Linux Unwired [Electronic resources] نسخه متنی

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Linux Unwired [Electronic resources] - نسخه متنی

Edd Dumbill, Brian Jepson, Roger Weeks

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افزودن به کتابخانه شخصی
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7.6 Basic Configuration and Operation

The bluez-utils package contains the tools
you need to configure and test your Bluetooth setup. Once
you've installed the package, run the init script
(/etc/init.d/bluez-utils start on Debian,
/etc/init.d/bluetooth start on Red Hat) to start
the Bluetooth subsystem. These scripts normally run on boot, so they
may have been started already if you installed from RPMs or Debian

The hcid daemon should now be running. This
program controls the initialization of Bluetooth devices on the
system and handles the bonding process with other devices. We discuss
configuration of hcid later in this chapter.

The prefix "hci" derives from the
name of the interface between the computer and the Bluetooth device,
the Host Controller Interface.

7.6.1 Examining Local Devices

The hciconfig tool allows the configuration of the
characteristics of your Bluetooth adapter. If you are familiar with
the configuration of network interfaces, you will find it parallel in
operation to ifconfig. Use -a
to display extended information about each
Bluetooth device attached to the

# hciconfig -a
hci0: Type: USB
BD Address: 00:80:98:24:15:6D ACL MTU: 128:8 SCO MTU: 64:8
RX bytes:4923 acl:129 sco:0 events:168 errors:0
TX bytes:2326 acl:87 sco:0 commands:40 errors:0
Features: 0xff 0xff 0x05 0x00
Packet type: DM1 DM3 DM5 DH1 DH3 DH5 HV1 HV2 HV3
Link policy: HOLD SNIFF PARK
Name: 'saag-0'
Class: 0x100100
Service Classes: Object Transfer
Device Class: Computer, Uncategorized
HCI Ver: 1.1 (0x1) HCI Rev: 0x73 LMP Ver: 1.1 (0x1) LMP Subver: 0x73
Manufacturer: Cambridge Silicon Radio (10)

From this output, you can observe several things, which have been
rendered in bold text in the example.

Bluetooth interfaces are referred to as hci0,
hci1, etc. in the same way as Ethernet
interfaces are generally named eth0,
eth1, etc.

The unique Bluetooth address of our device is

The hci0 device in question is activated, that
is, UP.

Other Bluetooth devices will see this computer as saag-0. This name
is configurable, as explained in Table 7-6.

The chipset is manufactured by Cambridge Silicon Radio (CSR). The CSR
chipset is the most commonly used chipset for USB dongles.

When diagnosing and reporting problems to kernel driver authors, you
may be asked for the output of hciconfig -a. Note
that you must be the root user to use some of the features of

Table 7-6 shows the most useful options of the
hciconfig tool.

Table 7-6. Common usages of the hciconfig tool



hciconfig hci0 up
hciconfig hci0 down

Activates or deactivates the Bluetooth device. Normally, in
hcid does this for you when you plug the device.

hciconfig hci0 reset

Sends a reset command to the Bluetooth device.

hciconfig hci0 name myname

Sets the device's public name to

hciconfig hci0 features

Shows a human-readable list of the Bluetooth features the device
supports. The most useful feature is SCO link,
required in order to use audio.

7.6.2 Scanning for Remote Devices

The acid test is, of course, to see if your
computer can detect other Bluetooth
devices. The hcitool toolcan be used to do this.
Switch on your other Bluetooth device, and ensure it is in
"discoverable" mode. Issue the
command hcitool scan and wait (see Example 7-2). You don't need to be root
in order to run this command.

Example 7-2. An example scan of remote Bluetooth devices

$ hcitool scan
Scanning ...
00:0A:D9:15:CB:B4 ED P800
00:40:05:D0:DD:69 saag-1

Example 7-2 shows a typical output of a scan. In
this case, the author's cell phone,
"ED P800," and second Bluetooth
adapter, "saag-1," are shown as

Why Isn't Scanning Instantaneous?

The reason scanning can take a long time is because a Bluetooth
inquiry is being performed. As Bluetooth devices
frequency-hop, inquiry cannot be instantaneous. The device performing
the inquiry transmits a special code on two consecutive frequencies.
When the other devices' hop patterns take them onto
those frequencies, they listen for a repetition of that code and then
indicate their presence to the inquirer.

