Woman [Electronic resources]

نسخه متنی -صفحه : 130/ 7
نمايش فراداده

genetic and legislative talents and powers of human beings, using everywhere words of man and mankind with general expressions, with no exception on behalf of women or preference of men over women.

In regard of aptitude, the Quran referred to the following points:

Divine Spirit

Man has "inside" a Divine Spirit, and this merit is not distinguished alone to the men.

"So when I complete him and breathe into him My Spirit, fall ye down unto him prostrating "in obeisance"." "15:29"

Fashioning and Modification in Creation

"Surely We created man of the best stature." "95:4"

"O thou man! What hath beguiled thee from thy Lord, the Most Gracious One. "He" Who created thee, and fashioned thee and "gave thee a body" justly proportioned." "82:6, 7"

Tools of Administration

"He it is Who caused for you the hearing and the sight and hearts; "very" little it is what ye give thanks "unto Him"."

The Divine Creation

"Then set thou thy face uprightly for "the right" religion, in natural devotion to the truth "following" the nature caused by God in which He hath made the people..." "30:30"

Moral Conscience

"By the soul as it is perfected. And inspired unto it "against" its vices and "about" its piety!" "91:7, 8"