Adobe Creative Suite 2 CLASSROOM IN A BOOK [Electronic resources]

نسخه متنی -صفحه : 184/ 82
نمايش فراداده

Creating a package


Choose File > Package (Alt-Shift-Ctrl-P / Command-Shift-Option-P).


If a dialog box tells you that the document must be saved before continuing, click Save.

InDesign will automatically perform a preflight check as part of the Package command.


If problems are discovered during the preflight check, a dialog box will offer the choice to review the errors (click View Info, and then click Package in the Preflight dialog box when done reviewing) or to continue directly with packaging (click Continue).


Fill out the Printing Instructions dialog box, providing contact information for the printer if necessary. There is also a field for special instructions for the printer in this dialog box. When done, click Continue.


In the Package Publication dialog box, navigate to your Lesson 04 folder, and choose a name for the folder in which the package should be saved. Select Copy Fonts (Except CJK), Copy Linked Graphics, and Update Graphic Links In Package, and then click Save.

[View full size image]


CJK stands for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean fonts. These are normally very large files (several megabytes per font) and often copy protected. Check with your service provider to find out which fonts are acceptable when printing documents containing CJK fonts.


Carefully read the Font Alert dialog box, which states that copies of your fonts can only be sent to the service bureau if you both agree and comply with the font license agreements. If you are not clear about the license agreements for the fonts used in the document, click Back and cancel this operation in the Package Publication dialog box. Otherwise, click OK and wait for the Package command to finish its work.


The complete package folder can now be sent to a service bureau. The content of the folder can either be burned onto a CD and mailed the old-fashioned way, or compressed using a tool like ZipIt and copied to the service bureau's FTP server. Ask the service bureau for preferences and instructions.

Whether you plan to send out a PDF document or a printed versionor bothyou are now ready to promote a fabulous newsletter and mail it out!