Real World Adobe® Photoshop® CS2 [Electronic resources] : Industrial-Strength Production Techniques

Bruce Fraser, David Blatner

نسخه متنی -صفحه : 219/ 182
نمايش فراداده

14. Multimedia and the Web: Purposing Pixels for the Screen

Chapter 12, Essential Image Techniques) and the Animation palette, which lets you create little flip-book movies that you can save as animated GIF files (see "The Animation Palette," later in this chapter).

The upshot is that Photoshop provides most of the tools you need for Web graphics, and the majority of Web graphics never require ImageReady. Therefore, we won't be discussing ImageReady in this chapter. There are several other programs currently on the market that are expressly designed to build Web graphics, such as Macromedia's Fireworks. However, this is a book on what you can do with Photoshop, so we won't be covering those programs, either.