Real World Adobe® Photoshop® CS2 [Electronic resources] : Industrial-Strength Production Techniques

Bruce Fraser, David Blatner

نسخه متنی -صفحه : 219/ 189
نمايش فراداده

Writing, Editing, and Page Layout

Originally, we wrote this book in Microsoft Word on the Mac. Early editions were laid out with Adobe PageMaker; but for the last edition, we reflowed the book using Adobe InDesign CS. This edition was laid out in InDesign CS2. Then, some chapters were exported to Microsoft Word for editing, some were edited using Adobe InCopy, and some were edited directly within InDesign (using the Story Editor).

Design and Type

The body text typeface is Adobe Utopia (various weights)9.8 on 15 for the main text, 8.8 on 12.5 for sidebars. Heads are set in ITC Optima Black. Figure callouts use Utopia Italic 9 on 12.