Adobe Creative Suite 2 CLASSROOM IN A BOOK [Electronic resources]

نسخه متنی -صفحه : 184/ 121
نمايش فراداده

Performing the Package for GoLive command


Choose File > Package for GoLive. If the button in the lower left corner of the Package Publication for GoLive dialog box reads Use Adobe Dialog, then click it. If it reads Use OS Dialog, you have the Adobe version of the dialog box selected, which is needed for the following step.

InDesign saves all the files of a Package for GoLive in a folder that you can specify in the Package Publication for GoLive dialog box. When importing such a package into GoLive, it is recommended that you add the files of the package to the GoLive site; i.e. by placing a copy of the entire Package for GoLive folder in the site's web-data/InDesignPackages folder. To avoid having two copies of the same data on your hard disk, export from InDesign directly into the web-data/InDesignPackages folder, or the GoLive site.


In the Package Publication for GoLive dialog box, navigate to the Lesson07 folder. Open the InDesignPackages folder, inside the frameset site/web-data folder, and then click Save.

[View full size image]

In the Publication for GoLive dialog box, one can specify whether to export all pages, or just a range of pages, or even just the selected elements (full page previews will be displayed in any case).


In the Publication for GoLive dialog box, enter 1 in the Range field to export only the elements on the front page of the newsletter.

The Encoding needs to match the text encoding used for the Web pages in the GoLive site. You can set the default encoding used for new pages in GoLive in the Encodings panel of the Preferences dialog box. The encoding for a given page in GoLive can be confirmed or changed by inspecting the Encode head element.

[View full size image]


In the Package for GoLive dialog box, select UTF-8 (Unicode Transformation Format, which uses variable length sequences of 8-bit code units to encode characters) from the Encoding pop-up menu to match the encoding used for the pages in the GoLive site.

For files placed in the InDesign document, the original files can be included in the Package. This is useful because it enables GoLive to generate optimized images in sizes other than the original that still reference the original data. If you choose to include Formatted Images in the package, InDesign will create TIFF images with a resolution of 72 ppi, and the dimensions of the image in the InDesign document. If cropping is applied to a placed image, only the visible area of the image will be exported.


In the Package for GoLive dialog box, select to include Original Images, as well as Formatted Images, to allow for maximal flexibility when later importing elements from the package in GoLive.


Click Package, and wait for InDesign to complete the Package for GoLive command.