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نسخه متنی -صفحه : 10/ 7
نمايش فراداده

Household Chores

Mahmud was writing the following essay: My name is Mahmud.

I have two sisters.

Zaynab and Fatimah.

They both go to school.

In all, there are six of us in our family and we have divided the house hold chores between us.

Father does the shopping and the other jobs outside the house.

I help my father.

I buy bread.


vegetables and fruits.

My sisters help mother with the housework.

and they keep the house clean and tidy.

Fatimah does some chores and Zavnab does others.

In our house we all have special jobs to do.

We all know our duties and carry them out, and it is not very often that we have to be reminded.

In these chores.

we all help one another.

Only my little younger brother, Rida!.

doesn't have a job to do, and he is only ten months old.

My mother says that Rida's only jobs are crying! drinking milk, sleeping and laughin2.

She says that we will find a job for him when he is older.

My father believes that each member of the family must accept some chore and do it regularly.

because housework is a way of learning through experience.

He believes that a person who doesn't work doesn't learn anything.

My father tells us that the Prophet (SA) has said: "Allah doesn't like people who put their responsibilities on the shoulders of others, and will not let them share His loving kindness.

A good Muslim is one who is helpful around the house".

Besides doing our own tasks, we also help one another.

One day I came home and found my father was sweeping the courtyard with a broom.

"Father!" I asked: "Why are you sweeping"?" My father replied: "Do you not see that your mother is very busy? We must help her.

We are the followers of Imam Ali (AS) and we must follow him in piety.

Imam Ali (AS) always used to help his wife in the household work and sometimes he used to sweep the house too".

Really, I can honestly say that we never have any arguments in our house.

If ever I have a disagreement with my sisters, we either settle it with smiles or we take the matter to my mother, or we wait until father comes home, and one of them always settles it for us.

When my father comes home from work, he sits down and talks to us about our lessons.

He looks at our school books and guides us.


when we are all free.

We go to the little library we have and we study the books that father has bought for us.

Father studies one of his book!.

and even little Rida! goes with us to the library, but instead of reading a book sometimes he tears the book mother is reading.

I thank Allah that I have such good parents and sisters, and I try my best to do what is expected of me and help more in the household chores.

Mahmud handed over the essay to his English teacher.

When he got it back, the teacher had written: "Mahmud! You have written clearly and well.

This is the best essay and you have received top marks.

I enjoyed reading your essay and I thank the Almighty Allah that I have such a good student."

You too must be grateful to the Almighty Allah that you have such understanding parents.

How good it would be if all families helped one another and worked together the way you all do, and if all boys were friendly and helpful the way you are.

Well done!