Building.Open.Source.Network.Security.Tools.Components.And.Techniques [Electronic resources]

Mike D. Schiffman

نسخه متنی -صفحه : 135/ 129
نمايش فراداده



savefiles, 15, 19-20

scanning phase in firewalking, 232-236

Scoop packet sniffing sample program, 198-215

secure sockets layer (SSL), 163-192, 294-299

select, 361, 364

selective acknowledgment flag option (SACK), 118

service access point (SAP), 51

Sift sample attack and penetration program, 272-291

signal.c, in Firewalk security tool and, 410-411


snaplen, 15

snapshot length, 15, 21

Sniffer Network Analyzer, 194

socket, 37-39, 221

software development lifecycle, 6-8

Solaris, 14, 39

source addresses, 342

source port, 91

spanning tree protocol (STP), 70

SSL/TLS library (libssl.a), 163

stack operations, 260-261

standard error (STDERR), 21

standard input (STDIN), "-" string as filename in, 15

standard output (STDOUT), "-" string as filename in, 19

statistical information, 10-11, 21, 40, 75

stealth port scan, 224-225

Stroke sample program using libpcap library functions, 22-33

subnet masks, 18

subnetwork attachment point (SNAP), 51

symbolic constants for Ethernet, 50

symmetric cryptography, 164, 168-171

SYN packet scan, 369

synchronous input/output (I/O), Lilt sample program using libnids functions, 96-112

syslog_level, 89

System Administration and Networking Security (SANS) Institute, 327