Adobe Photoshop CS2 CLASSROOM IN A BOOK [Electronic resources]

Anita Dennis

نسخه متنی -صفحه : 226/ 57
نمايش فراداده

Getting started

In this lesson, you'll work on three separate projects, editing three different photographs. Each of them employs the different retouching tools in unique ways, so you'll explore the strengths and special uses of the various tools.

You'll start by previewing the three images that you'll retouch in this lesson.


Restoring default preferences" on page 6.)


When prompted, click Yes to confirm that you want to reset preferences, and Close to close the Welcome Screen.


Click the Go to Bridge button () on the tool options bar to open Adobe Bridge.


In the Favorites palette, click Lessons, then double-click the Lesson04 folder thumbnail to preview its contents, namely, the Lesson04 A, B, and C start and end files.

[View full size image]

The first project is a photograph of a women's crew team with semitransparent text superimposed on the foreground. You will repair a torn-off corner of the scanned image and remove some distracting areas where a passing boat and its wake appear in the background.

The second project shows a rock climber scaling a stone wall. You will clean up the wall beside the climber to remove some graffiti and scars from old bolt holes on the surface of the rock.

The third project is a portrait of a man. You will retouch the portrait to remove some of the fine lines from the man's forehead and around his eyes.


When you have finished previewing the files, double-click the 04A_Start.psd file thumbnail to open the image in Photoshop.


If necessary, in Photoshop, zoom in to 100% and resize the image window so that you can see the entire image.