A young man went to see Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq (a.s.).
"O Son of the Prophet, "he said to him.
I have a father who is very old and feeble.
He cannot do any work.
He cannot walk.
He cannot even put food into his mouth.
I am obliged to help him in everything he does."
"Fortune has smiled on you" al-Imam al-Sadiq told him.
And blessed are you, that you serve your father so compassionately in this way.
Try to do as many of your father's tasks as you can.
Wash his clothes.
Wash his face and hands.
Carry him to the bath.
Feed him by hand, and maintain his respect at all times.
When you are free.
sit down beside him and cheer him up.
Listen to him when he speaks to you.
an d try' to give him peace of mind.
God forbid that you should ever treat him with disrespect.
God forbid that you should ever speak harshly to him, and God forbid that you should ever do something that makes him uncomfortable or unhappy.
"He took great pains for your sake when you were a child" al-Imam al-Sadiq continued.
"Now it is your duty to be his helper and serve him.
"Give thanks to Allah" al-lmm al-Sadiq told him.
"that He has given you the strength to serve your father and attain bliss in this way.
Allah wanted to forgive your sins like this.
save you from the chastisement of the fire, and give you a beautiful reward in Paradise."
*God has told us to worship only Him and always be kind and helpful to our parents.