Muslim scholars unanimously agree
with the fact, "that none of the companions of the Holy Prophet
was so widely praised by God (through the verses of the Quran) and
His Prophet for his virtues and excellence as was Hazrat Ali."
Ahmad ibn Hanbal says, "There
hath not come down to us regarding the merits of any one of the
Companions of the Apostle of God what bath been transmitted
concerning Ali. At times they are represented as so astounding
that it was for this reason that the Bani Umayyah were jealous of
him and came to hate him. That he did enjoy the special confidence
of Muhammad is acknowledged by all."
Numerous sayings of the Holy
Prophet exalting the virtues and personal attributes of the first
Apostolical Imam have been quoted both by Shia and Sunni scholars.
"After the Holy Prophet," says Allama Ibne abil Hadid aI-Motazali,
it was Hazrat Ali who devoted most of his time to the worship of
God and spent the nights in silent devotion and the days in
fasting. He was brave and forgiving, strong and understanding,
religious and secular. He was the only person of his time who
mastered the Holy Scriptures. Wise men from East and West came to
quench their thirst from his unfathomable spring of Divine