The hcitool and hciconfig
programs produce similar output for the remote devices. You must be
root to use this option of hcitool.
Here's an example session with
hcitool where we specify the Bluetooth address
of the P800 cell phone discovered in Example 7-2:

# hcitool info 00:0A:D9:15:CB:B4
Requesting information ...
BD Address: 00:0A:D9:15:CB:B4
Device Name: ED P800
LMP Version: 1.1 (0x1) LMP Subversion: 0x9040
Manufacturer: Ericsson Mobile Comunications (0)
Features: 0xff 0xfb 0x01 0x00
<3-slot packets> <5-slot packets> <encryption> <slot offset>
<timing accuracy> <role switch> <hold mode> <sniff mode>
<park mode> <RSSI> <SCO link> <HV2 packets>
<HV3 packets> <u-law log> <A-law log> <CVSD>

7.6.3 Pinging a Remote Device

The ping command is an incredibly
useful tool for discovering whether
remote computers are reachable over a TCP/IP network. BlueZ has an
analog to ping, called
l2ping. Its name refers to the fact that it
attempts to create a connection to the device using the
logical link control and adaptation protocol
(L2CAP), the lowest-level link-based protocol in Bluetooth.

In other words, before despairing because you cannot connect to a
device, check it with
l2ping. There may be a fault with software higher
up the chain; l2ping enables you to determine
whether a basic connection can be established with a remote device.
Here's an example of l2ping in
action (you need to run l2ping as root):

# l2ping 00:0A:D9:15:CB:B4
Ping: 00:0A:D9:15:CB:B4 from 00:80:98:24:15:6D (data size 20) ...
0 bytes from 00:0A:D9:15:CB:B4 id 200 time 54.85ms
0 bytes from 00:0A:D9:15:CB:B4 id 201 time 49.35ms
0 bytes from 00:0A:D9:15:CB:B4 id 202 time 34.35ms
0 bytes from 00:0A:D9:15:CB:B4 id 203 time 28.33ms
4 sent, 4 received, 0% loss

If you have not yet paired your computer with the device with which
you are testing, using l2ping may result in a
"permission denied" error. To
remedy this, you must either pair your device with the computer (see
Section 7.6.5 later in this chapter)
or ensure that the remote device is discoverable.

7.6.4 Configuring hcid

The hcid daemon handles various low-level aspects of a
system's Bluetooth devices, including activating and
configuring the Bluetooth interfaces, and handling device bonding.
hcid should be running at all times on your
system, and it is usually started by initialization scripts installed
along with the rest of the tools from the bluez-utils package.

The configuration file for hcid,
/etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf, has two parts: global
configuration and Bluetooth device configuration. In normal
operation, most of the default options are acceptable. In this
chapter, we cover only the options that are most useful to change. Global options

This section is introduced by the options keyword
in the configuration file and controls the behavior of the
hcid program. The most useful option in this
section is pin_helper, which tells the computer
the program to run in order to obtain a PIN code when pairing. The
default PIN helper that ships with bluez-utils is a Python script,
which uses the Python bindings to the GTK graphical toolkit. Unless
you have Python and the Python-GTK package installed on your
computer, this helper will not work, and you will not be able to pair
your computer with other Bluetooth devices. (See the Section 7.1.4 earlier in this
chapter for instructions on replacing the PIN helper with one that
returns the same PIN code every time.)

A better-looking PIN helper is available separately from bluez-utils,
in a package called bluez-pin. Installing this package is
recommended, and several Linux distributions ship it as a default. If
you install bluez-pin, you must amend the
pin_helper option accordingly. Figure 7-5 shows bluez-pin in action.

Figure 7-5. A request for a PIN from bluez-pin Device options

This section is introduced by the devices keyword,
which controls the configuration that hcid gives
to each Bluetooth device as it is activated. This has the same effect
as if you were to manually configure the device with
hciconfig. Table 7-7 explains the most useful options available in
this section.

Table 7-7. Useful device-level options from /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf




The name of the adapter as it appears to other devices. The special
sequence %h is replaced by the
machine's hostname, and %d is
replaced by the interface number.


The Bluetooth device and service class advertised to other devices.
The default is hex 0x000100, indicating a
computer device class, with no special service
class. Depending on how the Bluetooth adapter is to be used, it may
be helpful to amend this value. For more information, see Section

iscan pscan

These two options control whether the adapter responds to inquiry and
page scans. If inquiry scanning (iscan) is
enabled, the adapter is discoverable by other devices. If page
scanning (pscan) is enabled, the computer permits
adapter connections from remote devices.

7.6.5 Bonding/Pairing

Many devices require that bonding, or pairing, is performed before a
connection is established. Bonding may be initiated by the computer
or by the remote device.

If the computer initiates bondingusually by making an outgoing
connectionthen the pin_helper program
(usually bluepin) will present a graphical
dialog box to the user requesting that he input a PIN, which should
match the code set on the remote device. If the remote device
initiates bonding, then the remote device is required to provide a
PIN to match that set in the file

In some distributions of bluez-utils, the PIN code is set to the
alphabetical string BlueZ. This is troublesome,
because many Bluetooth devices, including most cell phones, are only
capable of delivering numeric PINs. It is therefore recommended that
you alter the contents of /etc/bluetooth/pin to
a numeric code.

