdom In Islam
The Illustrious Period of the Imamate of Imam Zayn al-'Abidin
Imam Hasan, the Myth of his Divorces
Elegy (Marthiya) on Husayn: Arabic and Persian
Karbala and the Imam Husayn in Persian and Indo-Muslim literature
The Scholarly Jihad of the Imams [a]
The History of the Islamic Calendar in the light of the Hijra
Martyrdom of Imam Husayn [a] and the Muslim and Jewish Calendars
Imam Husayn's [a] Concepts of Religion and Leadership
Imams - Clear and Coherent Policy
The Principle of Ijtihad in Islam