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Sheikh-e Mufid

نسخه متنی -صفحه : 33/ 3
نمايش فراداده


Written by Abū Ishāq, Ibrāhīm son of Muhammad son of Sa'eed son of Hilāl Thaqafī Kūfī Isfahānī' (died in 283 Hegira)

Motive: The writer named the book Al-Ghārāt (Plunders), because he wanted to remind the invasions and plunders made by Mu'āwīyah against the territory of the Commander of the Faithful, Imām Ali (A.S.)', after the battle known as Nahrawān'. These types of compilations have been common among historians and compilers at that time.

About the Biography of His Holiness Imām Alī (A.S.): Although the main objective of compilation of this book has been reminding of plunders and pillages, but, since the compiler has been a competent and knowledgeable writer and an expert in composition, he has made lots of annotations, which are much more valuable than the main subject itself. These annotations are made in a way that the reader would take better advantage from them comparing to the main subject. Most of these annotations, which are stated as a preface, introduction, or background for going through the main subject, are planning to present a clear picture of the dominating conditions of the era of Imām Alī (A.S.) as well as Imām's way of life and his administrative, ethical, and political approaches, which are really a great lesson for redemption of mankind. All these factors try to incite reader's awareness and meditation towards the main subject of the book, and to make him understand that the leading motives for all plunders and pillages, result from ignorance, lack of knowledge, violating human rights, annihilation of justice, resorting to worldly desires, and secularism of a nasty group. It would then be easy for the reader to distinguish a borderline between the oppressed and the oppressor, and to recognize the right way from the wrong.

Contents: We can refer to some significant subjects of the book as follows: the oration of Imām Alī (A.S.) after Nahrawān' battle, Imām Alī (A.S.)'s attitude towards the treasury house and public properties, His personal behavior, His agents and delegates, governance of Qays son of Sa'd over Egypt, governance of Muhammad son of Abūbakr over Egypt, martyrdom of Mālik-e Ashtar, martyrdom of Muhammad son of Abūbakr, etc.

Value of the Book:

Since ancient times this book has been used by the great Ulamā of Islam, and outstanding scholars of both Shi'a and Sunni have narrated its subjects in their own books. Ibn-e Abil-Hadīd Mo'tazelī Baghdādī', giving the first priority to Al-Ghārāt as a source book, has narrated lots of its stories and narrations in his book Sharhe Nahj-ul-Balāghah' (explication of Nahj-ul-Balāghah).

Viewpoints of Shi'a Ulamā:

According to Allāmah Majlesī, Sheikh Hurr-e Āmelī, Muhaddith-e Nūrī, and a number of other luminaries of Shi'a Ulamā (may Allah vent His blessings upon them all), Al-Ghārāt is accepted and trusted by the righteous sect of Imāmiyyah (Shi'a) unanimously and its narrations have been a dependable source for obtaining pure precepts of Islam. Despite paying this much attention along the centuries, unfortunately all manuscripts of this book have been vanished during the passage of time.

Ibn-e Abil-Hadīd's viewpoint:

Ibn-e Abil-Hadīd Mo'tazelī Baghdādī', has narrated most of the subjects and narrations of AL-Ghārāt in his book Sharhe Nahj-ul-Balāghah'. In some cases he has replaced difficult words with the easy ones, and in some other cases he has commented on some of its subjects.

Allāmah Majlesī's trust in Al-Ghārāt:

Allāmah Mawlā Muhammad Bāqir Majlesī, has quoted all subjects of Al-Ghārāt in his valuable compilation Bihār-ul-Anwār' without any alteration in the original text, unless in the summarized cases; even in such cases Allāmah Majlesī has explicitly pointed to summarization, and interpreted them where necessary.

Due to the fact that Allāmah Majlesī has only narrated from fully reliable sources, it is then cleared that he has had an absolute confidence in the whole text of Al-Ghārāt.