Hadith of Imam Sadiq (a.s) [Electronic resources]

نسخه متنی -صفحه : 2/ 2
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Hadith of Imam Sadiq(a.s)

1 - Sulayman Ad - Daylami said , " I told Abu Abdillah ( p.b.u.h ) , such and such a person is praiseworthy for his devotion and religious practice , the Imam inquired , how his reason was ? I replied , I know nothing about his reason ; upon this the Imam explained , the Divine reward is in relation to one's reason

(Al-Kafi , vol . 1 , p . 12 . )

2 - In point of reason the most perfect man is he who has the noblest bearing.

3 - The Prophet of Islam said , " We , the group of Prophets , have been ordained ( by God ) always to speak to the people according to their mental capacity .

4 - Someone inquired of the Imam , " what is reason ? " The Imam replied ," Reason is that by which God is worshipped and a place in Paradise earned . " The Imam was then asked , " What did Muawiyah have ? " The Imam replied , " That was just wickedness and cunning , which seemed like reason , but it as not reason . "

5 - Abdullah ibn Sinan said , " I praised before ( Imam ) Abu Abdillah ( p.b.u.h. ) , the reason of a person who has obsessive in ritual ablutions and prayer . The Imam remarked what reason has he got when he is actually obeying the Devil ? I inquired of the Imam , How is he obeying Satan ? The Imam replied , Ask him from where this obsession comes to him . Surely he will tell you that it comes from the work of Satan . "( Al - Kafi , vol . 1 , p . 13 .)

6 - The Messenger of Allah ( Muhammad , the Prophet - p.b.u.h.a.h.p. ) said ( to Ali ) , " O' Ali , no poverty is as great as ignorance and no wealth is as profitable as the reasoning capacity . "

( Al - Kafi , vol . 1 , p . 30 )

7 - One who has no reason secures no success .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 1 , p . 31 . )

8 - There is no distinguishing feature between faith and infidelity apart from the lack of reasoning . " Hearing this someone asked the Imam , " O' son of the Prophet , how is this ? " The Imam replied , " Instead of turning to God , man turns to other men for the fulfillment of his needs . If he had turned to God exclusively , in all sincerity , God would have fulfilled his need much speedily than any man could have done . "

(Al - Kafi , vol . 1 , p . 32-33 .)

9 - To acquire knowledge is imperative .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 1 , p . 35 .)

10 -When Allah wishes well of any person He endows him with the true understanding of religion .

( Al - Kafi , vol . 1 , p . 39 .)

11 - He who relates our traditions , imprints and fortifies by them in the hearts of our followers is far better than one thousand devotees

(Al - Kafi , vol . 1 , p . 40 .)

12 - Lead your life in such a way that you either be a scholar or a learner or ( at least ) a lover of the people of knowledge . Never be in the fourth category , or you will be destroyed .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 1 , p . 41 .)

13 - Regarding the words of Allah , the Almighty , " Verily , fear Allah only those of his servants endowed with knowledge . " ( Al - Fatir , 35 : 28 ) , he said , " Those endowed with knowledge , here means those whose deed corroborate their word . And he whose deed do not corroborate his word is not at all a learned scholar . "

(Al - Kafi , vol . 1 , p . 44 .)

14 - The death of a believer scholar causes such a cleft in ( the fortress of ) Islam as can never be repaired with anything .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 1 , p . 46 .)

15 - Verily , many a people meet their doom just because they do not ask .(Al - Kafi , vol . 1 , p . 49 . )

16 - I restrain you from two propensities , since all who met their doom was the result of these two : Firstly , I restrain you from pronouncing a verdict ( in religious affairs ) based on your personal opinion before the people . Secondly , I restrain you from treating anything as religious without knowing it .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 1 , p . 52 . )

17 - Al Mufaddal ibn Umar said , I asked Abu Abdillah ( p.b.u.h ), " How to recognise one who secures his salvation ? " The Imam replied , " It is he whose deeds completely accord with his words . "(Al - Kafi , vol . 1 , p . 56 .)

18 - Never entrust your religion to a scholar if you find him in love of worldly gains , ( rather ) charge him that he will be hostile to your religion . Verily , all those who have been in love for a thing , revolve around it .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 1 , p . 58 .)

