Windows XP Hacks [Electronic resources]

Preston Gralla

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[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

Safe Mode, circumventing Windows File Protection

Sandra (hardware analysis/tuneup program)

memory bandwidth test

saving web pages for offline reading

in offline database, using SurfSaver

with Internet Explorer

scheduled tasks

Scot's Newsletter (web site)

screen resolution (laptop or LCD), improving

screen savers, choosing and customizing


built-in screen capture in XP

capturing active screen only

capturing entire screen

pasting screen captures to graphics program

SnagIt capture tool

Scroll Lock, automatically turning on at startup


search capabilities (Eudora)

Search Companion (IE), improving

search engines, Internet

Ask Jeeves toolbar

Google searches directly from your desktop

Google Toolbar

searching current site instead of entire Web

metasearch software

MSN search engine, replacing for IE

search results (Indexing Service), ranking


closing open ports and blocking protocols

dictionary attacks through spam email

email-borne worms and viruses


ICF (Internet Connection Firewall)


hidden fields in Word

IE security settings, changing with Group Policy Editor

Internet connections, vulnerability to intrusion

logging on residential gateways

protecting your PC with proxy servers

configuring IE to use proxy

finding free, public proxies

limiting connections to certain web sites

testing your PC for online vulnerabilities

Security Identifiers (SIDs)

security zones for IE, customizing

Send To option (Explorer context menu), customizing

server message block (SMB) communications, ICF and



mail, troubleshooting problems with

mapping hostname to dynamic IP address for constant availability

proxy [See proxy servers]


Service Packs, blocking opening of email file attachments

Services Computer Management Console

Services Microsoft Management Console

services, disabling at startup

listing of services to turn off

session cookies, accepting in IE

Setup Information file, editing for Windows component removal

shadowing (XP GUI), controlling

Shareaza (file sharing program)

sharing, disabling for TCP/IP 2nd

Shell subkey (Registry)

Shields Up program, testing your PC for online security

shortcut menus [See also context menus]

Windows Explorer, customizing for

adding global menu items to all file types

adding menu items to specific file types

All Programs menu

file association actions, editing

Shortcut Properties dialog box

shortcuts [See also command line; keyboard shortcuts]

for shutdown and reboot 2nd [See also shutdown; startup]


automatically turning on Num Lock, Scroll Lock, and Caps Lock

shutdown [See also startup]

closing programs automatically

disabling with Registry hack

one-click shortcuts

process closing time, increasing

speeding up

halting startup programs and services

shutdown command, switches for

signal strength for wireless networks, improving

signatures (Outlook), backup files for

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) service for sending email

skins (user interface)

creating for WindowBlinds

downloading from the Internet

Trillian (instant messaging program)

SkinStudio program

skipping problems in music CDs [See multimedia]

SMB (server message blocK) communications, ICF and

SnagIt screen-capture tool

graphics format, customizing

menu options for screen captures

previewing screenshots

software publishers, designating as trustworthy

sounds (system)

beeps, turning off

choosing for theme


blocking with software

MailWasher program

fighting with peer-to-peer technology

add-in spam killer for Outlook (SpamNet)

handling in Outlook Express

handling in Outlook with filters

mail header information, viewing in Outlook/Outlook Express

preventing dictionary attacks by turning off HTML display in emails

stopping before it starts

HTML characters, using for your address

registrations at web sites, examining fine print

spelling out your email address fully

using inline JavaScript to generate address at page load time

SpeedBit, Download Accelerator Plus (DAP) program

spell check (URLSpellCheck for IIS)

splash screen, changing for startup

building startup screen from graphics

choosing from multiple screens

Spychecker web page

spyware 2nd

blocking with firewalls

detector and eradicator program

file sharing without

inserted into Word fields

SSID (network name)

standby power-management operations, NetBEUI protocol and

Stardock, WindowBlinds utility

Start Menu

adjusting speed for performance

All Programs menu, modifying with Explorer

Classic Start menu

customizing with XP Professional Group Policy Editor

user account graphic, changing


boot screen, changing

building startup screen from graphics

choosing from multiple screens

boot.ini file, editing

creating multiple profiles with Advanced Startup Manager

error message display, disabling

halting unnecessary programs and services

eliminating programs

services, disabling

System Configuration, using

multiboot options, boot.ini file switches

single operating system, customizing

speeding up with boot defragment

speeding up with BootVis utility, using

user logins, controlling with Registry

Startup folder, cleaning out

stationery (Outlook), backup files for

statistics (usage), in Eudora

Stay Invisible web site (free, public proxy servers)

Steganos Internet Anonym 5 software

storage of backups

streaming music, saving to your PC

capturing in MP3 format

string array values (Registry) 2nd

string values (Registry) 2nd


examples in subkey section listing

Style-XP program

subdomain (provided by

subkeys, Registry

full section of (example)



Sun JVMs

checking for

uninstalling older

Super MP3 Recorder program


surfing the Web anonymously

software for

Web-based anonymizer

SurfSaver program

switches (boot.ini file)


files between two computers

offline files 2nd

on-demand and scheduled

Outlook files between laptop and PC

web pages saved to hard disk

whiteboard sessions

sysoc.inf file, entries for "uninstallable" programs

system applets, categorizing

system beeps, turning off

System Configuration Utility, disabling startup programs

system files

compressing, effects on performance

Windows File Protection

system folders, GUIDs for

system objects, changing

desktop icons 2nd

text and balloon tips, using the Registry

system organization to aid backups

system performance

checking and tweaking

memory bandwidth test

RAM, making the most of

better memory use with Task Manager

general advice for

Registry hacks to speed up XP

disabling 8.3 name creation in NTFS

menu speed

place kernel into RAM

prefetch parameters, altering

repair and recovery with Recovery Console

commands for examining the system

fixing MBR, boot sector, or boot menu

fixing Windows

floppy copy and access to all drives and folders

starting Recovery Console

tracking with Performance Console

logs, setting up

performance alerts

viewing performance logs

Windows XP visual effects and

System Restore point

backing up the Registry

creating before removal of XP components

system sounds, choosing for theme

System Tray [See Notification Area]