If bonding is successful, the hcid daemon will
store the resulting link key, used to authenticate all future
connections between the two devices concerned, in the database file

7.6.6 Service Discovery

Bluetooth devices implement the
service discovery profile (SDP) in
order to describe to other devices how their services may be
accessed. SDP is generally used in two ways: browsing and searching.
An SDP browse request causes a device to respond
with a list of services that it supports. A search
request is a query for details of a particular service.

Two tools found in the bluez-sdp package handle SDP on Linux. The
first is sdpd, which provides an SDP server and allows
remote devices to query the computer. The second,
sdptool, allows administration of the SDP
server and querying of the remote device.

Not all Bluetooth-enabled devices support SDP browsingfor
example, the Palm Tungsten-T PDA. Applications that wish to connect
to these devices must instead search for the services they wish to
use, as shown in the following section. Using sdptool

The simplest invocation of sdptool is
sdptool browse. This performs an inquiry and then
browses each available device. Example 7-3 shows the
result of this command.

Example 7-3. Results of an SDP browse

$ sdptool browse
Inquiring ...
Browsing 00:80:98:24:15:6D ...
Service Name: SDP Server
Service Description: Bluetooth service discovery server
Service Provider: BlueZ
Service RecHandle: 0x0
Service Class ID List:
"SDP Server" (0x1000)
Protocol Descriptor List:
"L2CAP" (0x0100)
PSM: 1
Version: 0x0001
Language Base Attr List:
code_ISO639: 0x656e
encoding: 0x6a
base_offset: 0x100
Service Name: Public Browse Group Root
Service Description: Root of public browse hierarchy
Service Provider: BlueZ
Service RecHandle: 0x804d008
Service Class ID List:
"Browse Group Descriptor" (0x1001)
Language Base Attr List:
code_ISO639: 0x656e
encoding: 0x6a
base_offset: 0x100
Service Name: LAN Access Point
Service RecHandle: 0x804d6f0
Service Class ID List:
"LAN Access Using PPP" (0x1102)
Protocol Descriptor List:
"L2CAP" (0x0100)
"RFCOMM" (0x0003)
Channel: 3
Profile Descriptor List:
"LAN Access Using PPP" (0x1102)
Version: 0x0100
Service Name: OBEX Object Push
Service RecHandle: 0x804d7f0
Service Class ID List:
"OBEX Object Push" (0x1105)
Protocol Descriptor List:
"L2CAP" (0x0100)
"RFCOMM" (0x0003)
Channel: 4
"OBEX" (0x0008)
Profile Descriptor List:
"OBEX Object Push" (0x1105)
Version: 0x0100

The output from the
browse command shows a list of service
descriptions obtained from the SDP server. In this case, you can see
that the device is running an SDP server, has support for public
browsing of the SDP server contents, is offering network access via
PPP, and supports OBEX via OBEX PUSH. The two profiles that use
RFCOMM as a base protocol also indicate the RFCOMM channel on which
the service is available. The term
"channel" is somewhat overloaded in
radio technologies such as Bluetooth, so you may find it helpful to
consider each RFCOMM channel a virtual serial port number.

If the BDADDR of the device to query is known, it can be specified on
the command line: sdptool browse

The sdptool program is also used to search
for devices supporting a particular service. For instance,
sdptool search OPUSH returns the service
descriptor for OBEX PUSH support from any available device supporting
it. Unfortunately, unlike the browse command,
there is no way of searching only one device with the current version
of sdptool; it must perform an inquiry and
search for the service on every device. Table 7-8
shows the service abbreviations that sdptool

Table 7-8. Service abbreviations for sdptool




Serial port


Dial-up networking


LAN access


Headset profile


Fax profile


Object push


Object file transfer protocol


Network access point


Ad-hoc peer networking


Human interface device


Common ISDN access


Cordless telephony

Although the use of sdptool appears clumsy, in
practice it is normally required only for diagnostic purposes.
Bluetooth application software generally performs its own SDP
requests to determine how to connect to a service on a remote device. Configuring sdpd with sdptool

Unlike hcid,
sdpd does not remember its settings by use
of a static configuration file. The service directory is dynamic,
allowing services to register and deregister themselves as they come
and go. Most applications do this by using the BlueZ SDP libraries,
but on occasion, it is useful to configure this manually using

To see which services the system's SDP daemon is
advertising, use the special Bluetooth address
FF:FF:FF:00:00:00, which refers to the local
Bluetooth device: sdptool browse

The add subcommand of sdptool
registers a service via SDP. It takes the service name as a
parameter, with an optional parameter for the RFCOMM channel. For
instance, to advertise a serial port connection on RFCOMM channel 3,
use the following command: sdptool add --channel=3
SP. Obviously, the channel option makes sense only
for those services based on serial emulation, such as dial-up
networking, OBEX, and fax.

