Adobe Creative Suite 2 CLASSROOM IN A BOOK [Electronic resources]

نسخه متنی -صفحه : 184/ 70
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Creating graphic frames and wrapping text

Next, you will place a graphic placeholder frame inside this text frame. Later, you will put a Photoshop image into this frame.


Select the Rectangle Frame tool (not to be confused with the Rectangle tool) from the toolbox, and draw a rectangle inside the large text frame, roughly two inches (or 12 picas) high and spanning the two right columns of the text frame.

[View full size image]

The text frame placeholder text is meant to wrap around the graphic frame. You can specify this by doing the following:


With the graphic frame selected, choose Wrap around bounding box in the Text Wrap palette (Window > Text Wrap).

Note that the large text frame now has a red plus sign in its out port, at its lower right corner, indicating that more text is loaded in this frame than can be fitted. This is called overset text.

[View full size image]