responded to her by explaining the creation from the beginning till present time. 59
Also when Asma' bint Ummays returned from migration to Abyssinia, she betook herself toward wives of the Messenger of Allah"S" asking them: Is there any Quranic verse revealed in regard of women? On hearing a negative reply, she had recourse to the Prophet saying to him: The women are sustaining loss and detriment! The Messenger"S" said: What for? She said: Because no one Quranic verse was revealed in their regard. At that time verse 35 of surat AlAhzab was revealed.60
One example from history of first era of Islam is a sufficient evidence for this case. Abdallah Ibn Mas'ud is reported to have said: Why don't I curse those whom Allah has damned in the Quran, i.e. skin tattooer "washimah" and women near whom people go for tattooing "mustawshimah", hairdressers who join hair of some women to head of other women "wasilah", and those to whom people resort for this purpose "mustawsilah"!
The woman who heard this speech, reviewed all the Quran but couldn't find these words uttered by Ibn Mas'ud. The next day she went near him saying: I have read the whole Quran but never found that which you uttered in it.
Ibn Mas'ud said: Hasn't Allah said in His holy Book: "And whatsoever the Messenger giveth you, take it. And whatsoever he forbiddeth, abstain "from it"." "59:7"
And also the Messenger of Allah"S" expressed: "Allah has verily cursed the skin tattooers women and women near whom people go for tattooing "mustawshimah"." 61
59. Al-Mar'ah Fi Al-Quran Was-Sunnah, p. 39.
60. At-Tawheed, p. 276.
61. Mizan Al-Hikmah, vol. IX, pp. 94-95.