The Last of the Prophets stories [Electronic resources]

نسخه متنی -صفحه : 21/ 2
نمايش فراداده

The Last of the Prophets

Our Prophet. the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.). is the last of Allah's Prophets. He was born in the town of Meccah. in Arabia.

He lived amongst the people there for forty years. and when he was forty years old, Allah chose him to be His Prophet. Allah showed him the road of true happiness in life and commanded him to be the people guide.

For three years he called the people to Islam in secret. After those three years. Allah told him to manifest his mission. The Holy Prophet stood on a large boulder. He called the people.

The people recognised him. They ran and gathered around him. He wanted to speak to the people and give them the good tidings. "O People." he cried. "I am Allah's Prophet.

I am your guide. I am the guide of the lost. I have brought the most wonderful presents for you. I have brought a message for you from Allah: believe in the One God and find real and lasting happiness. Say:

'La ilaha illallah.' Say: There is no god but Allah' and save yourselves from a baseness and delusion." The Holy Prophet brought us the most wonderful presents.