Removing a service is slightly more complex, requiring the
identifying "handle" of the record.
In the output from an SDP browse in Example 7-3,
there is a Service RecHandle entry for each record; the
del command requires this number. So, assuming
Example 7-3 refers to a local SDP server, you could
remove the object push record with the command sdptool del

The sdptool command provides even more granular
control over the SDP records through the use of
setattr and setseq, which
adjust particular parameters. Use of setattr and
setseq require knowledge that is likely to be
useful only if you are writing sophisticated Bluetooth

7.6.7 Serial Connections

Using BlueZ's RFCOMM
implementation, it is possible to create and use emulated serial port
connections over Bluetooth. RFCOMM actually
underlies many Bluetooth profiles such as dial-up networking and

As with SDP, BlueZ provides both application libraries, so programs
can create and utilize RFCOMM connections and an administrative
tool for the user to set up connections herself. Ensuring RFCOMM is set up

To use RFCOMM connections, you must ensure that:

The rfcomm kernel module is either compiled into
the kernel or available to load

The /dev/rfcomm* devices exist on your machine

Kernel configuration was covered in Section 7.4.2 earlier in this chapter.
Most Linux distributions should automatically create the RFCOMM
device entries for you, but if they don't exist,
create them using the script in Example 7-4, which
must be run as the root user.

Example 7-4. Creating the /dev/rfcomm devices

# script: mkrfcomm
while [ $C -lt 256 ]; do
if [ ! -c /dev/rfcomm$C ]; then
mknod -m 666 /dev/rfcomm$C c 216 $C
C=`expr $C + 1`
done Connecting to a cell phone

To see an example of RFCOMM usage, you could set up a serial
connection to a cell phone's modem and try some
commands on it. First, you must discover the RFCOMM channel that
dial-up networking uses on the phone. For this, use sdptool
ADDR (where
ADDR is a Bluetooth address you retrieved
with sdptool browse):

$ sdptool browse

Service Name: Dial-up Networking
Service Description: Dial-up Networking
Service Provider: Sony Ericsson
Service RecHandle: 0x10002
Service Class ID List:
"Dialup Networking" (0x1103)
Protocol Descriptor List:
"L2CAP" (0x0100)
"RFCOMM" (0x0003)
Channel: 3

The phone uses channel 3 for dial-up networking. A virtual serial
port on the Linux machine must be bound to this channel on the phone.
As the root user, use the rfcomm command to bind
the port and then again to confirm that the port is bound, as shown
in Example 7-5.

Example 7-5. Binding to and checking an RFCOMM serial port

# rfcomm bind 0 00:0A:D9:15:CB:B4 3
# rfcomm
rfcomm0: 00:0A:D9:15:CB:B4 channel 3 clean

The 0 in bind 0 corresponds to
the 0 in the device
/dev/rfcomm0, which can now be used with
applications in the same way that traditional serial ports (known as
/dev/ttyS0, etc.) are used. A terminal emulation
package, such as the popular minicom, can be used to confirm that the
phone's modem is working, as shown in the following
listing. The command ATI3 usually returns useful
model information for a remote modem.

P800 Bluetooth (TM) Modem

For more information on minicom, see
You must create a configuration file for minicom referencing
/dev/rfcomm0 or change the serial device to
/dev/rfcomm0 from within
minicom's option screens, which you can find by
running minicom -s. You can also use Kermit, as
shown in Chapter 9. Internet access via a cell phone

By creating PPP
connections with RFCOMM serial ports, you can use your cell phone for
Internet access. (To learn how to do this with GPRS cell phones, see
Chapter 9.) For example, to connect to AT&T
Wireless's GPRS network with a Nokia 3650 (see
"GSM/GPRS Phone with Data Cable" in
Chapter 9), use the peers
script shown in Example 7-6. Be sure to use rfcomm
bind as shown in Example 7-6. You can use the
attws-connect and
attws-disconnect scripts from Chapter 9.

Example 7-6. PPP peer settings for AT&T Wireless and the Nokia 3650 over Bluetooth

# File: /etc/ppp/peers/attws-rfcomm
/dev/rfcomm0 # Nokia 3650
115200 # speed
defaultroute # use the cellular network for the default route
usepeerdns # use the DNS servers from the remote network
nodetach # keep pppd in the foreground
nocrtscts # no hardware flow control
lock # lock the serial port
noauth # don't expect the modem to authenticate itself
local # don't use Carrier Detect or Data Terminal Ready
connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/attws-connect"
disconnect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f

7.6.8 Object Exchange

OBEX is a simple file transfer protocol.
It is used when you "beam" files
from one device to another. This is known as OBEX PUSH. Some devices
also support OBEX FTP. As its name suggests, OBEX FTP behaves
similarly to the Internet FTP protocol, allowing file uploads and
downloads to a device.

