ISA Server 2004 UNLEASHED [Electronic resources]

Michael Noel

نسخه متنی -صفحه : 191/ 10
نمايش فراداده

The Organization of This Book

This book is divided into four parts:.

Part I: Designing, Exploring, and Understanding ISA Server 2004 This section covers the basics of ISA Server 2004, including an overview of the technology, a walkthrough of the tools and features, and specific installation steps. In addition, design scenarios for ISA deployment are presented and analyzed, and migration steps from ISA 2000 are given.

Part II: Deploying ISA Server 2004 This section covers the deployment of ISA technologies, discussing multiple common scenarios for which ISA is often used for. Discussion surrounding ISA firewall, content caching, reverse proxy, and Enterprise version deployment is discussed, and step-by-step deployment guides are illustrated. In addition, detailed analysis of Virtual Private Network support, including both client and site-to-site VPN, are covered.

Part III: Securing Servers and Services with ISA Server 2004 Part III focuses on the specifics of securing protocols and services using the built-in HTTP, FTP, RPC, and other filters in ISA Server 2004. Specific instructions on how to use ISA to secure Microsoft Exchange Outlook Web Access (OWA), including the common scenario of deploying ISA within the DMZ of an existing firewall, are outlined in depth. In addition, securing techniques for SharePoint sites, web servers, Outlook MAPI traffic, and other common scenarios are explained.

Part IV: Supporting an ISA Server 2004 Infrastructure The nuts and bolts of administering, maintaining, and monitoring an ISA Server 2004 environment are explained in this section, with particular emphasis on the day-to-day tasks that are needed for the "care and feeding" of ISA. Critical tasks that are often overlooked, such as automating ISA Server Configuration backups and documenting ISA Server rules, are presented and analyzed. Throughout this section, tips and tricks to keep ISA well maintained and working properly are outlined.