Enterprise J2ME Developing Mobile Java Applications [Electronic resources]

Michael Juntao Yuan

نسخه متنی -صفحه : 204/ 53
نمايش فراداده

5.5 Summary

In this chapter, we introduced the Smart Ticket Wireless Blueprint from Sun Microsystems. The blueprint demonstrates the use of several important end-to-end application design patterns, including

The Model-View-Controller pattern in rich client and J2EE application server settings.

The clientside and serverside facade patterns.

The chain of responsibility pattern for transparent network and persistence support on the client side.

The binary RPC protocol for tight integration between the mobile client and the J2EE server.

The worker thread pattern for non-blocking background tasks and user notification.

This chapter intends to get you started with end-to-end design patterns. I highly recommend that you explore the Smart Ticket source code and official white papers yourself to gain deeper understandings of the patterns.