The Savior of Humanity [Electronic resources]

نسخه متنی
نمايش فراداده

The Savior of Humanity

Look around you.

What do you see?

Mankind is floundering in the morass of confusion, doubt and despair. It is bogged down in a world rife with contradictions. You need not ponder for long to discover that the powers of evil and darkness look triumphant.

The vices of tyranny, ignorance, cowardice and greed are increasingly breeding crime, corruption, exploitation, racism, casteism, cruelty, oppression, hostility and hatred.

No wonder then if you see widespread injustices in various forms: deprivation, poverty, famines, diseases, and even conflicts and bloody wars.

Let alone the destruction of environment, the breakdown of family and the deterioration of morality.

Although contemporary civilization appears on the surface to have attained

some maturity in world social and political orders having drawn form the not too fruitful nor pleasant experiences of various ideologies and systems, these orders have so far miserably failed to rid humanity of its miseries and injustices.

Modern accidental civilization, which is currently dominant in the world, seeks happiness in materialistic ways.

It promotes a culture where sex and capital are worshiped.

The leisure and ease it provides to society with science and technology advancements, can not conceal its so many shortcomings and weaknesses.

It is plagued with rampant social ills and evidently lacks spiritual and moral values.

This materialistic civilization holds no hope for the salvation of humanity.

The ever growing gap between the haves and the have-not, the suppression by the strong of the weak, the continued efforts by vested interests to control world markets, the on-going destruction of the environment and atmosphere, the rapidly changing balance of power, and the struggle for the hegemony of the world by the intended imposition of the new world order, draws a bleak picture of the future of our world.

But is that the fate to which we should resign? Do we give tip the struggle to defend our virtues and instead suppress our conscience and indulge in the commonplace vices or accept these vices as virtues of our current civilization?!

If not, then, is there a ray of hope? Is there an end to this tunnel of darkness?

Mankind is eager for a world of peace, equality, freedom, tolerance, and love, a world where sincerity, integrity, honesty and truthfulness persevere, and a world where virtues outshine the vices.

Who shall redeem mankind in this world? Who cart save humanity from wretchedness and perverseness?

Redemption and salvation are concepts is old as the creation of man.

Almost all major religions of the world proclaim in one way or another that a redeemer, a savior, a deliverer or a messiah would appear to liberate the people. However, the identity of such a person, whom holy scriptures refer to by different titles and often not by name, was not explicitly disclosed in any religion but Islam.

Since Islam is the last of divine religions on Earth and the textual tradition of it., scriptures is widely recognized to be much firmer than of all other religions, its account of the identity and mission of this Messiah is the most credible one.

This Savior is the descendant of the great holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him and his chaste descendants) and his name is tile same as the Prophet's.

He has many titles, one of which is the Guided One (in Arabic AI-Mahdi).

This great savior will come to the world when it is full with justice and tyranny to fill it with justice and truthfulness.

He shall be supported by the Prophet Jesus son of Mary (Peace be upon them both) and together with all believers, they will fight and overcome evil forces once and for all.

He shall enjoy extraordinary powers with which lie shall be able to spread peace and tranquillity and unite all countries into one.

He shall establish a utopian civilization where universal justice, equality, prosperity will reign in the world.

As this Savior is raised up, God shall increase His blessings on mankind.

The Earth will produce it., minerals in abundance.

Agriculture, live stock and fisheries will grow manifold.

The Savior with his prayers and bare brands shall, by the grace of God, cure all diseases and illnesses- whether incurable, chronic or otherwise - as well as disabilities and deformities.

Not only that, he shall also cure all psychological and spiritual ailments of the time. O Savior! Awaiting for you is in essence the worship of Almighty God.

It is the wish and desire of all pious men, all lovers of truth, all seekers of justice and all aspirers of peace.

O' thy Savior, when thy shall appear. Humanity is crying and calling for you:

Where is the Remnant of Allah?

Where is the Awaited One for straightening the crookedness and dishonesty?

Where is the Expected One for abolishing the oppression transgression?

Where is the Selected One for resusciating the reality of the nation and the religion?

Where is the Enlivener of the facts of religion and its adherents?

Where is the Demolisher of the edifice and polytheism hypocrisy?

Where is the Eradicator of branches of Errors and disputes?

Where is the Accumulator of the words o piety?

Where is the Gale o Allah through which all should enter?

Where is the Countenance of Allah through which the friend attends towards Him?

Where is the Means which is stretching from the Earth to the heaters?

Where is the Master of the Day of Victory of and the one 'Who will spread the flag of guidance?

Where is the uniter of the companions of virtue and divine pleasure?

O son of the masters, the favourite ones.

O son of the noble ones, the honoured ones.

O son of the guides and the divinely guided ones.

O son of the most righteous. O son of the benevolent selected ones.

O son of the luminous moons. O son of tile shilling lights.

O son of the piercing meteors. O son of the bright stars.

O son of the clear paths. O son of the clear. Signs.

O son of perfect knowledge. O son of living miracles.

O son of straight path. O son of' apparent proofs.

O son of abundant bounties. O son of Mohammad!

Is there a way through which you may be met?

When shall we arrive at your streams for drink, with which to quench our thirst for you'?

When shall we get benefit of your sweet waters, for already the thirst has lasted too long?

May our day of separation joins the day of reappearance by which we enjoy!