19 - Seventy sins of an ignorant person are forgiven by Allah before He forgives one single sin of a learned one .( Al - Kafi , vol . 1 , p . 59 .)

20 - On the Day of Judgement Allah will raise , as a scholar and a learned jurist , a person who learns by heart or preserves ( in letters and the spirit ) of at least forty out of our total traditions .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 1 , p . 62 . )

21 -For me all knowledge of the people could be divided in four heads . The first head of knowledge is the recognition of Allah who is your Lord and Sustainer . The second is the knowledge of what Allah has made of and for you . The third is the knowledge which Allah expects of you . The fourth is the knowledge of what expels you from your religion .

( Al - Kafi , vol . 1 , p . 64 . )

22 -When a man said , " Allah Akbar " ( Allah is the Greatest ) in his presence , the Imam asked , " Allah is the Greatest more than whom ? " The man replied , " Greatest over everything . " The Imam further odjected , " ( Here ) then you have imposed limits on Him ! " ( You have put a measure on Him ! ) . The man inquired , " Then , how can I say ? " The Imam replied , " Say , Allah is Greatest than what can be described ( about Him ) . "

( Al - Kafi , vol . 1 , p . 159 . )

23 - Abu Abdillah ( p.b.u.h ) , was asked regarding the words of ( Allah ) , the Almighty , the Great : The All - Compassionate sat Himself upon the throne ' , ( TaHa , 20 : 5 ) . He replied , " Allah prevails over all thing . Hence concerning things nothing is nearer to Him than any other thing . "

(Al - Kafi , vol . 1 , p . 173 .)

24 - With each and every scarcity and abundance ( in Divine mercy , livelihood and facilities of life ) there goes Divine will , decision and putting to the test .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 1 , p . 210 .)

25 - Neither fatalism ( Jabr ) nor delegation of authority ( Tafwid ) but a matter midway the two ( extremes ) .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 1 , p . 224 . )

26 - Faith is superior to Islam and certitude is superior to faith ; and nothing is more scarce than certitude .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 68 . )

27 - Best worship is continuous contemplation regarding God and His might .(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 91 .)

28 - God's Messenger said , " Everything has a foundation and the foundation of Islam is loving us , the Household " .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 77 .)

29 - We love the wise , discerning , knowledgeable in religion , self - possessed , having compromise , patient , truthful and loyal .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 95 . )

30 - Of the signs of correctness of a moslem man's certitude is not pleasing people by God's wrath .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 95 .)

31 - If one of you escaped from his sustenance as he escapes from death his provision will reach him as death reaches him .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 95-96 .)

32 - The principle part of God's worship is patience and satisfaction with God regarding what the slave likes or dislikes .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 99 . )

33 - The most knowledgeable people of God are the most satisfied with Divine Decree .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 99 . )

34 - The Almighty God said , " Wherever I turn My believer slave to ( Whatever happens to him ) is for his interest . "

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 101 . )

35 - I wonder for the moslem man that Allah doesn't decree for him anything except for his Interest , if his body is cut by shears is for his benefit , and if all east and west on earth is possessed by him ,it is ( again ) for his benefit .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 102 .)

36 - A man said to the Imam , " By which sign a person is determined to be a believer ? Imam replied , " By Submission to God and satisfaction with the sad and happy events occurring to him . "

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 103 .)

37 - Not - needing and dignity are moving around till reach the place of reliance where they settle .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 105 .)

38 - Any slave turning towards what the Almighty God likes , God turns towards what the slave likes .(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 106 .)

39 - Whoever is given three is not prevented from three ; whoever is given supplication is answered and whoever is given thanking is given more and whoever is given reliance is sufficed .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 107 .)

40 - The Almighty God says , " Swearing with My dignity , glory , greatness and highness over My throne , I will interrupt the hope of

whoever hopes other than Me with despair . "

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 108-109. )

41 - Luqman said to his son , " Fear God such that if present Him the good deeds of the Jinn and mankind He would torture you and have hope in God such that if bring the sins of the Jinn and mankind He would be merciful to you . "

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 109 .)

42 - Fear God as if you see Him and if you do not see Him He sees you .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 110 .)

43 - Whoever fears God , God makes everything fear him and whoever does not fear God , God makes him fear everything .

(Al - kafi , vol . 3 , p . 110 . )

44 - Fearing God is worship .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 111 . )

45 - A believer works between two fears : the time passed of his life not knowing what God wants to do with him and the time remaining not knowing God's decision regarding him .(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 113 .)

