Adobe Creative Suite 2 CLASSROOM IN A BOOK [Electronic resources]

نسخه متنی -صفحه : 184/ 68
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  • Adding placeholder text

    You can either type your copy in the text frame or, as done here, make use of a great InDesign feature: placeholder textdummy copy used only for layout purposes, which can later be easily replaced with the final text.


    With the insertion point still blinking in the newly created text frame, choose Type > Fill with Placeholder Text. The text frame will be filled with text. Later on, you'll learn how to apply formatting to the text, but for now this placeholder text is just fine.


    Choose the Selection tool in the toolbox, and then the Type tool again, to have the Info palette display the current cursor position. Create a second text frame that spans from column 2 to column 4, aligning at the top and bottom with the table of contents text frame.


    Fill this second text frame with placeholder text.

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