Islamic Concepts [Electronic resources]


نسخه متنی -صفحه : 41/ 16
نمايش فراداده

worship, in which all Muslims feel they are living a new life and following a new direction. This stimulates a psychological state which helps them to repent, seek forgiveness and gain the blessings of the Almighty. In the process they witness a popular advancing towards Allah, while disdaining those who turn away from His straight path and His pleasure.

The opposite of these are those whose hearts are closed against the light of mercy, and their souls are irresponsive to the call of repentance. They do not even realize their own mistake when they see that collective procession moving towards Allah, the Exalted. They disregard all those reminders during the month of Ramadhan such as the obligation of fasting, the recommended reciting of the Qur'an, the gathering for invocation and preaching, and other rituals observing the sanctity of this montb. The Prophet described people who are unaffected by all this and have hearts full of cruelty, obstinacy and misery as:

"... indeed, miserable is the one who is deprived of Allah s forgiveness during this great month..." *


The month of Ramadhan is aptly termed the springtime of Qur'an. The Holy Book, the Almighty's final and most comprehensive revelation to mankind, was sent down to Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) in this blessed month.

In this month the souls are more refined, more inclined towards the Creator, and more receptive towards the bounties in Allah's Book of wisdom, guidance and righteousness. Hence reciting the Qur'an and contemplating on its eternal verses is emphasized more in this blessed month than at any other time of the year.

The Prophet, says:


* Prophet's Sermon - Uyun Akhbar ar-Rid/ia.