The OBEX protocol was introduced as part of the group of technologies
created for infrared device connections. Its implementation in
devices such as cell phones is widespread but not without its quirks.
OBEX itself is a binary protocol layered on top of a serial
connection. With Bluetooth, it is layered on top of an RFCOMM
connection. Example 7-3 shows an entry for the OBEX
PUSH profile, using RFCOMM channel 4.

Some older cell phones don't actually provide OBEX
implementation in this way. Instead, they have extended AT commands
accessible from a serial connection to their internal modem, as
described in the previous section. These commands place the
connection into OBEX mode. We do not cover this use, often called
"cable OBEX," but rather focus on
the Bluetooth OBEX profiles.

FTP over Bluetooth is not very well supported on Linux. The most
popular package, obexftp, still has Bluetooth support in development
at the time of writing. We advise you to check the
project's home page at

better supported and is more practical since it is consistently
implemented in consumer devices such as cell phones. There are
several graphical programs available to support OBEX PUSH on Linux,
as we shall see later. First, we look at the command-line tools
available to perform file transfers. Basic support

OBEX support on Linux is implemented through a project called
OpenOBEX. Any
OBEX-related program requires you to have these libraries installed.
They can be obtained and compiled from the project's
home page at or installed
through your Linux system's package management

If your Linux distribution is relatively old, be aware that OpenOBEX
might not have been compiled with Bluetooth enabled. If you are
encountering inexplicable errors in starting up OBEX applications,
this may well be the case, and you should contact your Linux
distribution vendor.

The OpenOBEX libraries have a companion
package called openobex-apps. The openobex-apps package contains a set of
basic test programs that you can use to get started. They are by no
means production quality, but they enable you to test your setup.
We'll use the obex_test program
to test receiving and sending files.

To send a file to a remote device, you must first discover the RFCOMM
port the OBEX PUSH support uses, as shown in Example 7-3. Use sdptool to discover
this, and then run obex_test.
Let's suppose our remote device has the address
11:22:33:44:55:66 and uses RFCOMM port 3 for
OBEX PUSH. Here is an imaginary session:

$ obex_test -b 11:22:33:44:55:66 3
> c
> p localfilename remotefilename

This session presents two arguments to the p
command: the location of the file you want to send and the name of
the file to use when it reaches the remote device.

To receive a file from a remote device, use the test program in
server mode. (This is shown in the following listing.) You can then
push a file to your computer from a remote device.

$ sdptool add --channel=4 OPUSH
$ obex_test -b ff:ff:ff:00:00:00 4
> s

Note that some devices require the OBEX capability to be reflected in
your Bluetooth device's device class setting before
they allow transfers to be made to your computer. (See the section
Section for a detailed
discussion on the exact values that this can take.) In most cases, it
is sufficient to set the class to service_class_obex |
(0x100100). This
can be set in /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf or by
dynamically using the hciconfig command.

The test applications that come with the OpenOBEX libraries are
necessarily very rough and require you to do the legwork. Happily,
more polished applications are available. These applications form
part of the KDE and GNOME desktop projects, and are mentioned later
in this chapter.

Other software meriting investigation can be found on the Web. These
programs include ussp-push, obextool, and the OBEX PUSH daemon. They
can be found either by searching the Web or visiting a page on Linux
and Bluetooth, created by BlueZ maintainer Marcel

7.6.9 PPP Networking

networking is useful for networking two computers together. If one of
the peers permits routing or bridging to a wider network, then the
other gains access to that network. This is what happens when you
dial up your Internet service provider on a traditional modem.

PPP networking is used in the implementation of the Bluetooth
LAN access profile. Here is what an SDP record for the LAN access profile looks like:

Service Name: LAN Access over PPP
Service RecHandle: 0x804dae0
Service Class ID List:
"LAN Access Using PPP" (0x1102)
Protocol Descriptor List:
"L2CAP" (0x0100)
"RFCOMM" (0x0003)
Channel: 2
Profile Descriptor List:
"LAN Access Using PPP" (0x1102)
Version: 0x0100

You can use LAN access to provide Bluetooth devices with access to
your local network. Many PDA devices support this connection method,
both for purposes of synchronization over TCP/IP and general Internet

In order to use LAN access, you need the
bluez-pan package installed on your
computer. This contains two tools:
dund and
pand. LAN access is provided by
dund, which we discuss here. You also need PPP
support in your Linux kernel, and the PPP daemon
pppd installed on your computer. With most Linux
distributions, this is already installed.

While no pppd expertise is assumed in this
section, you are strongly recommended to familiarize yourself with
its documentation. The Linux PPP HOWTO at is
a good starting point.

