Adobe Creative Suite 2 CLASSROOM IN A BOOK [Electronic resources]

نسخه متنی -صفحه : 184/ 2
نمايش فراداده


Getting Started

About Classroom in a Book


Installing Adobe Creative Suite 2

What's on the CD *

Starting the applications of Adobe Creative Suite 2

Copying the Classroom in a Book Files

Additional resources

Adobe Certification

The Adobe Creative Suite 2

The Adobe Creative Suite 2 applications

What's New

Chapter 1. Asset Creation and General Setup

Lesson overview

Creating Favorites folders in Bridge

Working with Favorites folders in Bridge

Selecting a color profile in Bridge

Exploring the color profile settings in Illustrator CS2

Defining a set of CMYK color swatches

Adding swatches to your Swatches palette

Saving color swatches for exchange

Tracing artwork

Applying colors

Using a wordmark as part of the logo

Assembling the logo

Preparing the artwork for reuse

Setting up a document in InDesign

Defining a bleed area

Importing color swatches in InDesign

Placing Illustrator artwork

Scaling Illustrator artwork

Adding more graphical elements

Adjusting the design

Adding text

Getting help


Chapter 2. Designing a CD Cover

Lesson overview

Working with Adobe Stock Photos

Examining metadata

Viewing and ranking images in Bridge

Creating a multi-layered document in Photoshop

Creating layer comps in Photoshop

Saving a Photoshop file containing layer comps

Reviewing layer comps in InDesign

Importing text from word processor documents


Chapter 3. Creating Distinctive Packaging

Lesson overview

Changing dimension and resolution of a photo in Photoshop

Turning a photo into an abstract background image

Designing a label in Illustrator

Adding guides, graphics, clipping masks

Adding text

Using Illustrator's brush and symbol libraries

Creating a 3D comprehensive

Mapping artwork


Chapter 4. Publishing a Newsletter

Lesson overview

Newsletter basics

Setting up the document

Using master pages

Working with text frames

Adding placeholder text

Specifying the number of columns for a text frame

Creating graphic frames and wrapping text

Linking text frames

Formatting text

Creating and applying styles

Adding line art

Changing the background color of a text frame

Pasting text as inline graphics

Using Photoshop's vanishing point feature

Placing an image in InDesign

Exporting PDFs for online viewing

Printing a proof

Running a preflight check

Creating a package


Chapter 5. Building a Web Site

Lesson overview

Changing Illustrator artwork from CMYK to RGB

Setting up an RGB document with custom swatches

Placing Illustrator artwork in Photoshop

Adding guides and text

Switching to ImageReady

Adding guides in ImageReady

Using the Tab Rectangle tool

Adding button text

Creating layer-based rollover buttons

Setting up a simple Web site in GoLive

Using Smart Objects

Creating links

Using frame sets

Linking frames to pages

Specifying target frames


Chapter 6. Adding Animation

Lesson overview

Creating layers for an animation in Illustrator

Creating frames from layers in ImageReady

Modifying frames of an animation in ImageReady

Tweening frames in ImageReady

Fixing broken links in GoLive

Using a mouse-click action

Adding head elements to a page

Using layers in GoLive

Animate layers with the Timeline Editor


Chapter 7. Moving from Print to Web

Lesson overview

Editing source files of Smart Objects

Adding a new button to the navigation bar

Adding a rollover state to the button

Updating modified Smart Objects in GoLive

Preparing to use Package for GoLive in InDesign

Performing the Package for GoLive command

Opening the package in GoLive

Using the CSS Editor

Inserting stories as Smart Text Components

Placing images from a package


Chapter 8. Presenting with Styles

Lesson overview

Using InDesign for your presentation

Setting up the document

Editing master pages

Setting up text frames

Defining paragraph styles

Starting paragraphs with bullets

Modifying paragraph styles

Adding interactive elements

Exporting hyperlinks and interactive elements

Completing the presentation


Chapter 9. Submitting Work for Review

Lesson overview

Saving the file for online review

Setting up an email-based review

Adding comments in a review

Marking up documents

Tracking comments

Last minute touch-up in Acrobat


Chapter 10. Understanding Adobe Version Cue CS2


The Adobe Creative Suite vision

Version Cue and enhanced productivity

Version Cue versus traditional file-management systems

Underlying technology and implementation

Making Version Cue Work for You

For more information


Production Notes
