Reduced functionality, 85, 240
Request for Proposals (RFPs), 231
Requirement analysis, 5, 243, 244, 246
Requirements, determining what
software to build, 5, 93, 95, 101, 107, 133, 191, 193
role in successful project outcomes, 223-226, 230, 231, 233, 235, 236, 242-244, 246
Requirements phase
in life-cycle model, 49, 68, 103, 245. See also Requirements stage
Requirements stage
impact of failure factors on, 111, 133, 135, 137, 150
in life-cycle model, 57-64, 67, 84
Reyment, R., on factor analysis, 80
RFPs, 231
Rifkin, G., report on DIA's, BHS 4, 87, 88, 95, 99, 124, 147
Risk-assessment, of software projects, 29, 40, 41, 42, 59, 60
Risk factors, in software development, 177-180, 183. See also Risks of project failure
Risks and uncertainties, in software development, 8, 57, 113, 118, 126, 137, 193, 221, 241
Risks of project failure, 29, 30, 38-40, 44, 101, 200, 227, 241
Rittel, H. W., on wicked problems, 33, 34
Rivard, S.
project risk factors, 121, 177
risk-assessment studies, 39-44, 59, 60
Robey, D., software project audits, 228, 229
Robinson, H., modernist approach, 10-12, 32, 48
postmodernist view, 37
Rubin, Robert, IRS's TSM project, 90, 98, 123, 124, 146
Runaway projects, 4, 20, 21. See also Software runaways