macromedia DIRECTOR MX 1002004 training from the source [Electronic resources]

Dave Mennenoh

نسخه متنی -صفحه : 165/ 40
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Using Multiple Casts

Before getting started, I should mention the Starting File, portfolio_start, on the included CD. You should have the portfolio movie from the previous lesson available to open, but if you don'tor if you just decided to start at this lessonyou can open and use the portfolio_start movie from the CD. If you do use the file from the CD, make a dmx2004_source folder on your hard drive, and then create a project_one folder within it, to save the portfolio movie into. You can save the movie as just portfolio on your hard drive.

When the portfolio movie is open, let's get started. The first thing you'll be doing is importing the button graphics that will replace the invisible rectangles that are being used now.

To allow you to organize your movies, Director lets you create as many casts as necessary. Let's create a new cast for the buttons.


Using the Cast panel's Choose Cast button, pick New Cast. In the New Cast dialog, make sure Internal Storage is chosen, and name the cast buttons.

After you press Create to create the new cast, it appears in the Cast panel as a new tab. At this point, you may be wondering what the difference is between an internal and an external cast. An internal cast is stored with your movie, in the same file, and any assets in an internal cast are available to that movie only. With an external cast, the cast is a separate file on your hard drive (a .cst file, if you're on Windows). When you publish your movie, or give it to someone else to be edited, any external cast files must be included with the movie file. The benefit of using external casts is that they can be shared by different movies. You can link any external cast to any movie you're working on. Many developers use this feature to store common Lingo scripts and graphics, so they can be used in any movie.


Right-click in the first empty member slot and choose Import from the contextual menu that appears. Or choose File > Import from the top menu.

The import file dialog box will appear, and should be titled Import Files into Buttons. Navigate to the media folder in the Lesson03 folder on the CD, and import the six button images. (They are prefixed by btn.)

Recall that to select a range of images, you can click the first image in the series, then hold Shift and click the last image.


Lesson 11, when you create the 2D Space Shooter game, you will learn about using linked media in your casts. But for now, let's move on to creating the real project buttons for the portfolio.