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Abbas bin Mohammad Reza al qummi, translator: AejazAli Turab husain Bujwala (Hussaini)

نسخه متنی -صفحه : 257/ 16
نمايش فراداده

and orphans them. But the reality is that he acts in accordance to the command of Allah only and has no personal options.

Separation of the Spirit (Rooh) from the body

It is narrated in the tradition of Me'raj that a plank is placed in front of Izraeel, on which names of all creatures are written. When Allah wills death of any one of His creatures, the name on the plank disappears, and Izraeel does the needful. It is possible that at one time death of more than one creature may be ordained. Just as many candles can be extinguished in a single puff, more than one spirit can be removed together. Surely Allah is the giver of death as stated in the Qur'an, "Say (O Prophet) the Angel of death who is given charge of you shall cause you to die. (Surah-as-Sajdah: 11) In another verse it is stated. "Those whom the Angels cause to die while they are unjust to them selves". (Surah-an-Nahl: 28)

Izraeel and his comrade Angels have been assigned the job of removing the spirits of creatures. An army which follows the commands of their king and conquers cities, it is said that the said army has conquered the said cities, but in reality it is the result of the king's military tacts & warfare. Many examples can be given to prove the above, but the fact is that it is beyond comparison.

As Allah has created this world as a house of causes