Computer Networks 4th Ed Andrew S. Tanenbaum [Electronic resources]

Andrew s. tanenbaum

نسخه متنی -صفحه : 81/ 4
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Other bestselling titles by Andrew S. Tanenbaum

Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms

This new book, co-authored with Maarten van Steen, covers both the principles and paradigms of modern distributed systems. In the first part, it covers the principles of communication, processes, naming, synchronization, consistency and replication, fault tolerance, and security in detail. Then in the second part, it goes into different paradigms used to build distributed systems, including object-based systems, distributed file systems, document-based systems, and coordination-based systems. Numerous examples are discussed at length.

Modern Operating Systems, 2nd edition

This comprehensive text covers the principles of modern operating systems in detail and illustrates them with numerous real-world examples. After an introductory chapter, the next five chapters deal with the basic concepts: processes and threads, deadlocks, memory management, input/output, and file systems. The next six chapters deal with more advanced material, including multimedia systems, multiple processor systems, security. Finally, two detailed case studies are given: UNIX/Linux and Windows 2000.

Structured Computer Organization, 4th edition

This widely-read classic, now in its fourth edition, provides the ideal introduction to computer architecture. It covers the topic in an easy-to-understand way, bottom up. There is a chapter on digital logic for beginners, followed by chapters on microarchitecture, the instruction set architecture level, operating systems, assembly language, and parallel computer architectures.

Operating Systems: Design and Implementation, 2nd edition

This popular text on operating systems, co-authored with Albert S. Woodhull, is the only book covering both the principles of operating systems and their application to a real system. All the traditional operating systems topics are covered in detail. In addition, the principles are carefully illustrated with MINIX, a free POSIX-based UNIX-like operating system for personal computers. Each book contains a free CD-ROM containing the complete MINIX system, including all the source code. The source code is listed in an appendix to the book and explained in detail in the text.