The dund daemon can be used to manage both sides
of the LAN connection. It provides PPP access to a remote device or
connects to a provider. Acting as the server, it listens on a
specific RFCOMM channel, and when a connection is made, it invokes
pppd to establish the network connection. Acting
as the client, it establishes a connection over Bluetooth to a remote
device and then invokes pppd to handle the
network connection. Creating a LAN access server

The simplest invocation of
dund is dund --listen
. You should run this command from the account of
a user with permission to run pppd (as a
fallback, you can always run it as the root user.) This command line
causes dund to register the LAN access profile
with the local SDP server and listen for incoming connections as a
daemon. (For debugging purposes, dund can be
given the --nodetach argument, which causes it to
run in the foreground like a normal program.) The
persist option causes the daemon to continue
running after a connection has terminated and await new connections.
You can check the system log /var/log/syslog for
status messages from dund.

When a connection is established, dund invokes
pppd with its default options. You can normally
find these in /etc/ppp/options. Some systems use
/etc/pppd instead of
/etc/ppp. However, it's better
to create a separate configuration file especially for your
connections. Anything you pass to dund on the
command line after its own configuration options is sent straight to
pppd. Create a file called
dun in /etc/ppp/peers with
the content shown in Example 7-7.

Example 7-7. PPP daemon configuration for LAN access

# local : remote

You may want to adjust the last two entries in the configuration to
suit your setup: the ms-dns line specifies the IP
address of your DNS server. This will become useful when you enable
routing. The two colon-separated addresses are the local IP address
and the IP address to give the remote device. You should choose
addresses in the 10.x.x.x or 192.168.x.x ranges that
don't clash with any of your internal subnets.

The dund program can then be invoked with
dund --listen --persist call
dun. When a remote device connects, the PPP
connection is brought up. Because of the
"debug" option to
pppd, you should see a verbose report of the
connection in the system log. To confirm that a connection has been
established, run the ifconfig command and look
for the ppp0 network interface. Invoke the
ping command to confirm that your remote device
is reachable:

$ ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=77.8 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=80.5 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=78.3 ms

The final step is to ensure that your Linux box can route for the
remote device, so it can take advantage of your network facilities.
Various Linux distributions have their own way of doing this in their
network configuration, but to test you can enable it by issuing the
command echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward.
Further instructions on routing can be found on the iptables home
page (
and also in "Sharing a Network Connection over
IrDA" in Chapter 8. There are
a few ways to set up this kind of routing, depending on your
distribution and kernel version, but make sure that other machines on
your network know how to route to your connected Bluetooth device.

If you are connecting to a device running Microsoft software, you
should pass the --ms-dun option to
dund. This enables the extra negotiation
required to talk to the Windows dial-up networking implementation.

Our setup so far has no security considerations. There are several
steps one can take to improve the security situation:

Require username/password authentication for the PPP setup; see the
pppd documentation for how to do this.

Configure your Bluetooth device to always use link-level encryption
in hcid.conf.

You should rely on neither of these to provide more than basic
security. Bluetooth is still a relatively new technology, and its
security measures have not yet been subjected to many attacks in the
wild. It's always best, if the remote device is
capable of it, to assume link-level security is weak and to use
secure connection tools such as ssh to encrypt
your network traffic at the application layer. Connecting to a LAN access server

The dund program can be configured to connect to a known LAN
access point or to search for one and connect to it. Here are the
command lines for these two functions:

dund --connect 11:22:33:44:55:66
dund --search

You can also specify a PPP configuration file by appending the
call keyword and the name of the configuration in
/etc/ppp/peers/ to the command line.

7.6.10 Personal Area Networking

While you can achieve much with file transfers via OBEX
and point-to-point networking with PPP, devices can take the full
advantage of being interlinked in the same way that Ethernet networks
are. They can then run protocols such as IPv4, IPv6, and IPX. For
this reason, the Bluetooth specifications define a
protocol called Bluetooth Network Encapsulation
(BNEP). BNEP is used by the Personal Area Networking (PAN) profiles.

The PAN profiles cover two basic modes of networking. The first
profile is a network access
(NAP). NAPs provide network access in the
same way that an access point for a Wi-Fi network does. They are
typically connected to a wider network and provide bridging. Figure 7-6 shows the structure of a NAP network. Clients
connect using a profile called PAN user (PANU).

Figure 7-6. Structure of a network connected to a NAP

The second PAN profile is a group ad-hoc
(GN). GNs are not intended to provide
access to any further network but can be used to create ad-hoc
networks among a group of devices. Figure 7-7 shows
the structure of a GN.

