WOMAN AND FAMILY [Electronic resources]

نسخه متنی
نمايش فراداده


In the previous study we discussed the position of woman and her human and social status, and also the feelings of men who are related to her, and their general psychological relations.

Here we talk about woman and family.

Woman, in Islam, is the base and the corner-stone in building the family, and is the beloved heart which overflows with the sentiments of love, mercy and calmness.

"And of His signs is that: He created mates for you from yourselves that you may find rest in them, and He ordained between you love and mercy.

Most surely there are signs for a people who reflect.

" Holy Qur'an (30:21) She is the source of tranquility, security and psychological stability for man.

She is the center of the harmonious get-together of the family which protects the children from being waifs and strays.

She is the fountain-head of affection, love and mercy for the husband and the children.

That is why an organized family is a must, psychologically, socially and legally, because it is the basic unit for constructing the society, the state, and humanity as a whole.

The more righteous the family and stronger in construction, with its members closely knit with each other, the sounder the society and the freer the life from crime, misery and spiritual unhappiness.

And vise versa, the lower the family declines morally, and the relations among its members deteriorate, the graver the loss and straying, and the deeper the feeling of strangeness, depression and loneliness.

In this way man may be deprived of the scent of love and the feelings of kindness and affection.

All psychological studies and scientific statistics confirm this fact, and stress that the cause of going astray, spread of crime and the collapse of the personalities of the grown ups, is the unhappiness suffered during childhood, due to broken-up families, or because of aimless wandering or lack of affection and parental care.

This proves that a family is a social, psychological, instinctive, economic and educational necessity, and not an economic phenomenon, as alleged by Marxism (Communism) which advocates sexual freedom, and thereby destroys legal matrimonial life and ruins the family, justifying this by its absurd philosophy interpreting wrongly the history and the appearance of the family and society.

It claims that woman took refuge in man because of an economic drive, "since she was weak and unable to hunt and struggle against the cruel nature, while man was living a free life.

So, she came to man to live with him to get sustenance and protection.

But in the modern era, as the woman is able to provide for herself and her needs without man's assistance, there is no need either for family or for marriage.

Both man and woman can satisfy their sexual desires, away from the requirements and responsibilities of a family and a marriage contract, exactly as the animals satisfy their sexual instincts".

Communism believes that the destruction of family life is a necessary step towards the transition to the communist society which is based on the ruins of the state, the religion, the family and private possessions-a society where women become a common property available to ever man, as the communists allege they had been before the appearance of family life.

This has been explicitly announced in the Communist Manifesto declared by Marx and Engels, the founders of the theory of Communism: "To destroy the family! Even the most radical extremists feel angry at this shameful and vile intention of the communists.

But on what basis is the bourgeois family erected at present? It is erected on Capitalism and personal interest.

It can be found, with its full being and complete construction, only under the bourgeois.

But its supplement is its inevitable cancellation in respect to the proletariat, and then open prostitution.

The bourgeois family is naturally dissolved by the dissolve of its supplement, and both the family and its supplement dissolved by the dissolve of Capitalism.

So, do you blame us because we aim at abolishing the exploitation of the children by their parents and relatives? If you do, then we confess this crime, accusing us of destroying the most sacred connections and relations by our attempt to move education from within the family out into the society".

Here you are! Marx and Angels are quite legible in openly demanding the destruction of the family, severing the parental relations between the children and their parents, ruining the relationship ties because of libertinism and the absence of legitimate matrimonial relations, and burdening the society - that is, the state establishments - with the rearing of the child after its mother throws it away.

Because of this fabulous thinking, which is contrary to the law of nature and life, communism has failed throughout the world, and has started to retract.

The states advocating the application of this theory - the Socialist countries: China, Russia and their Socialist followers - began facing problems and difficulties in putting the theory into practice.

They encountered refusal and stiff resistance.

No means of terror and dictatorship could force the people under Communist rule to accept and carry out such unnatural practices.

It was not Communism alone that demanded sexual liberty.

