ISA Server 2004 UNLEASHED [Electronic resources]

Michael Noel

نسخه متنی -صفحه : 191/ 44
نمايش فراداده

Best Practices

When possible, become familiar with the ISA Server Console before becoming involved in production ISA Server configuration.

Use the Help tab in the Task Pane for more information about the specific console node selected.

When not in use, park the ISA Server Console on the Dashboard of the Monitoring node so that you can quickly glance at and see updated real-time ISA status.

Enable only those options on the ISA Server that are absolutely necessary.

Use the logging mechanism in ISA server to troubleshoot firewall rule creation.

Delegate administration based on group membership whenever possible, rather than on individual users.

Consider the use of third-party add-ins to extend the capabilities of ISA Server.