Figure 7-7. Structure of a GN

Both of these types of network are supported under Linux. To set them
up, you must have some familiarity with Linux network administration. Creating a GN

GNs are
easier to create, so they are good starting points to test PAN
functionality. To set up a GN or NAP, the bluez-pan package must be
compiled and installed. You must also ensure that your kernel has the
BNEP module compiled (Table 7-3). Load the BNEP
module with modprobe bnep.

On the server machine, run this command as root:

# pand --master --listen --role GN

On the client machine, run this command, substituting the Bluetooth
address of the master machine:

# pand --connect 11:22:33:44:55:66

As usual, you can check for status reports from
pand in the system log file. To bring a network
up, configure the interfaces' network addresses. On
the master:

# ifconfig bnep0

and on the client:

# ifconfig bnep0

If you use the 192.168.7.x network locally,
substitute other suitable IP addresses. Test the connection by using
ping to verify the connection from each end. Use
ifconfig to display the interface configuration:

# ifconfig bnep0
bnep0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:80:98:24:15:6D
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::280:98ff:fe24:156d/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:5 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:20 (20.0 b) TX bytes:188 (188.0 b)

You may not want to specify the GN host's Bluetooth
address on the client. By default, pand
registers the GN or NAP service with the master
host's SDP server. To make the client find its
access point via SDP, give the client the following command line:

# pand --role PANU --search --service GN

Omitting the service argument causes pand to
search for the NAP by default. Specifying the
--persist option to the client's
pand line causes it to search for the GN
whenever it is not connected. Using this option, you can configure a
machine to automatically connect to the network whenever it comes in
range of the master machine.

To automate the IP address configuration, use the methods provided by
your Linux distribution. On Red Hat, this means creating suitable
scripts to go into
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts. On Debian, you
should edit /etc/network/interfaces. The BNEP
network interfaces are not present at boot time, but they will be
initialized by the hotplug utility when a BNEP connection is made.
For further details of this configuration, read the manpages on your
system for ifup, interfaces
(Debian only), and hotplug.

The ideal configuration is to give the GN master a static IP address
and require the clients to use DHCP. If your DHCP server is running
on the GN master, you may need to run a command to cause it to take
note of the new network interface to listen on. This should be
possible through your system's network
configuration. Bridging interfaces

As you will discover if you attempt to connect
more than one client machine to your host, each connection is given
its own network interface: bnep0,
bnep1, bnep2 and so on. Not
only is it a nuisance to specify multiple configurations on the
master side for each interface, but it leaves the client devices
unable to communicate with each other. The solution to this is called
bridging. Bridging enables multiple network devices to appear as one
interface on a network by tying, on the master side, all the
bnep* devices into one interface.

The first step is to ensure that bridging is enabled in your Linux
kernel; bridging is supported in both the 2.4 and 2.6 series of
kernels. This option can be found under "Networking
options" from the kernel's menu
configuration and is called 802.1d Ethernet Bridging. You also need
the bridge-utils software package installed. If this is not part of
your Linux distribution, download it from

Once you have the kernel modules and tools installed, you can bring
up and configure a bridge interface:

# brctl addbr pan0
# ifconfig pan0

# brctl setfd pan0 0
# brctl stp pan0 disable

This bridged interface then handles all the BNEP interfaces. The
latter two commands disable two features of Ethernet bridging known
as Listening and Learning States and Spanning Tree Protocol. For
noncomplex networks, they are not required and may cause delays to
initializing the network. Further information on these features can
be found on the O'Reilly Network web site at

The second part of the trick is to get pand to
add each interface to the bridge as it comes up. Create a script, as
shown in Example 7-8, and save it to
/etc/bluetooth/pan/dev-up. Ensure it is

Example 7-8. A script to add each BNEP network interface to the bridge

brctl addif pan0 $1
ifconfig $1

The bridging method provides another advantage: you
don't need to inform your DHCP server of the
existence of a new interface whenever a BNEP connection is made.

Here is the configuration of the network interfaces after a bridged
network connection has been established with one NAP and two PANU

bnep0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:40:05:D0:DD:69
inet6 addr: fe80::240:5ff:fed0:dd69/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:11 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:13 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:789 (789.0 b) TX bytes:880 (880.0 b)
bnep1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:80:98:24:15:6D
inet6 addr: fe80::280:98ff:fe24:156d/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:49 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:72 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:6453 (6.3 KiB) TX bytes:9019 (8.8 KiB)
pan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:40:05:D0:DD:69
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::200:ff:fe00:0/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:11 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:13 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:700 (700.0 b) TX bytes:1254 (1.2 KiB) Creating a network access point

If you intend to incorporate PAN networking as part of your
network's infrastructure, you will want to set up a
NAP. The initial part of NAP configuration is exactly the same as for
the aforementioned GN configuration, except it specifies
--role NAP to the pand
command line rather than --role GN.