46 - A believer is not a believer till he is fearing and hopeful and is not so till he works for what he fears and hopes .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 113-114 .)

47 - Have Piety because what is with God can not be attained except by piety .

( Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 47 . )

48 - Abu - Abdillah ( p.b.u.h ) was asked about the abstemious . He replied , " The one who refrains from God's prohibitions . "

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 123 . )

49 - Have piety , fear of God , endeavour , truthfulness in speech , making over trusts , good morals and good neighbouring .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 123 .)

50 - Prolong bowing and prostrating .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 123 . )

51 - Be callers to people ( to piety , praying , good , .., ) with other than your tongues .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 124 . )

52 -Commander of the Faithful ( p.b.u.h ) said , " Best worship is continence . "

( Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 125 . )

53 - The Messenger of God ( p.b.u.h ) said , " Whoever leaves God's disobedience for fear of Him , God pleases him on the Resurrection Day . "

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 128 .)

54 - The Blessed and Exalted God said , " My slave does not gain My love with something more beloved than performing the obligations . "

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 129 . )

55 - It is written in the Bible : " O' human being , free yourself for My worship so that I fill your heart with not needing and not leave you for yourself when have a need . "

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 130 . )

56 - The worshippers are three groups : A group worship the exalted God out of fear ; this is the worship of the slaves . A group who worship the exalted God in greed for reward , this is the worship of the wage earners ; and a group worship the exalted God out of love to Him , this is the worship of the free and is the best worship .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 131 .)

57 - People of Hell - fire are everlasting in it because their intention was if they were everlasting in this world to always disobey God and people of Paradise are everlasting in Paradise because their intention was if they were everlasting in this world , to always worship God . Therefore this group and that group are everlasting there because of their intentions . Then he recited God's saying , " Say , everyone acts according to his manner . " Then added ,( i.e. according to their intention . )

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 135-136.)

58 - Don't Make worship hateful and disapproval to yourself .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 134 .)

59 -When the Exalted God loves a slave He rewards him great for doing little .

( Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 137-138 .)

60 - Whoever hears of the reward of a deed and performs it , receives that reward even if it is not so .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 139 . )

61 - Patience is the head of faith .

62 - Any believer forbears for affliction with a difficulty , has the reward as one thousand martyrs .

63 - Overcome afflictions by patience .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 146 . )

64 - Thanking causes increase of blessings and security from its changing .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 149 .)

65 - The thankful sound person has reward as the patient afflicted .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 149 . )

66 - The thankful bestowed upon has reward as the contented deprived .

67 - There are three which nothing harms with their presence : supplication when difficulty , Forgiveness seeking when ( committed ) sins and thanking when blessing .(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 150 . )

68 - Thanking blessings is in refrainment from the unlawful and perfect thanking is in saying , " All praise is due to Allah , the Lord of the worlds . "

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 150 . )

69 - Good character melts sins as the sun melts ice .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 157 .)

70 -Benefaction and good character flourish houses and increase lifetimes .

( Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 157 . )

71 - Good character takes its possessor to the degree of the fasting worshiper .(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 161 . )

72 -There are there things which whoever performed one of them , God makes Paradise indispensable for him : Expending in poverty , cheerfulness with all people , and being fair .

( Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 161 .)

73 - A person asked Imam Sadiq ( p.b.u.h ) , " What is the good character ? " He replied , " Being humble , having good speech and meeting your brother with cheerfulness . "

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 162 . )

74 -Do not be deceited by people's praying and fasting because a human might be so much fond of praying and fasting that if leaves, becomes apprehensive , however , test them for truthfulness and honesty .

( Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 162 . )

75 - Whoever's tongue is truthful his action is pure .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 163 . )

76 - Whoever's Intention is good his sustenance is increased .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 165 . )

77 - Whoever has good treatment with his family , his life becomes lengthy .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 165 . )

78 - Whoever is shy his knowledge is little .(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 165 . )

79 - Whoever does not have pudency does not have faith .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 166 . )

80 -Three are of the good characters of this world and the Hereafter : Forgiving the one who oppressed you , relation with the one who renounced you , and self - control when treated ignorantly .

( Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 167 .)

