[Electronic resources]

G. andrew Duthie; matthew Macdonald

نسخه متنی -صفحه : 873/ 207
نمايش فراداده


System.Web.Mail (system.web.dll)class

This class encapsulates an email message. To send an email message programmatically, create a MailMessage object, set the appropriate properties, and use the SmtpMail.Send( ) method.

The properties of the MailMessage class are fairly straightforward and include all the typical details entered in an email program, such as subject, priority, and the email addresses for the sender, recipient, and any carbon-copied recipients (all as strings). You can also use the Attachments collection to add MailAttachment objects to a message.

The actual body of the email message is set as a string through the Body property. You will have to add line return characters as required. If you set the BodyFormat property to MailFormat.Html, you can also insert standard HTML markup tags.

public class 

MailMessage { // Public Constructors public

MailMessage ( ); // Public Instance Properties public IList

Attachments {get; } public string

Bcc {set; get; } public string

Body {set; get; } public Encoding

BodyEncoding {set; get; } public MailFormat

BodyFormat {set; get; } public string

Cc {set; get; } public IDictionary

Fields {get; } public string

From {set; get; } public IDictionary

Headers {get; } public MailPriority

Priority {set; get; } public string

Subject {set; get; } public string

To {set; get; } public string

UrlContentBase {set; get; } public string

UrlContentLocation {set; get; } }

Passed To

SmtpMail.Send( )