Edd Dumbill, Brian Jepson, Roger Weeks Publisher: O''''ReillyPub Date: April 2004ISBN: 0-596-00583-0Pages: 312Slots: 1.0

Chapter 1.
Introduction to Wireless

Section 1.1.
Radio Waves

Section 1.2.
Connections Without Wires

Section 1.3.
Wireless Alphabet Soup

Section 1.4.

Section 1.5.
Cellular Data

Section 1.6.

Chapter 2.
Wi-Fi on Your Linux Box

Section 2.1.
Quick Start

Section 2.2.
Chipset Compatibility

Section 2.3.
Four Steps to Wi-Fi

Section 2.4.
Linux Wi-Fi Drivers in Depth

Chapter 3.
Getting On the Network

Section 3.1.

Section 3.2.
Wireless Network Discovery

Chapter 4.
Communicating Securely

Section 4.1.
The Pitfalls of WEP

Section 4.2.
The Future Is 802.11i

Section 4.3.
WPA: a Subset of 802.11i

Section 4.4.
WPA on Linux

Chapter 5.
Configuring Access Points with Linux

Section 5.1.
Linux-Friendly Wireless Vendors

Section 5.2.
Commercial Wireless Equipment Overview

Section 5.3.
Configuring Access Points

Section 5.4.
Flashing Your Access Point

Chapter 6.
Building Your Own Access Point

Section 6.1.

Section 6.2.

Section 6.3.
Linux-Powered Off-the-Shelf

Chapter 7.

Section 7.1.
Quick Start

Section 7.2.
Bluetooth Basics

Section 7.3.
Bluetooth Hardware

Section 7.4.
Linux Bluetooth Support

Section 7.5.
Installing the BlueZ Utilities

Section 7.6.
Basic Configuration and Operation

Section 7.7.
Graphical Applications

Section 7.8.
Cool Bluetooth Tricks

Chapter 8.

Section 8.1.
IrDA in the Kernel

Section 8.2.
PC Laptop with Built-In IrDA

Section 8.3.
Infrared Dongle

Section 8.4.
Sharing a Network Connection over IrDA

Section 8.5.
Connecting to the Internet with a Cell Phone

Section 8.6.
Transferring Files with OpenOBEX

Section 8.7.
Synchronizing with a Palm

Section 8.8.
Pocket PC

Chapter 9.
Cellular Networking

Section 9.1.
Cellular Data

Section 9.2.
Some Cellular Carriers

Section 9.3.
Phones and Cards

Section 9.4.
Sending a Fax

Section 9.5.
Text Messaging

Section 9.6.

Chapter 10.

Section 10.1.
Uses of GPS

Section 10.2.
A GPS Glossary

Section 10.3.
GPS Devices

Section 10.4.
Listening to a GPS

Section 10.5.
Mapping Wi-Fi Networks with Kismet

Section 10.6.

Section 10.7.
Other Applications