81 - Anger is a good drink for the one who has patience ( in it ) .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 169 . )

82 - God entangles the people He loves .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 170 . )

83 - There is no slave who suppressed his anger except that the Almighty and Glorious God increases his dignity in this world and the next .(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 170 . )

84 -Whoever suppresses the anger which he could exercise , God fills his heart with his satisfaction till the Day of Judgement .

( Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 170-171 .)

85 - If you are not patient , persuade yourself to be so .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 173 . )

86 -There is no day except that every member of the body is humble before the tongue saying , " For God's sake do not cause our torture . "

( Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 176-177 . )

87 - The believer slave is written ( by angels ) as good doer while is quiet , as soon as he speaks is written as good or evil doer .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 178-179 .)

88 - Any family which tenderness moves away from , blessings also move away . (Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 182 .)

89 - Whoever is gentle in his work attains what he wants from the people .(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 184 . )

90 - It is of Humbleness to accept sitting in the lower part of the sitting , greet ( say Salam ) anybody you meet , leave disputation even if have right , and not love being praised for piety .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 186-187 . )

91 -Whoever loves for God , hates for God and gives for God is of ones whose faith is perfect .

( Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 189 .)

92 - Is faith other than love and hatred ?

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 190 .)

93 - Three are the signs for a believer : Recognition of God , God's friends , and enemies .(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 192 .)

94 - Among the two moslems meeting , the one who more loves the other is better .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 193 . )

95 - Whoever did not love for religion and hate of religion , has no religion .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 193 .)

96 - Whoever is austere regarding this world , God places wisdom in his heart and makes his tongue speak with it .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 193 .)

97 - All goodness is put in a house and austerity in this world is made its key .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 194 .)

98 - Your hearts can not taste the sweetness of Faith till you renunciate this world . (Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 194 .)

99 - If God wanted the good of a slave He makes him austere in this world , knowledgeable in religion and clear - sighted regarding the faults of this world ; and whoever is given one of these traits is given the good of this world and the Hereafter .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 196 .)

100 - If a believer renounces this world , he gains eminence and finds the sweetness of God's love .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 196 .)

101 - This world is like sea water , the more a thirsty person drinks ( from it ) , the more thirsty he is till it kills him .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 205 .)

102 - Whoever is satisfied with God for a simple living , God becomes satisfied with his few deeds , too .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 207 .)

103 - Oh , son of Adam ! Be the way you desire because you are retributed as you are .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 207 . )

104 - If adequacy makes you free from need the least of this world does so , and if adequacy does not free you from need , all what is in this world does not make you so .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 209 . )

105 - Relationship between ( religious ) brothers when close ( to each other ) is visiting each other and when travelling is writing letters to each other .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 4 , p . 495 .)

106 -The Almighty - Glorious God says , " If I cause destitution to My believer slave he becomes sad while this brings him closer to Me ; and if I made ease for him he becomes happy while this takes him away from Me . "

( Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 211 . )

107 -My father said , " Whenever you desire doing a good deed , accelerate because you do not know what comes up . "

( Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 212 . )

108 - Do not consider what brings you close to God as small even if it is a piece of a date .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 212 . )

109 - Whenever you desire doing a good deed don't postpone it because the Almighty God sometimes overlooks his slave while occupied doing a worship then says , " Swearing with My honour and majesty that after this I will never torture you . " and if you wish making a sin don't because sometimes God overlooks his slave while making a sin then says , " Swearing with My honour and majesty that after this you will never be forgiven . "

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 213 . )

110 -Whenever one of you intends a good deed or doing good to somebody , two devils are on his right and left side so should accelerate as not to be prevented by them .( Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 213 )

111 -Believer's honour is in night vigilance and his dignity in not - needing the people .

( Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 218 . )

112 - If one of you wanted his Lord ( God ) to give him whatever he asked for , let him be desperate from all the people and lose hope except in God .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 219 .)

113 -Need - requesting from people causes deprivation from dignity and going out of pudency .

( al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 219 .)

114 - Despair from what is in people's hands causes believer's honour in his religion ; and greed is the present poverty .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 219 .)

115 - Observing relation ties improves the character , makes the hand generous , purifies the soul , increases sustenance and delay death .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 221-222 . )

116 - Observing relation bonds and good neighbouring flourishes cities and increases lifetimes .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 223 .)

