Building.Open.Source.Network.Security.Tools.Components.And.Techniques [Electronic resources]

Mike D. Schiffman

نسخه متنی -صفحه : 135/ 54
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Results Functions

The results functions pull various bits of OS-related information from the libsf descriptor.

int libsf_os_get_tm(libsf_t *s);

libsf_os_get_tm () returns the total number of matches from the OS list. Depending on how many tests succeeded, this number can be large (several hundred matches is not uncommon). Note that most of the matches will be false positives, and usually only the entries with the highest score are of any interest.

int libsf_os_get_hs(libsf_t *s);

libsf_os_get_hs () returns the highest score from the OS list. More often than not, this list is much smaller than the total number of matches.

char *libsf_os_get_next(libsf_t *s);

libsf_os_get_next () returns the next OS from the list that s references. Libsf maintains an internal state counter that increments each time the function is called. Upon success, the function returns the next OS string in the OS guess list; upon failure or at the end of the list, the function returns NULL.


Note that you should not mix calls to libsf_os_get_next () with calls to libsf_os_get_match () because they both make use of the same internal counter. See libsf_os_reset_counter ().

char *libsf_os_get_match(libsf_t *s, u_short score);

libsf_os_get_match() returns the next OS from the list that s references, matching the score score. Libsf maintains an internal state counter that increments each time the function is called. Upon success, the function returns the next OS string matching score in the OS guess list; upon failure or at the end of the list, the function returns NULL.


You should not mix calls to libsf_os_get_match () with calls to libsf_os_get_next () because they both make use of the same internal counter. See libsf_os_reset_counter ().

int libsf_os_reset_counter(libsf_t *s);

libsf_os_reset_counter () resets the internal OS list counter that s references. libsf_os_get_next () and libsf_os_get_match() use this counter to keep state between function calls. The typical usage of either function is to call one in a while loop that terminates when the end of the list is reached. If additional calls to either function are required, the application programmer should call libsf_os_reset_counter () to reset the state counter.