In the capitalistic culture there appeared philosophies advocating similar ignorant concepts about sex, woman and marriage as those voiced by Communism, only these are based on a different interpretation.

Instead of the economic interpretation presented by Marxism to explain the rise and development of the family, matrimonial relations and other human activities, Freud- the prominent psychologist in the capitalist culture - presented his sexual explanation' of the rise of the family, society and the whole human activity.

Both theories reach the same conclusion, despite their different starting points and distorted explanations.

Freud sees that the sexual desire is the only drive motivating the formation of the family and the relation between man and woman.

In fact, this is not the only theory in the capitalist culture that propagates sexual freedom, as there are other materialistic calls and theories advocating the same philosophy and ideas.

Thus, we see that these materialistic cultures are heading towards sexual libertinism, disintegrating the family structure and undoing its sacred bonds, and are contended with carnal satisfaction of the sexual needs in any available manner, even by sodomy, or with animals, or by some manufactured means.

Some figures and statistics in this respect have already been mentioned.

But the great religion of Islam sees the family as the essential constructive cell in the structure of the society.

It stands on natural creative bases, in an exactly defined system.

It is a need which the individual and the society cannot do without.

To destroy the family would mean destroying the natural law of social life.

Man is sociable by nature and is inclined to make acquaintance with his fellow beings, and to congregate.

There is between man and woman a psychological process of perfection, which is other than satisfying a desire.

Stopping this process would cause a feeling of loneliness anxiety, tension and spiritual pain, in both parties.

These feelings of love and longing for the other sex and ridding oneself from their* tormenting psychological tension, cannot be achieved by merely satisfying the instinct, as the materialistic concepts and libertine theories claim.

The Glorious Qur'an illustrates these psychological principles and natural motives for the formation of families, by saying: "And of His signs is that; He created mates for you from yourselves that you may find rest in them, and He ordained between you love and mercy.

Most surely there are signs for a people who reflect.

" Holy Qur'an (30: 21) "He it is Who did create you from a single being, and of the same (kind) did He make his mate that he might incline to her.



" Holy Qur'an (7: 189) Therefore, all calls to destroy the family and emphasize the instinctive aspect, have come to naught, by admitting their failure, acknowledging the greatness of the divine law, and the triviality of their counter directions of ignorance.

Communism, which regards the family as a phenomenon of the bourgeois society, and demands that it should be abolished, and does its best to do so, has been compelled to fall back and re-confirm the family.

In many countries of the world in Europe, America, and the Communist bloc, the woman began to feel the bitterness of the kind of life imposed on her and longed for a family life with a husband and children, living under the shady branches of the tree of affection and security.

It may be useful to give examples of these attempts as reported by the concerned offices.

One of these reports says: "In Germany more than one million mothers work outside their houses.

It was disclosed that 72% of these mothers are nervous, feel general weakness, complain of disorder in their blood circulation, and of heart attacks.

69% of them when back at home at night feel too exhausted, because of their office work, to do any domestic work.

43% of the mothers said that they had consulted their doctors several times during the year for treatment.

" The reports confirm that a woman needs to have a family, and longs For a blissful marital life and its enjoyable blessings, having already suffered from avoiding the family, and tasting the misery of loneliness and deprival??? from marital love, maternal affection, and the comfort of family life in a happy atmosphere.

The educational authorities in Scotland felt annoyed at the wave of marriages that "threatened" the school-mistresses from staying at their jobs.

It was disclosed that in 1960 they employed 1563 school-mistresses, but at the end of the year 1000 of them had quitted for marriage.

The authorities said that marriage was threatening the school system.

An institute in the USA conducted a poll among the women workers.

The result was that 65% preferred to go back to their homes.

The woman thought that she attained what she had wished.

But today, having been exhausted and worn down by the uneven road of work, she would rather return back to her nest and hug her children in her arms.

For this reason Islam enjoins marriage and the formation of families, strengthening its relation, and supporting its construction, since it is the natural environment for happiness of the individual and the center of his comfort and happiness.