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نسخه متنی -صفحه : 5/ 4
نمايش فراداده

She was surprised to see her cousin standing at the door carrying her child in her arms. Her eyes were black and she looked pale. Khadijah welcomed her cousin and took her to her mother's room. The mother was surprised to see her daughter, and she rushed towards her to take her in her arms. She thought that her daughter longed to see her and she had regretted her past behavior. But her daughter sat down on the nearest chair without the faintest idea of her mother's feelings. The daughter said, "My husband has turned me out of our house, as if I were a piece of used furniture that could be replaced." Her mother's face grew pale and she said, "He turned you out? When? How?" Her daughter replied, "Oh mother. You know how he is. He returns home late every evening quite drunk. He throws himself on the bed dead with sleep. When I object to his behavior, he reminds me of our deal that we should respect each other's freedom. I can do nothing but keep silent, since this idea of freedom was my wish from the beginning. But things have grown worse recently. He has started to help himself to my salary and deprived me of my rights in my house. "Yesterday, he said he would no longer tolerate the chains of marriage and made me leave my own home. I spent the night in the garden. I have nowhere to go! My only brother won't allow me to stay in his house. I have none to turn to but you." Her mother did not know what to say. She thought her niece was kind enough to have her in her house. Could she bring someone else to live with her? It was too much a favor to ask.

Khadijah, who had heard everything, knew of her aunt's hidden suffering. She decided to save her the trouble. She told her cousin, "You have done the correct thing by coming to your mother. She will be happy to have you with her until things get better." The distraught young woman thanked her cousin for her kind help and said, "Oh, how grateful I am to you, Khadijah! You have been so kind to my mother. Now you are doing me a great favor." Khadijah smiled and said, "Oh, don't say such things. You should consider this house as your own." The aunt was so moved that she rushed to Khadijah and kissed her.

She said, "How wonderful you are, my dear! What great faith you have." Khadijah whispered into her ear, "Please aunt, tell your daughter to wear her hijab as long as she is in our house." The aunt answered immediately, "Oh, yes, I have already decided to do so." She settled herself near her daughter and said, "I have never felt such comfort in my life as I feel here. I have found in your cousin Khadijah and her husband love and care that I never found in you and your brother. You are my own children, but you showed ingratitude towards me, while my niece and her husband flood me with kind feelings. I wish you knew the reason." She was silent for a while.

Then her daughter said, "Oh, mother, surely it is faith in Allah and His Pleasure that dominates their life, while we lack such faith." "Praise is due to Allah the Almighty that you have realized the truth by yourself," said her mother. "Therefore, you should start to show regret for the past and return to religion by first wearing hijab." The daughter looked down at the floor and was silent. Then Khadijah said, "I think she has found out what happens when one neglects one's religion. She now feels the importance of Islamic ethics." Her cousin looked up at her and said, "You are right, Khadijah. I am tired of this life of pretence. I need someone to lead me and teach me true faith and real salvation with no submission to other's wishes and desires. But I can not help wondering what people will say about me." Khadijah replied, "You always tried to please people in the past, which made you their slave. You have gained nothing from that but false happiness. You have wasted years, running the wrong way.

Now, it is time for you to come back to your religion and understand Islamic values in order to gain happiness in this life and the Hereafter." "Will Allah accept' my repentance after years of deviation?" her cousin asked. "Yes, of course, Allah loves those who repent and hates those who insist on doing wrong." Then Khadijah recited the Qur'anic verse: "Do they know that Allah accepts repentance from His servants and takes alms, and that Allah is All Compassionate? Say: Work and Allah will see your (good) work and so will His Apostle and the believers." (Baraat, verses 104-105) The cousin spent a few weeks with her mother. She was greatly effected by Khadijah's strong faith. Khadijah did her best to help her, and she gave her some Islamic books, which she read and discussed. Eventually Khadijah's cousin became a good Muslim, and she knew she could no longer live with a man addicted to drinking and gambling. She filed for a divorce, and gave up all her rights to her home in return for keeping her only child, so as to raise him to be a good believer.

The Mutual Consultation Among the Crowd

It goes as:

A lion who held all the beasts of the surrounding in subjection, and was always in the habit of making raids upon them to snap and kill any of them as he required for his daily food. It lasted vey long until the beasts took counsel together and all agreed to deliver him one of their company each day. They thought that it would satisfy the lion's hunger, and as a result, he would cease to harm them by his continual attacks.

The lion was at first unwilling to trust them and seemed not to believe such words-thus he went on by remarking that he would prefer to rely on his effort. But, by being serious on their decision, the beasts succeeded in persuading him that he would do well to trust them and accept the free offerings.

Having carried the suggestion, the beasts continued for sometime to perform their engagement-sending each day a certain friend of theirs to the lion to devour.

Once it happened to be the turn of a hare to be delivered up as a victim to the lion; but before long he requested the others to let him practise device. The friends mocked him, asking how such a silly beast as he could pretend to outwit the lion. The hare assured them that the wisdom only belonged to Allah, and that was He who might choose weak things to confound the strong. In the end they consented to let him try his luck.

The hare took slowly his way to the lion, and found him roaring in anger. In excuse for his being late he invented that he along with another hare had set out together to appear before the lion, but a strange strong lion had seized the next hare and carried him off into his resting place in a ditch. On hearing the pitiful remarks of the hare the lion was exceeding wroth, and commanded the hare to show him the foe who had trespassed on his area. Pretending to be afraid of the second lion, the hare got on the present lion to ride to the destiny upon his back, and directed him to a well. On looking down the well, the lion saw in the water the reflection of himself and of the hare on his back. Quite in rage, he thought that it was the strong enemy of his with the stolen hare, he plunged down into the well to attack him.

From that moment, not only the hare, but all his beast-friends were released by their wise consulation - which is based on Surah Shura,Ayah 38 ofthe Holy Qur'an:"who(conduct) Their affairs by mutual Consultation;"