Daily Supplications for the Glorious Month of Ramadhan [Electronic resources]

نسخه متنی -صفحه : 31/ 2
نمايش فراداده

دعاء اليوم الاول

اللهمَ اج'عل' صِيامي فيه صِيام الصّائِمينَ وقيامي فيهِ قيامَ القائِمينَ ونَبّه'ني فيهِ عن نَومَةِ الغافِلينَ وهَب' لي جُرمي فيهِ يا الهَ العالَمينَ واع'فُ عنّي يا عافياً عنِ المج'رمينَ.

Dua for 1st Day

Allah be pleased with my fasts, in this month, as Thou gives credit to those who (sincerely) observe fasts; and (be pleased with) my special night prayers, in this month, as Thou give credit to those who pray (sincerely) in the night; direct me to be on guard and pay attention to free myself from the lethargy of forgetfulness; O the God of the worlds overlook my wrongdoings, and grant amnesty to me, O He who shows sympathy to the wrongdoers.