The remaining configuration required is to set up the routing in your
network to ensure that the client machines and the rest of your LAN
know how to reach each other. To illustrate, consider a network where
the LAN uses the 10.x.x.x subnet and your NAP
machine has the IP The Bluetooth
access point you just set up uses the
192.168.7.x subnet with as your NAP machine. On your client
machines, you must run:

# route add -net netmask gw

On the LAN router, you must run the following command, or insert an
equivalent configuration in the case of a non-Linux router:

# route add -net netmask gw

As with the configuration for dund, you must
also ensure your NAP machine has IP forwarding enabled.

Finally, for further information, you should consult the
"PAN HOWTO" document, available
from the documentation area of the BlueZ web site (
This document serves as the source for much of the information in
this section.

7.6.11 Experimental Features

The uses of Bluetooth covered so far in this
chapter are the widespread applications of the BlueZ stack. In this
section, we cover the more experimental uses: printing over
Bluetooth, connecting Bluetooth mice and keyboards, and using audio
with Bluetooth headsets. If you're not afraid of
some system configuration, happy with compiling programs from source,
and understand how to use CVS, this section is for you. Printing over Bluetooth

The Common Unix Printing System (CUPS) is a
popular solution for managing printers on Linux systems. If you run
CUPS, you can add a Bluetooth printer to your system.
Assuming you don't already have a Bluetooth-enabled
printer, you can buy Bluetooth-to-Centronics dongles that plug into
the back of your printer. These devices are produced by several
manufacturers, which include AnyCom, Axis, HP, and TDK.

To configure CUPS to use a Bluetooth printer, you must first download
and install Marcel Holtmann's software from
Once you have compiled and installed the software as per
Marcel's instructions, you can configure the CUPS

Edit the file /etc/bluetooth/printers.conf and
add an entry similar to the following:

default {
# Bluetooth address of the device
device 00:40:8C:5E:5D:A4;
# Bluetooth printing protocol
protocol serial;
# Description of the connection
comment "My Bluetooth printer";

Restart your CUPS system, and you should then see the printer ready
for administration. The Bluetooth backend performs an SDP inquiry on
the target printer to discover the RFCOMM channel on which to send
data. Connecting input devices

Vendors such as
Apple and Microsoft both produce
Bluetooth-connected mice and keyboards. There is experimental support
available from the BlueZ project for these devices, and they will be
supported more fully in the 2.0 release of the BlueZ tools.

Input device support entails enabling the user-level driver support
in the Input device drivers section of your Linux kernel. As its name
suggests, this allows regular programs to inject events into the
system's input device channels. Secondly, you must
compile and configure the development version of BlueZ:

# cvs -d login
# cvs -z3 -d \
co libs2 utils2
# cd libs2
# ./bootstrap
# ./configure --prefix=/opt/bluez2
# make && make install
# cd ../utils2
# ./bootstrap
# ./configure --prefix=/opt/bluez2 --with-bluetooth=/opt/bluez2
# make && make install
# echo /opt/bluez2/lib >> /etc/
# ldconfig

Put BlueZ into /opt/bluez2 to avoid conflict
with earlier, production-quality versions of the BlueZ tools. We
suggest that you don't put
/opt/bluez2/bin in your path, but invoke the 2.0
tools with their full path. When BlueZ 2.0 is released, however, feel
free to use them with wild abandon.

Next, you must verify that the user-level input module is working.
Check that the device /dev/misc/uinput exists.
If not, create it with mknod /dev/misc/uinput c 10
. Load the module with modprobe

If you use your mouse with the XFree86 windowing system, ensure that
it has a suitable entry. If you already use a USB mouse, you should
have this already. Here is a configuration appropriate for the
Microsoft Bluetooth mouse, supporting its scroll wheel:

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "MSMouse"
Driver "mouse"
Option "Protocol" "IMPS/2"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
Option "Buttons" "5"
Option "Emulate3Buttons" "false"

Additionally, ensure that InputDevice "MSMouse"
" is added to the ServerLayout section of
your XFree86 configuration.

Adding Bluetooth input devices to your system is now a matter of
invoking the /opt/bluez2/bthid program. This
runs once as a daemon, and then you should invoke it again, each time
to add a device:

# /opt/bluez2/bin/bthid -d
# /opt/bluez2/bin/bthid -c 11:22:33:44:55:66

Note that the input devices need to be paired before they will
connect. With mice, the manufacturer presets the PIN, usually to
0000. With keyboards, you enter a PIN and press
return on the Bluetooth keyboard. As ever, keep an eye on the system
log to help diagnose failures. Connecting to Bluetooth ISDN modems

Marcel Holtmann has written the necessary tools to interface with
Bluetooth-enabled ISDN modems. The relevant
software and instructions can be found on his web site at

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