117 - Observing relation bonds and good - doing make reckoning easy and prevent sins .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 229 .)

118 - Giving charity at night extinguishes God's wrath .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 229 . )

119 - Imam Sadiq ( p.b.u.h ) was asked , " Which of the deeds is best ? " He replied , " Praying on time , good - doing to parents and struggle in God's way . " (Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 231 .)

120 - A man came to the Prophet ( p.b.u.h. ) and said , " O' Messenger of God ! To whom should I make benevolence ? " He said , " To your mother " . " Then who ? " he asked . He said , " Your mother " . " Then who ? " he asked . He replied , " Your mother. " " Then who ? " he asked . He answered , " Your father . "

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 233 .)

121 - Sodair said : I asked Imam Sadiq ( p.b.u.h ) , " Can a son reward his father ? " He replied , " There is no reward for a father except in two cases : The father is a slave and the son buys and frees him , or the father has a debt and the son pays it . "(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 237 . )

122 - It is upon you to admonish to God's creatures for His sake so that you will not meet Him with a deed better than that .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 239 .)

123 - Whoever is not concerned about moslem's affairs is not a moslem .

124 - Esteem your old and observe relation ties with your relatives , where nothing is better than not harming them .

125 - A believer is the brother of a believer , his eye and guide , is not treacherous , oppressive or cheating to him , and does not break promises he has made .

126 - The believer is the brother of the believer as the one body whenever a member of it is aching all other members feel the pain .

127 - The believer's soul is more attached to God's soul than the attachment of sun rays to the sun .

128 - God is not worshipped with anything better than fulfilling the Believer's rights .

129 - Fear God and be good ( treating ) brothers , Loving for God , having relations , kind to each other , visit each other , meet and discuss our matter ( Wilayah = Guardianship ) and enliven it .

130 - Have good relations , good treatment , love and affection to each other .

131 - That who visits his brother for the sake of God ,the Almighty God says , " Indeed ,you visited Me , I shall reward you with nothing less than Paradise . "

132 - That who visits his brother who lives far away for the sake of God , he will be deemed God's pilgrim and the Almighty shall honour his pilgrim .

133 - Shake hands with each other because shaking hands removes hatred .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 264 .)

134 - When two believers embrace each other God's mercy covers them .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 266 .)

135 - No one's hand or head should be kissed except for the Messenger of God or whom God's Prophet is aimed with .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 267 .)

136 - Kissing the mouth is not right except for the wife and the little child .( Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 268 . )

137 - Our followers ( Shi'ites ) are kind to each other and remember God when in solitude .

( Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 268 . )

138 - Visit each other because your visiting is enlivening to your hearts and reminding of our narrations .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 268 . )

139 - If one of you made a believer happy , do not think that you have only pleased him , however - swearing to God - have pleased us ; however - swearing to God - have pleased God's Messenger .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 272 .)

140 - Of the most beloved deeds to the Glorious God is making a believer happy , satiating his hunger , or resolving his problem or paying his debt .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 276 . )

141 - Fulfilling the believer's need is better than freeing one thousand slaves and better than preparing one thousand horses in the way of God .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 277 .)

142 - Meeting the need of a believer man is more beloved to God than twenty pilgrimages ( to Mecca ) where one hundred thousand is spent in each .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 1 , p . 277-278 .)

143 - Any believer who goes to his brother for a need is a mercy that God has sent and prepared for him .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 278 . )

144 - Any moslem who fulfils the need of a moslem , the Glorious God calls him saying , " I guarantee your reward and I am not pleased with other than Paradise for you ."(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 279 . )

145 -Moving towards fulfilling the need of my moslem brother is more beloved to me than freeing one thousand slaves and taking one thousand saddled and bridled horses in the way of God .

( Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 283 . )

146 - Whoever strives for his brother's need for the sake of God , the Almighty Glorious God writes for him a thousand thousand good deeds by which his relatives , neighbours , brothers and friends are forgiven .(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 283 .)

147 - Whoever saves a believer from a difficulty , God saves him from the Hereafter's difficulties and takes him out of grave with a pleased and cool heart . (Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 286 .)

148 - Whoever removes a believer's difficulty when in hardship , God makes his needs easy in this world and the Hereafter .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 286 .)

149 - Whoever satiated a believer is worthy of Paradise .

(Al - Kafi , vol . 3 , p . 287 .)